Chemtrails -- Uh, Oh, It's really Happening (Not OT)


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Trad climber
Oct 9, 2010 - 11:58am PT

Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2010 - 11:59am PT

Argue the above evidence and stop the personal attacks. Or don't you have the brains to do so?

All you got is ridicule.

Boulder climber
I'm James Brown, Bi-atch!
Oct 9, 2010 - 12:01pm PT
follow the chem trail?

i think i found it, should i get a "i found it!" bumper sticker?


Trad climber
Oct 9, 2010 - 12:04pm PT
This would be a good bumper sticker for Klimmer.


Trad climber
Oct 9, 2010 - 12:05pm PT
Mike Bolte

Trad climber
Planet Earth
Oct 9, 2010 - 12:05pm PT
My guess is that if our friend K is really a teacher, it is at a private christian school.

Klimmer, do you know anything about the physics of contrail formation? It is interesting and semi-complex physics. Landau and Lifshitz laid it all out.

Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2010 - 12:12pm PT
My guess is that if our friend K is really a teacher, it is at a private christian school.

Klimmer, do you know anything about the physics of contrail formation? It is interesting and semi-complex physics. Landau and Lifshitz laid it all out.

Mike B.,

I do not ever talk about these things with my students in Public School. It isn't the time or the place. Seperation of Church and State. I'm fine by that. I prefer it.

I come to "wacked out" ST to discuss these things.

Hopefully, we can have an intelligent conversation regarding these matters, but some just can't get out of preschool mentality and ridicule to actually look at the evidence.

I'm more than willing to look at the physics of con-trails, or for that matter chem-trails.

Just a casual observation, con-trails dissapate quickly. Chem-trails do not. They seem to spread out and linger for a very long time and even merge together. I do not recall con-trails ever doing this.

Let's be honest, con-trails have never been an issue except for maybe ruining an Ansel Adams or Galen Rowell like image in the back country. It hasn't been until, what maybe the 1990s that people started to notice a significant difference and started asking questions.

Berkeley, CA
Oct 9, 2010 - 12:21pm PT
Was NWO in the vaccine conspiracy thread getting too much attention Klimmer?

Boulder climber
I'm James Brown, Bi-atch!
Oct 9, 2010 - 12:34pm PT
it's the Chronic.

i've seen it before.

teachers get straight, the flash backs from Nam go away, then one day,

a student brings a spliff, and damn!

the whole ugly thing rears it's ugly head again and pretty soon you start having dreams about your dead grandmother sitting on your chest with a bowie knife.

oh, and you guys wanna pass prop 19, this is a perfect example of why some kids should not due drugs,

do you want the whole state of california to end up fruit loops like the moon arc guy or whatever?


Oct 9, 2010 - 12:37pm PT
Hopefully, we can have an intelligent conversation regarding these matters,

don't count on it. you have a track record. your conspiracy theory posts have been debunked far to many times for you to stand a chance at intelligent conversation. you won't get it because you blew it long ago.

though if you do start getting serious discussion I'll have to remember to short aluminum stocks.
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Oct 9, 2010 - 12:37pm PT
Is that one of klimmer's non-imaginary friends?

Oct 9, 2010 - 12:39pm PT
I think so and I think it also happens to be Weld_it's pops.

Trad climber
Swimming in LEB tears.
Oct 9, 2010 - 12:40pm PT
False assumption and sorry attempt at ridicule.

More like humorous attempt to narrow things down a bit. There are few well known conspiracy theories that you have yet to champion in GREAT detail on this forum, so where's the line? Is Hillary Clinton a shapeshifting lizard from the 6th dimension? Just trying to see where on the tinfoil spectrum you saw "whoa now, that is pretty nuts."
Spider Savage

Mountain climber
Oct 9, 2010 - 12:44pm PT
I'm not subscribing to the conspiracies and I admit I've followed no links earlier in this thread due to lack of interest.


Exhaust from jet planes is a serious environmental problem. North America has a constant brown haze at about 30,000 ft due to plane traffic.

During the 3 days after 9/11 when all flights were grounded, we had this surreal clear view of the stars.

We need to find ways to move around freely without spewing crap all over the place.
Mike Bolte

Trad climber
Planet Earth
Oct 9, 2010 - 12:44pm PT
Just a casual observation, con-trails dissapate quickly. Chem-trails do not. They seem to spread out and linger for a very long time and even merge together. I do not recall con-trails ever doing this.

Klimm buddy, if you think this statement is a good start to an intelligent conversation then the conversation is over! Do some reading about how contrails form and dissipate if you have any interest in being able to think about this in an informed way. Don't bring your recollection into the debate unless you have been studying contrails carefully for the timescale of your recollection and have factored in how flightpaths have been changed, particularly in altitude over the last two decades.

Oct 9, 2010 - 12:45pm PT
Can you post the best summation of a scientific study that this is happening now Klimmer?

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Oct 9, 2010 - 01:06pm PT
Dihydrogen monoxide is dangerous stuff. Kills thousands every year.

Klimmer's smart to be concerned about trails of it in the upper atmosphere.

Trad climber
Swimming in LEB tears.
Oct 9, 2010 - 01:13pm PT
Spider said

Exhaust from jet planes is a serious environmental problem. North America has a constant brown haze at about 30,000 ft due to plane traffic.

Plane exhaust is not chemtrails. Exhaust is a byproduct of uncombusted jet fuel. Chemtrails are chemicals purposefully sprayed from planes to give us all cancer/AIDS/mindcontrol drugs.

Oct 9, 2010 - 01:17pm PT
sincere advise here, Klimmer. Please acknowledge, m'k?

On this forum quit with the phrase "Wake up". Many here are awake. If you believe that then ask yourself again why you get the reaction you do.

I appreciate your efforts. I want people to be inquisitive. But HDDJ makes a good point - at what point do YOU draw the line and say, "whoa, stop, that's just nuts!."? If you want us to view your posts with any credibility we need a gage on that.

less pasting of articles and more links. In particular don't cherry pick.

I end up skimming over quotes from articles because I want to read it from the source so I can then judge how much I trust that particular source.

Less volume all the way around. Be more concise. See if you can pull off what couchmaster just asked you to do.

Look.... I do think you are a little nutty. maybe you are not at all. but the way you read on this forum suggests nutty. Some of the conspiracy stuff you post I wonder about as well. I'm not sold on the public 911 story at all. I'm certain that one bullet didn't bounce around a car a number of times eventually killing Kennedy with said bullet only to be found later completely in tact. Some of the people that have been in power in our government are very shady people. Money, Power, Greed == not always the nicest people. And our Government has been shown to be a part of conspiracies.

But think about your approach a little bit. I've learned stuff from posts you've started. Most likely what I learned probably wasn't what you were "teaching".

You stir the pot.

Hell, you might be surprised how many people on this forum don't completely disregard the possibilities of Chemtrails and gov't envolvement. I don't doubt it but I do find that I often doubt your sources.

Real question for you: when was the last magnetic shift of the Earth (compass points south).
I know of two dates. The first is what I, as a scientist, know to be valid. The second is what a different type of individuals has come up with.
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Oct 9, 2010 - 02:20pm PT
Dihydrogen monoxide - the silent killer.
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