Missile Launch tonight (10-31), visible in So/C. Calif [OT]


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Spider Savage

Mountain climber
Nov 1, 2010 - 03:28pm PT
I've heard a big launch is visible from Phoenix. We can see them great in LA.

Here is that link again so you can watch for the launch schedules for yourself:


Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 1, 2010 - 10:05pm PT
About a half hour until lift-off ( 7:20 )

This page http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bls/missions/cosmo-4/ has a link to live video.
Mike Bolte

Trad climber
Planet Earth
Nov 1, 2010 - 10:31pm PT
scrubbed again! Only had a 1 second window (hard to believe, but that is what he said) so when there was a hold that was it for today.

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 1, 2010 - 10:33pm PT
Not tonight.

Rats in the system, or something.

Good thing it's just an Italian satelite going up, and not a nuclear war where things have to get done in a hurry.

from where the anecdotes roam
Nov 1, 2010 - 10:43pm PT
wish i owned a bar in lompoc

Big Wall climber
Crestline CA
Nov 2, 2010 - 12:33am PT
Usually stuff launched from Vandenberg is spy stuff with a polar obrit so it sweeps the entire planet. Yeah I was wondering if the AF has lost its touch ... but these things are complicated and I guess I can stand out in the dark another time to see the sights!
Brian in SLC

Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Nov 2, 2010 - 01:04am PT
wish i owned a bar in lompoc

That's pretty funny, and, spot on. AJ Spurs and the Hitchin' Post do ok with that crew...
Mike Bolte

Trad climber
Planet Earth
Nov 2, 2010 - 01:36am PT
Falcon 9

"dumb satellites"? You might want to read up on HST.

Trad climber
Central Coast
Nov 3, 2010 - 05:17pm PT
Chaz... this thing lifts off from my backyard... they're about 50/50.

Super fickle. Too much of this, not enough of that, planets not aligned...

Better off buying your own rocket and shooting it off in your own yard.

They're cooler in the daytime when you can see the smoke best, night time it's like watching a fire fly rising up and out of sight.

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 5, 2010 - 10:11pm PT
Launch is back ON. T minus ten minutes. 7:20pm.

Video ( http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bls/missions/cosmo-4/ )

Trad climber
Central Coast
Nov 5, 2010 - 10:35pm PT
yep just went, me and the kids and wife watched it. Looked like a flashlight going up into space...
and we're just a few miles away. I can't imagine it looked better from the bay area ha ha.
Ricky D

Trad climber
Sierra Westside
Nov 5, 2010 - 10:41pm PT
Damn thing launched over my backyard but couldn't see a thing through the cloud bank that swept in over the point about 30 minutes ago.

Still freaked my dog tho.
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Nov 5, 2010 - 10:42pm PT
Lost video right when they lit it off. bummer.

9:40 minutes Alt 105 miles. Down range 1080 miles 14,000 mph.

Trad climber
Central Coast
Nov 5, 2010 - 11:20pm PT
tape a flashlight to your dog's back, turn it on, throw a tennis ball down the street at midnight and there you go... it'll recreate the effect.

Social climber
Hercules, CA
Nov 9, 2010 - 03:59pm PT
Gotta love it. The Chronicle is treating it like a super secret launch.

Or is this one something different?

Berkeley, CA
Nov 9, 2010 - 04:01pm PT

Still goes to show you it's hard to launch a rocket without anyone noticing.

Mountain climber
San Diego
Nov 9, 2010 - 04:09pm PT
Yes, but that goes to show you they can launch something and you can see it, but then know next to nothing about it. Who did it? Why did they do it? What exactly was it? You really don't know squat about it, and they aren't talking either.

You can ask the DoD, but then they can refuse to tell you anything and even act clueless about it. And what can you do? Nothing.


"Wasn't ours. Hmmmmm. Weird."

(I made that quote up.)


By the way, what if this launch was done at 1-3 am in the morning? Not too many would have noticed. The News coverage would have missed it and had no footage or images.

Social climber
Nov 9, 2010 - 04:14pm PT
Probably North Korean


Berkeley, CA
Nov 9, 2010 - 04:15pm PT
We'll know it time Klimmer. No need to go making fantasies about it.

It was only a few miles from Catalina. You can bet someone from Catalina would have seen it. You know, darkness, bright, loud missile.

Hardly a place the NWO would choose to launch from. But of course they are arrogant and all powerful so they can do what the heck they want.

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 9, 2010 - 04:16pm PT
Military ? Probably. Reports say it came out of the ocean.

Our Military ? I hope so.
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