Willaimson Rock Closure / Take Action NOW!


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Social climber
The home for...
May 29, 2007 - 09:59pm PT

May 30, 2007 - 11:05am PT
did someone say *bump* ?

May 30, 2007 - 12:14pm PT
As of yesterday, Tuesday May 29 the FS has "received around 60 letters". Not all of them are in support of the FS proposal "to develop a trail that will protect the MYLF and it's critical habitat, while also providing access to Williamson Rock."

Whether you are a crack climbing trad dad or a bolt clipping sport jockey, "access to climbing areas should be of concern all climbers". It may not be your favorite local crag this time, it could be next time.

"We (climbers) don't always get a say, when it comes to access issues. A lot of time and work has been spent by a few individuals to move this issue forward. Depending on how this "scoping" stage goes, it may be our only chance to have a say. Now is the time to speak. If you haven't already done so, write a letter. If you would like more information concerning the Forest Service proposal or help/ideas on what to say in your letter, go to the FoWR website. The FS press release as well as a few sample letters are posted."

The deadline for comments on this proposial is June 6, 2007.

Social climber
The home for...
May 30, 2007 - 07:40pm PT
Bippity, boppity, Bump.

Jun 1, 2007 - 03:50pm PT
Dear Mr Ranger,
I like Williamson Rock.
I want to help keep it open for myself and my family to enjoy.
Karin Climber
looking sketchy there...

Social climber
Latitute 33
Jun 2, 2007 - 01:13am PT
For the last couple of years I've heard:

"What can I do to get this area re-opened?"

"What are you guys doing to get the area re-opened?"

"Why don't you just sue the Government to get it re-opened?"

"Nobody is doing anything to get the area re-opened... Take some action!"


Well, now is your chance to do something about it.

1. Write a simple letter.

2. Write it now and mail it by June 6, 2007.

It is that simple.

Individual letters count for the "opinion" of hundreds of like minded people. A strong showing of support for the USFS to re-open the area will go a LONG way toward getting the area re-opened.

But, if you sit back and do nothing, the people and organizations that oppose re-opening Williamson (like cntr for bio-diversity) will hold sway and we will lose this likely only opportunity to re-open this (thus far temporarily) closed area.

Randy Vogel

Jun 2, 2007 - 02:55pm PT
ap·a·thy (p-th)
1. an absence of emotion or enthusiasm
2. the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally
3.Lack of interest, concern, or emotion; indifference.

You are climbers. You climb rocks. This is a place to go.
Write a letter.

Trad climber
Jun 3, 2007 - 01:14pm PT
???? Help a brother out.
Jerry Dodrill

Bodega, CA
Jun 3, 2007 - 01:28pm PT
Perhaps I posted in the wrong thread yesterday.

Wrote a letter and faxed it. Will mail it as well tomorrow. I've never even been to Williamson, but hope to climb there someday.

looking sketchy there...

Social climber
Latitute 33
Jun 3, 2007 - 01:59pm PT
More letters please. Your voice can make a big difference.

Trad climber
Jun 3, 2007 - 09:05pm PT
Does anyone have some pictures of Williamson they could post? Might help some who have never been there to get an idea wht this place is like and maybe get someone amped to write a letter.

Trad climber
Jun 3, 2007 - 10:29pm PT
I've been climbing there since 1979 and have no pictures to post, just old albums with some pictures but no digital. Otherwise I'd be posting them up.

Jun 3, 2007 - 11:43pm PT
My best friend tops out "Scenic Route" 5.8 at Williamson
looking sketchy there...

Social climber
Latitute 33
Jun 4, 2007 - 11:42am PT
Worthy of a bump. Two days left to send a short missive to help re-open this area.

Jun 5, 2007 - 12:19am PT
Funny SoCal comment Munge. heh-heh. Something to that.

Finally caught up with this thread and am sorry to read about your crag's potential closure. I'd like to read the final report that recommends the closure. Any of you scientists requested a copy from the lead agency?

The letter examples provided on the JoshuaTreeClimb forum are really good. However, it appears that this frog has been or is being added to the Endangered Species List and any area where it is found will be regulated for many public use activities. Now you know how those loggers and the evil developers feel.

As most of you know, government agencies rely on either their own science or that of a consultant. The final environmental assessment provided enough data for the FS, NOAA, and other stake holders to see the need to list the frog and implement the regulations. The ESA spells out how to handle public access to the frog's habitat. Unfortunately, climbing must have gotten a bad rap with regard to actual frog damage.

If climbers and others using the area have been determined to meet the stringent ESA criteria for harrassment or worse, then options become limited. The government would have to be convinced by the scientists involved that climbing and hiking in wouldn't have a negative effect on the frogs.

The restrictions on land development and use near streams here in the PNW for listed salmon are severe. For example, a 200-foot buffer is required for house construction if a highly rated stream runs across the property. The science has shown that providing corridors and maintaining vegetated buffers are mandatory for wildlife success.

The large size of the frog's historical range is why so large an area is pulled in and not just their microhabitat. Amphibians are known to travel 3 miles or more within their territory. Amazing when you look as those little legs. Check out their current range in CA and notice how they've declined.



Good luck keeping the crag open. Looks like Williamson is a fine spot.

Gym climber
Jun 5, 2007 - 11:55am PT
Just sent my postcard...

san diego, ca.
Jun 5, 2007 - 01:39pm PT

This is really critical. Please write your letter today. Ask your friends to write letters as well. Williamson is a very important area for climbers. Even if you have never climbed here, you may want to in the future when visiting So Cal in the summer. There is no real substitute for this crag. Some day it might be your home crag that is threatened, so please support this effort.



Jun 5, 2007 - 04:09pm PT

Trad climber
Jun 5, 2007 - 04:27pm PT
Sent a email

Jun 5, 2007 - 10:29pm PT
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