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Trad climber
Loveland, CO
Feb 9, 2016 - 05:49pm PT
A lot of people I know here in Colorado are tempted to support Trump. Mostly independents and almost all of them voted for Obama twice. It is a fascinating twist of perspective.

Trad climber
Courtenay, B.C.
Feb 9, 2016 - 06:23pm PT
T Hocking: How sad that you actually think that way.

Whether you like it or not, politics affects pretty well everything in your life from the food you eat, the music you listen to and so on.

Even if and where you can go climbing.

You shouldn't be proud of your apathy. Not so long ago, you would be in the armed forces and possibly in the middle of a shooting war whether you liked it or not - unless your folks could afford to buy you a deferment.

Trad climber
Loveland, CO
Feb 9, 2016 - 07:53pm PT
Ha. Pretty clever..Joker face. Wasn't there obama/joker face a couple years ago. Most people thought it was distasteful, a couple years later it is funny. Full circle

Social climber
Feb 9, 2016 - 07:58pm PT

IF LYING is so important of reason not to vote for someone, then why do you support voting for Donald Trump.

Mr. Trump is a HUGE LIAR, have you spend one second looking up his LIES?

Tell me why you support and would vote for him then?

Boulder, CO
Feb 9, 2016 - 08:18pm PT
why bother, Norton? just refer to apogee's latest comment and be done with it. he's spot on.

Trad climber
Courtenay, B.C.
Feb 9, 2016 - 09:14pm PT
James Brennan: Why don't you grow up? There's plenty of psychiatrists in the Yellow Pages who could help you learn to behave like an adult.

It's a pity that you weren't man enough to apologize for assaulting me with that last slanderous assault, or even to admit that you were demonstrably incompetent to discuss labour law.

Your credibility is non-existent, and you bore me.


T. Hocking: What made me believe that you weren't planning to vote was the misleading nature of your post.

Nevertheless, I'll apologize.

Big Wall climber
Feb 9, 2016 - 09:31pm PT
If you right wingnutz aren't crazy about Hillary, that's understandable.

But if you think Trump is an appropriate alternative, you are truly f*#ked in the head.

Apogee YOU numb NUTZZ.. Enjoy the Show!!!!


Come over to STONEY POINT i'll buy you a BEER!

Trad climber
Courtenay, B.C.
Feb 9, 2016 - 10:13pm PT
pyro: I've actually checked - you have NEVER posted a comment that couldn't have been posted by a particularly slow eight year old pustule.

Congratulations for selflessly contributing your atrophied brain to the world's defective gene pool.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Feb 9, 2016 - 10:14pm PT
Yeah, I get what you're saying, pyro. If it wasn't real, it would actually be pretty goddam funny.

Except for the fact that there's a bunch of you who actually fall in line with Trump's hateful blather, and Trump's prospects are 100% real. That's the truly disturbing part.

Trad climber
Loveland, CO
Feb 10, 2016 - 06:24am PT
Congratulations for selflessly contributing your atrophied brain to the world's defective gene pool.
Stewart you are starting sound like Trump, maybe you guys have more in common than you thought

Trad climber
Feb 10, 2016 - 10:18am PT
Cosmic - Which of Trump's campaign platforms have gotten you so solid in your support?

I am trying to understand why people are backing him, but I just haven't been able to get past his obnoxious behavior. I think the one that broke this camel's back was when he mimicked the hand gestures of that reporter who has a disease which h=makes it difficult for him to coordinate his hand motions. And then he lied and said he had not idea what the man looked like or any issues he had, and that he was displaying what he thought a "flustered reporter" would look like.

Here is a story, for those who may not recall:

Trad climber
Feb 10, 2016 - 10:22am PT
Trump manifests the white male's yearning for the days when they could express their racism, misogyny and xenophobia openly and with abandon.
the Fet

Feb 10, 2016 - 10:29am PT
//Full Definition of bigot
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance//

I see the appeal of trump as someone who is antiestablishment, who is possibly self financed and not beholden to special interest, who doesn't have the typical politicians filter. But the guy is a bigot and likely has narcissistic personality disorder. Identifying yourself as a trump supporter lumps you in with him. If you are fine with that so be it, but I'd never wanted to be associated with those attitudes. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be friends or climb with a supporter but it would definitely make me question their judgement.

It's interesting to see the rise of Kasich. Seems like the current Romney. The remaining guy left when the more ridiculous choices are weeded out.

Feb 10, 2016 - 11:53am PT
Fet, I would probably (gulp!) prefer Bush over Kasich,

Anyway...fet you nail it about Trump.

Here is another reminder of why a Trump presidency would be terrifying. He doesn't really state anything new that hasn't already been stated here, but it is worth repeating.

Trad climber
Fresno CA
Feb 10, 2016 - 12:09pm PT
Does Trump have a platform other than megalomania and xenophobia? I await his proposals on things that really matter to promote the general welfare to to insure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, and I see nothing of substance. The most successful transformative presidencies of my lifetime - Johnson, Reagan, Clinton - had basic principles guiding their direction. Trump's is little more than "Trust me - I'm smart." I don't trust him, because he isn't as smart as he thinks he is.

Where does he want the United States to go? Is he like King Knute, ordering the tide to stop ebbing and flowing, or does he want to see us move in a direction likely to improve the general welfare? If so, what is that direction, and how does it make us better?

If I read the polling data correctly, Trump appeals to several disparate groups: (1) (obviously) xenophobes; (2) those fed up with identity politics, and the sanitized language it currently engenders; and (3) those who see the government functioning solely for narrowly special interests, but not just "the 1%." The last group would include just about anyone other than Sandersnistas who sees the government favoring some other group over themselves, for example, West Virginia coal miners who see the government favoring environmentalists (as opposed to the environment) over their employment.

Not surprisingly, he's done very little to tell those people what, exactly, he is going to do to help them, except that he will take action against people who can't vote (i.e. aliens and foreign trading partners). Meanwhile, the press (there's that villain again) gives him lots of air time without pinning him down on policy.


Trad climber
Feb 10, 2016 - 12:30pm PT
Trump has numerous substantive policies:

Make America Great Again by giving rich people huge tax cuts.

Make American Great Again by building The Wall, decreasing legal immigration, criminalizing illegal immigration and making it harder to seek asylum in the US.

Make American Great Again by declaring China a currency manipulator and then deter it's theft of intellectual property by deploying the navy to the South China Sea (presumably threatening war?)

Make American Great Again by allowing everyone to concealed carry and for the military to carry weapons on base.

Make American Great Again by improving the VA.

Pretty much all of his pans rely heavily on "waste, fraud and abuse" elimination.

Feb 10, 2016 - 12:34pm PT
Not surprisingly, he's done very little to tell those people what, exactly, he is going to do to help them, except that he will take action against people who can't vote (i.e. aliens and foreign trading partners). Meanwhile, the press (there's that villain again) gives him lots of air time without pinning him down on policy.

They haven't, and it's long past time to quit giving him a pass. They have been quick to call out his insults, which are easy targets, but now that he is a front runner his policies have to scrutinized closely.

The other candidates have failed to do this, too. Maybe Christie could do it, now that he won't be running a campaign?

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Feb 10, 2016 - 03:43pm PT
Cosmic, you have a right to vote for whomever you want.

Yeah, I'm still up for it but I'm hitting the snow pretty heavy right now. Come spring, let's work something out. All I'm climbing now is plastic, although the granite looks pretty warm up on Donner Summit right now.

Trad climber
Courtenay, B.C.
Feb 10, 2016 - 04:16pm PT
James Brennan: Too damn bad that you're too dumb to have read about the Rand Formula, which dates back to 1946, but please don't keep boring our U.S.sisters and brothers to death with your juvenile interpretation of Canadian labour legislation.

Also, nice to see that you're still not man enough to apologize for that avalanche of slander you unleashed upon me about my behaviour during a labour disruption you clearly knew nothing about

Gee... maybe you can start a riveting thread about Canadian labour law and see how many people show up.


Now would you please get back to topic of this thread and try to say something intelligent (as in not your habitual cut and paste job of other people's thoughts) about this for a change?


trailridge127: Yeah - you got me. I'm trying to get elected President of the U.S. so that I can deport that twisted little prick, build a wall around him and stick him with the tab. Devastating logic.


Social climber
Feb 10, 2016 - 04:26pm PT

Happiegrlll2 asks Cosmic

Cosmic - Which of Trump's campaign platforms have gotten you so solid in your support?

I am trying to understand why people are backing him, but I just haven't been able to get past his obnoxious behavior. I think the one that broke this camel's back was when he mimicked the hand gestures of that reporter who has a disease which h=makes it difficult for him to coordinate his hand motions. And then he lied and said he had not idea what the man looked like or any issues he had, and that he was displaying what he thought a "flustered reporter" would look like.

Yes, like Happiegrrl2 I too would like to read Cosmic's reasoning for supporting Trump

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