Chemtrails -- Uh, Oh, It's really Happening (Not OT)


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Nov 17, 2010 - 05:21am PT
its on to bigger things, tony. I just found this. yo klimmer check it out. Not conspiracy.

TC Group
News Release
10 May 2010
As huge cloud-whitening experiment goes public,
global coalition urges an immediate halt to
First UN talks on issue in thirty years begin today
Amidst revelations in this weekend’s London Times newspaper1 that a team of
scientists and engineers funded by billionaire Bill Gates are planning to carry
out a 10,000 square kilometer field trial of controversial “cloud-whitening”
technology, over one hundred civil society groups are urging governments
meeting on biological diversity in Nairobi to stop risky geoengineering
experiments now. Geoengineering refers to large-scale technological schemes to
intentionally alter the planet’s systems as a quick fix for climate change.
The San Francisco based “Silver Lining Project” directed by entrepreneur Kelly
Wanser has so far received $300,000 from Bill Gates to develop technologies that
will increase the whiteness of marine clouds. Theoretically, executed on a
massive scale, whiter clouds could increase the earth’s albedo, reflecting more
sunlight back to space and thereby reduce global warming (without changing the
composition of greenhouse gases which cause warming). The Silver Lining
Project has decided to press ahead with plans to alter cloud-cover over an
undisclosed 10,000 square kilometre patch of ocean (as large as the BP oil slick
was a few days ago). If not stopped, the Gates ‘cloud-bleaching’ experiment
would be the largest known geoengineering field trial to date. Its effects could
include changes in rainfall and other altered weather patterns. Among the sites
frequently spoken of by scientists engaged in this research are the Pacific coasts
of North and South America (specifically California, Ecuador, Peru and Chile).
Most worrisome, the Times revealed: “The British and American scientists
involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that
deliberately alters the climate.” Such rules could be set in motion this week as
scientists and diplomats from 193 nations meet under the auspices of the
UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s scientific body. The meeting in Nairobi
1 See Ben Webster, Bill Gates Pays for artificial clouds to beat greenhouse gases, 8 May 2010,
Times Online at
of SBSTTA 14 (Subsidiary Body of Scientific, Technical and Technological
Advice, running from May 10-21 2010) is the first time a UN Body has addressed
geoengineering as a whole since the signing of the ENMOD Treaty in Geneva in
1976 that banned environmental modification for “hostile uses”.2
A new global coalition will be urging governments in Nairobi to adopt a
moratorium on all geoengineering experiments, just as the UN Convention on
Biological Diversity adopted a moratorium on ocean fertilization in 2008. Over
one hundred organizations and individuals, including leading names in the
environmental and global justice movement have joined H.O.M.E. campaign:
Hands off Mother Earth--Our Home is not a Laboratory
“Our Home Planet Earth should not be treated as a laboratory for risky
geoengineering experiments,” says Silvia Ribeiro of ETC Group in Mexico from
the Nairobi SBSTTA meeting. “Human-caused climate change already threatens
our lands, seas, food supply and rights. We do not want to embark on another
dangerous experiment with our planet. If they think that the people and
governments of Ecuador, Peru or Chile – or anywhere else they might try -- will
stand idly by as they mess with our oceans, clouds and weather, they are in for a
surprise. Delegates here are shocked by these plans.”
“We knew Microsoft was developing cloud applications for computers but we
didn’t expect this,” explained Jim Thomas of ETC Group, one of the founding
organizations of the HOME campaign “Bill Gates and his cloud-wrenching
cronies have no right to unilaterally change our seas and skies in this way. A
global moratorium on geoengineering experiments just became a whole lot more
urgent and the meeting in Nairobi is a fine place to ensure that it gets put into
place rapidly.”
Additional background:
What: Geoengineering refers to large-scale technological proposals to fix climate
change by deliberately altering the climate, weather, atmosphere and oceans.
Examples of geoengineering schemes include dumping nutrients into the sea to
grow algal blooms (called Ocean Fertilization), turning extensive monoculture
plantations into charcoal to bury in the soil (called biochar) and deliberately
polluting the upper atmosphere with sulphur or aluminium particles to reflect
sunlight (called stratospheric aerosols) as well as cloud-whitening. All of these
experiments have large potential impacts on environment, biodiversity and the
livelihoods of people especially in the Global South. Geoengineering advocates
2 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of Environmental
Modification Techniques. See
argue that there is no time for a global political agreement to address the real
causes of climate change, so brave new scientists and wealthy entrepreneurs
should save the world for all of us instead, with their own technofixes.
There are now several geoengineering experiments getting underway without
any global oversight framework in place and larger experiments are planned.
Geoengineers, including those behind the Gates cloud-wrenching test have
recently proposed “voluntary guidelines” rather than full independent
multilateral oversight of the field. The proposal currently before SBSTTA 14 is for
governments to look into the biodiversity implications of geoengineering (as well
as to examine the ongoing work on ocean fertilization which began in 2008). Civil
society groups are insisting experiments be stopped while governments examine
the implications of such research.
Who: A new global campaign and coalition to stop Geoengineering experiments
was launched last month at an international climate change meeting in
Cochabamba, Bolivia. This Hands Off Mother Earth (H.O.M.E.) Campaign is
calling on governments through the UN to put a halt to unilateral open-air
geoengineering experiments – arguing they are too risky and unjust. Supporters
of the HOME campaign against geoengineering include high profile
environmentalists such as Bill McKibben, David Suzuki, Vandana Shiva and
Naomi Klein. Organizations supporting the HOME campaign include ETC
Group, Friends of the Earth International, Third World Network, Indigenous
Environmental Network, la Via Campenina, Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact,
Biofuelwatch and many others.
Show of Hands: Additionally members of the public have been uploading their
pictures with their hands held up with messages against geoengineering to a
growing photo petition at A giant poster
displaying the protest is on display at SBSTTA 14 in Nairobi and ETC Group has
three people at the meeting, working with campaign partners to inform delegates
of the protest and the reasons behind it.
For more information about Hands Off Mother Earth Campaign see
In Nairobi:
*Neth Dano, cell & SMS + 63 917 532 9369
Nairobi cell: +254 712 605 622
Silvia Ribeiro, cell & SMS +52 1 55 2653 3330
Nairobi cell: +254 712 601 660
*Molly Kane, cell & SMS: + 1 613 797 642
In Canada:
Diana Bronson -; cell: +1 514 629 9236
Jim Thomas - cell: +1 514 516 5759
Pat Mooney – cell: +1 613 240 0045

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Nov 17, 2010 - 05:39am PT
You guys are kidding me right? Someone is selling Bill quite a bill of goods there. Do any of you know anything about aerosolizing water? Well, I know just enough to be dangerous from working in greenhouses and checking out some outdoor a/c systems in the SW. The level of filtration required to do it on any practical level is mind-boggling. Simply put, the energy required to pump, filter, and project seawater to 3000' is enormous. And over 3800 square miles? Ever been out to sea? You could have a fleet the equivalent of the US Navy's destroyer fleet and you couldn't make fog on a sunny day let alone a cloud deck in an area that size. That, and any deckhand would explain how a little four letter word would derail any such attempt - salt. Also, one way or another you'd be burning and ocean of bunker oil to even make the attempt. Get a grip - it's a ridiculous proposition - ain't gonna happen no matter how much money Bill throws at the problem.

Nov 17, 2010 - 06:03am PT
So your saying that the richest and one of the most powerful man in america and the world with ultiment ties to the goverment & the military doesn't know what he is talking about or doing.
I think you need to get a grip.

And why are you up so late and checking this thread? Shuffeling about wondering if we will catch onto goverment lies. It's so beyond that now!
Good luck. You'll need it. Good nite.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Nov 17, 2010 - 06:42am PT
Common sense my friend, common sense.

I can assure you Bill Gates doesn't know squat about any of the realities involved - plenty of other ex-Navy guys around here will tell you the same thing. Complete bullocks from start to finish and $300k will buy you or Bill some pretty pictures, bad videos, and a couple of hundred pages of bullshit and that's about it. Does it hurt to explore ideas and think things through? Nah, but none of it will ever pencil out from an energy perspective and certainly not in the face of replenishment and maintenance realities.

You lend way too much credence to geoengineering - there is no credible short-term geoengineering solution to the problem of climate change. Simply put the scale, scope, expense, and energy involved with any large-scale technological attempts like this to directly counter or offset the effects of increasing populations and the burning of wood, coal, and oil to sustain them are doomed to failure.

It's just more warm, fuzzy-feeling sci-fi that feeds the delusion that humans can and will somehow organize and invest en masse for collective societal returns in some distant future or generation on one hand, or that some [evil of course] hyper-competent 'government' or 'secret society' exists and is capable of doing these sorts things on the other. Both are going to be pretty damn disappointing notions from my perspective.

In this case and scenario, it just isn't gonna happen / work even if Bill, George Soros, and Warren Buffet each spent their entire fortunes on the venture tomorrow. If you think it will I have an ark on the far side of the moon I'd like to sell you. And if Bill wants to do something productive for global warming he should sink a few bucks into his own backyard to help stop the wholly ridiculous prospect of burning mass quantities of diesel and bunker oil in trains and ships in order to move Montana coal to China via the port in Longview, WA so it can pollute Asia and dump more mercury on the West coast.

Sure, let's attempt to make fleets of ocean-going vaporizers before simply stopping the bulk movement of coal around the world - great idea. Personally, I'd say Bill needs to get his priorities in order.
Tony Bird

Northridge, CA
Nov 17, 2010 - 11:33am PT
sounds like pretty hot stuff, abenda, basically conceding the chemtrails issue. way too much for me to read through today.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Nov 17, 2010 - 01:58pm PT
Tony, your bar for hotness is pretty low. Coal on boats to china is a very real 'conspiracy' but obviously not as fun.
Tony Bird

Northridge, CA
Nov 18, 2010 - 09:46am PT
healyje, i think you're as old a fart as i am. i grew up under the skies of the 50s, 60s and 70s, and there was never anything like what we see today. did you grow up in the black hole of manhattan where they never look up at the sky? there are a lot of people on ST who were born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s. they grew up assuming chemtrails are normal.

Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 18, 2010 - 02:59pm PT

Thanks for posting that.

Pretty much confirms they were already doing it.

They usually do things first and then try to ask permission.

It's a sad World we live in.

I do not like these mad scientists who do global experiments at our risk and the risk to the health and balance to the entire planet.

Trad climber
The Illuminati -- S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division
Nov 18, 2010 - 04:26pm PT

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Nov 18, 2010 - 04:37pm PT
Pretty much confirms they were already doing it.

WTF? No, it confirms that Bill gave $300k to some folks in SF to think about it some more, which is all $300k will buy you in such an endeavor. That amount of money wouldn't buy you the keel of a ship capable being a platform for the attempt.

Again, not a single one of the proposed direct offset solutions on that chart will work and individually or collectively would never achieve the necessary scale to even be classified a failure.
Tony Bird

Northridge, CA
Jan 16, 2011 - 12:55pm PT
if it's on television, you have to believe it, right?

oops--wrong link.
Tony Bird

Northridge, CA
Jan 16, 2011 - 09:14pm PT
here's the link i meant:


Trad climber
Feb 1, 2011 - 08:19pm PT
Annals of the Bohemian Club 1872-1880

Trad climber
The Illuminati -- S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division
Feb 1, 2011 - 09:40pm PT
How can they let this important volume of inside Illuminati records be auctioned off? This is worse than Wikileaks!

Berkeley, CA
Feb 4, 2011 - 11:47pm PT
Good thing you deleted that post Abenda.

I mean come on, goat-milk chemtrails?

Not even Klimmer or Tony would go for that. Ok, maybe Tony.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Feb 4, 2011 - 11:54pm PT
As someone who has followed all the recombinate work on spider silk for twenty years it is hard to understate the level of inanity, stupidity, gross lapses in basic common sense, flawed logic, and lack of basic science demonstrated throughout the linkchain you posted.

Even a couple of basic thought exercises would tell you it's ludicrous on the face of it.

Feb 5, 2011 - 12:09am PT
The Illuminati (you know, graniteclimber's people) are trying to kill us through:

-Fluoridated water
-Swine Flu Vaccines

And we're still alive.

The only conclusion I can reach is that graniteclimber, your people suck. Are you capable of doing anything right?

Feb 5, 2011 - 12:13am PT
WTF I cant get to the last post

Feb 5, 2011 - 12:16am PT
goat-milk chemtrails


Too funny .....

Feb 5, 2011 - 12:48am PT
Hay Healyje, Can you post up some of your studies and info from the past 20 years. You worked in the Navy, right? Im really interested in why you dont think this spraying program wont work. I have been following the processes of terraforming for the past 20 years & I think our gov & Bill are on to someting here. I dont believe that it is a Nazi plot to kill us. ( Well that could be true, duh ) But I do believe that you are wrong sir to believe that our TPTB are not trying to change our climate as we speak.
If you dont go outside and really you know realy, realy watch watch what different planes do in the sky above you, you will not understand the program of spraying.
I am lucky that I live in jet city and am very unemployed & live by Boeing airport in Georgetown. I watch a billon jets everyday. I aint stupid>
Healyje what up?
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