Lost and Found at the Leap (+ lots of photos)


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Trad climber
sf ca
May 13, 2008 - 02:51pm PT
Willoughby, I am part of the group that was on Corrugation Corner you refered to as the Expedition with 3 ropes. I am also the same person you ran into on hogwild as you were downclimbing. We talked and I said I thought it was great that this was your first trip to the leap.
First off you have no place making reference to an Expedition on CC or as you said a sh#t storm. Our style that must have upset you included (2) ropes not 3, Simul toproping the two followers and a finishing time of 1.5 hours. I believe it took you two a couple of hours on S Pillar. No problem your new to the leap and obvioiusly too busy placing pro and taping your hands to incorporate speed into your day.
If you ever have anything to say to a fellow climber, say it at the parking lot,dont blab about sh#t on the internet in a TR that was to say the least pretty standard for everyone that climbs at the leap, You do not belong at the leap, it is reserved for climbers who respect others on all facets of the sport. I don't appreciate slander and when I see you at the leap again we will have a chance to speak face to face.


Trad climber
San Francisco, CA
May 13, 2008 - 03:29pm PT
WHAAAA, you hurt my little feelins

Social climber
Truckee, CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 13, 2008 - 03:48pm PT
Sheeeesh. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Wow. Relax, everybody. I'm just trying to return somebody's lost jacket and post a few photos I thought folks might enjoy, but a few folks, online and off, have completely locked in on what I thought was a very minor aside about backpacks, a quantity of ropes, partners, and whatnot. Turns out that accusing people of climbing with backpacks or in parties larger than two is slanderous!!! In the interest of full disclosure, we climbed with a pack on Better w/ Bacon, and while on Bear's Reach we got passed by a party of three on East Crack, simuling the seconds (hence the wait at the Bushy Ledge). Mucci, if you got off in 1.5 hours, then there's NO WAY you were the party we saw. But regardless, it was somebody, and I didn't mean to offend anybody. I was just grumbling about the crowds, especially since my partner had to leave mid-day. My point wasn't a critique of anybody's style, or speed, or anything for that matter; we just didn't have time to wait at the base for the climb to open up. That was OUR problem (if you could even call it a problem) for wanting to hop on a very popular climb on a busy weekend, not the other parties'. I recognize that and blame nobody, despite the popular misconception. Maybe if we'd gotten through Surrealistic Pillar faster, but we didn't. You're right - too busy taping I guess. But I'm not sweatin' it. We just went to do something else. So, I'm sorry if my colorful description of a busy climb offended some people. Next time I'll just say "it looked crowded." Hope all you guys enjoyed Corrugation; I'm sure I'll get on it sooner or later myself.
Will Richardson

PS - Mucci, if you still wanna arm wrestle or something (since you pretty much threw down the glove here), I'm sure we can work something out.

Trad climber
May 13, 2008 - 04:43pm PT
Almost put my foot down on one of those cute little Western Rattlers while hiking down from the top of Lover's Leap...They blend in really nice to the ground...THink I jumped back about three feet and don't even remember doing so. We tried to get him to rattle, but he just wanted to be left alone and wondered off into the brush.

Yup MANY snakes at the Leap!!!

Someone once told me there are no Rattle snakes at Donner...Well, my buddy had one in the crack at the top of One Hand Clapping...Don't know how much to believe him, as I have never seen or heard one all the times I have been to Donner.
Morris Bird III

May 13, 2008 - 05:00pm PT
d'jew know "Traveller's" Buttress is really "Traveller" Buttress?

's true.

Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
May 13, 2008 - 05:30pm PT

Trad climber
sf ca
May 13, 2008 - 07:50pm PT
scuffy b

watching the flytrap
May 13, 2008 - 08:21pm PT
Try some Peeps jousting. Kill off lots of surrogates.
Russ Walling

Social climber
Out on the sand.... man.....
May 14, 2008 - 01:11am PT
TR bump.... nice one! (mini bump for the slaggin' too)

Trad climber
May 20, 2008 - 08:00pm PT

La ora te natura E mea arofa teie ao nei
May 22, 2008 - 03:01pm PT
This was one really great TR, Willoughby, and the photos were excellent. Thanks for taking the time to write it up.

Especially liked the rattlesnake shots. Man, that guy was gorgeous! Freshly peeled...that was good.

Listen, as far as you and your disagreement with Mucci goes...Target has these awesome Incredible Hulk boxing gloves for sale now. They're about 10 times the size of a man's fist, padded like a looney bin, and covered in glowing green Incredible Hulk-looking soft-as-silk fabric.

And the best thing? When they hit something, they make these Crash! Klonk! Grrrrrrr! KaPowwie! noises--and they're loud.

So you get all the joy of physically beating the crap outta someone, complete with all those delightfully terrifying sounds...but don't have to deal with any of the pain or inevitable lawsuits.

(Besides, arm wrestling and jousting are so passé, so 1600's...)

Social climber
Truckee, CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 22, 2008 - 03:51pm PT
Thanks for the tip L; not sure that's the best use of my $16.99. Anyway, I gots no beef, but am always up for friendly competition. Not really sure what Mucci had in mind with that jousting business (I see your schwartz is as big as mine?), but arm wrastlin' is NOT passé, it's over the top! Just need to make sure you get enough calcium:


Trad climber
sf ca
May 22, 2008 - 04:21pm PT
The Hulk gloves sound great, only if the bout was at the top of hogsback. Or a few beers at the parking lot.


La ora te natura E mea arofa teie ao nei
May 22, 2008 - 04:34pm PT
Not sure how you can pass these squishy gems up, Willoughby, especially since Mucci kinda likes the idea...

(Just trying to keep the found-jacket thing alive...:-)
scuffy b

watching the flytrap
May 22, 2008 - 04:41pm PT
L, you obviously have not seen enough Peeps jousting.

Take 2 marshmallow Easter chickies (Peeps)
insert toothpick into breast of each Peep to serve as lance
place onto paper plate, facing each other with tip of lance
an inch away from rival's breast
place in microwave oven at unknown power level
let the jousting begin

If you use full power the Peeps will expand greatly and burn.
At the right power level the Peeps will contract and regroup
during lulls in power, then renew their attack during the surges.

La ora te natura E mea arofa teie ao nei
May 22, 2008 - 07:08pm PT

Got photos?

Sounds hysterical...
scuffy b

watching the flytrap
May 22, 2008 - 07:24pm PT
Sorry, no pictures. It truly is hysterical.
When you've figured out the right power level and distance
between combatants they can go through multiple cycles of
Almost Getting each other, then they cool off and deflate.
But they're still circling each other, and the audience can
supply tough-guy dialog.
When one or both get killed, just kill some more. Cannon fodder.
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