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Lake Tahoe
Oct 22, 2012 - 06:42pm PT
Had to shovel snow this morning. I love winter but yuck, the first snowfall is always a bit of a bummer because of the shoveling.

Captain...or Skully

Oct 22, 2012 - 06:55pm PT
Gives up, maybe?

Social climber
The Deli
Oct 22, 2012 - 08:31pm PT
Lee Vining Canyon, 9:30 this morning. Snow level was a few hundred feet above town. Hopefully it melts soon!


Social climber
The Chihuahua Desert
Oct 22, 2012 - 08:57pm PT
Indian summer in Nu Mexico.
It was 70 at Sierra Blanca and 68 in Taos,that’s just not right. ... of course i have a prepaid season pass.

Trad climber
The state of confusion
Oct 22, 2012 - 09:09pm PT

Fritz, just because you had short telephone poles back then. . .

hee hee hee. . .

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Oct 23, 2012 - 12:02pm PT
Got snow on the ground here at 43.49°N 110.75°W (Elev. 6327 ft). It may be here to stay for a week at least.

Dealing with muddy sh#t pens filling with water. My girly tiny trench digging skills are coming back to's gunna be a long winter.

Trad climber
Kalispell, Montana
Oct 23, 2012 - 03:45pm PT
I didn't know you did that much of it. Yeah, Izaak absolutely rules. Been skiing out there my whole life. You know we have races out there right? Mostly skate.

Big Mtn was up and running last year. It was cool cuz they connected it with Iron Horse so I think about 20K groomed for skate. But it's up to Glacier Nordic to groom it and they don't do it when there's good snow at the golf course in Whitefish.

On Blacktail you can skin runs on Mondays and Tuesdays when they're closed. If it snows on Sunday you got untracked to yourself.


Trad climber
Kalispell, Montana
Oct 23, 2012 - 04:30pm PT

They must have some great big cat grooming though. I've always heard Shasta is one of the very best ski descents.

We're gonna hafta meet up. . .
Yeah but you might have to come climbing too. I know you don't care for Stone Hill that much but some of the routes there are my all time favorites.

How about the OSCAR down in Seely? What a cultural event!
Charlie D.

Trad climber
Western Slope, Tahoe Sierra
Oct 23, 2012 - 05:14pm PT
I love the early season banter of skiers! Soon I'll be hearing tales of cold 5% Montana smoke and artic wax on squeeky skis in the Teton's! I'm typically driven crazy every year hearing all about it when that mid winter warm Pacific front waters down our home range to 9,000 ft. Our windows to awesome conditions are smaller and farer between.

But you know it's all good, never had a bad day on skis as long as you avoid bad company! Would love to join in up there with eKat and ionlyski in the far north of Montana one of these days. I'll be in Bozeman hiking Bridger Bowl at some point, never seem to go much further north unless it's to the Selkirk' many great options, the work thing sure gets in the way!

Have a great winter season everyone, the Tahoe Sierra is off to a great start with 24" as of this morning up on the summit and more expected into tomorrow. Next week more on the way!!!

Berg Heil,

Charlie D.
The Alpine

Oct 23, 2012 - 05:33pm PT
Turn up the volume and go fullscreen. This is the pow of pow:

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Trad climber
Kalispell, Montana
Oct 23, 2012 - 05:59pm PT
What's OSCAR?

Ya gotta look it up. Not sure about the spelling. It is an epic 50k race through the woods, one big lap, crossing over a mountain pass. It's been going over 30 years with some years nearly breaking trail along the way. But recently it is quality grooming the whole way. People come from all over for it with some racers logging in 25 or more OSCARS over the years.

Ah, here it is
Stevee B

Mountain climber
Oakland, CA
Oct 23, 2012 - 07:17pm PT
Whaddya think Bryce? Should I head up there instead of the valley this weekend?

Gym climber
It's not rocket surgery
Oct 23, 2012 - 10:49pm PT
Captain...or Skully

Oct 24, 2012 - 01:10am PT
Our first taste will be gone soon. The days are just too damn warm yet. It's ok, though.
Winter is just thinking about showing up, in full regalia.
You'll soon behold the Splendor...Might as well dig it. Life is Now.
I'm glad I was there for the first bit.That's always wondrous.
Captain...or Skully

Oct 24, 2012 - 01:40am PT
Ollie! Feelin' the stoke.
Why am I not surprised? ;-)

Social climber
Oct 24, 2012 - 04:29am PT
hey there say, ekat and all...

wow, my twins buddies got snow this morning, well, tues, that is, :))

i am LATE to the snow thread, wow--it's gotten long, :)

i liked what capt. or skully, helped start it all out with:

Fortunately for Idaho, we rest against(or for) Montana. Therefore we get snow. Without the Rockies, we're nobody. Just another desert.

Thanks be to high rocky places


not sure YET when ours gets here...
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oct 24, 2012 - 06:22am PT

the last bivy
Oct 24, 2012 - 09:26am PT
JOEYF where did you take that picture? Is that out here? Did you know there's about 30" in Tahoe right now at the higher elevations on the west and north.

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Oct 24, 2012 - 10:44am PT
Here's a Sun Valley real-time shot this morning. Great, great nordic trail system there, and the World's easiest 30 k. race, the annual Boulder Mountain Tour.

and on the other hand. No snow here and we had a great garden harvest yesterday. The last tomatoes, arulgula, carrots, onions, parsnips, and 10 gallons of potatoes.

(Arnie! Great to see you posting!)

Social climber
Oct 24, 2012 - 09:04pm PT
hey there say, all, as to the newest pics...

joey F.... great shot!

mouse, very nice norways skies!

i love that webcam... thanks for sharing...

always loved how the sun shines through clear skies onto
the fresh-snowed-up mts, too...

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