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Trad climber
Aug 30, 2005 - 01:14pm PT
But there are only 3 or 4 ???Out of thousands??

San Francisco
Aug 30, 2005 - 01:43pm PT
WSJ has a wealth of well-reported information, as long as you keep in mind that it is the unofficial propaganda organ of the corporate wing of the American right, and is about as credible on political issues as Pravda. You are unlikely to encounter any outright lies (unless they are simply repeated from a government source without comment - common tactic); it's more in the editorial decisions. You will read all the news that's fit to support the corporate agenda.

The Economist is good. They are shameless capitalists, but at least they are upfront about it, and, being English, they don't have to pander to bigots and religious fanatics to keep their party together. But again, stories are selected, and presented from a perspective, which supports their pro-business agenda.

Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Aug 30, 2005 - 02:43pm PT
Fattrad: "GWB is not very eloquent...". Wow, what an understatement.

BTW, guy, I asked you on the 'investment' thread what your line of work is. It seems to me that you are an LEO, a financial 'adviser' (or something) and also involved in politics or something. Another Wow, that's a lot, how do you find time for climbing and posting here? Just curious.

Of course, you could have one line of work, I just don't know what line. As for me, I have been a journalist for over 32 years in five countries (yes, even the US), but for the past ten years I have been trying to make it as an actor. Not easy, especially in Ireland. I guess I'll be LA bound soon to pursue my acting career, seeing as how I turned down a very good videojournalist job with CNN to pursue acting back in August 1994 when I was back at my alma mater (Cal State Hayward) working on my masters.

Like for like - I told you now maybe you can fess up about what appears to be a multiple career (and I am sure that has nothing to do with multiple personalities).


I just saw your post to Bilbo. So you work in financial services, as your e-mail address suggests. But how do you just 'dabble' as a cop? And what about all those shoulders you rub in the political world?

Topic Author's Reply - Aug 30, 2005 - 02:54pm PT
"what's that thing hanging over your belt"

Something that wouldn't all fit under it. :-))

Young whippersnapper! Middleage will catch you one of these days.
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Aug 30, 2005 - 03:11pm PT
fattrad: Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.

You should be able to change your e-mail address through the Edit Profile function near top right of page.
bob d'antonio

Trad climber
boulder, co
Aug 30, 2005 - 04:30pm PT
Why is GWB hair green in the above photo??

What the feck has he been eating, drinking or smoking??

167 stinking feet above sea level : (
Jan 5, 2006 - 12:20am PT

Flagstaff, AZ
Jan 5, 2006 - 01:18am PT
Matt - i'd buy you a good beer any day.

don't stop.
Spinmaster K-Rove

Trad climber
Stuck Under the Kor Roof
Jan 5, 2006 - 02:50pm PT

Those "how to spin like Rove" classes are paying off! I don't even know who Newsome is but I'm already blaming him for the homeless problem. Tell me another one!
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