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Trad climber
milliken, co
Nov 4, 2009 - 10:54pm PT
EVERYONE, grab your shi*t, shred those documents, burn those incriminating pictures, and get the hell out.

safest places to go? Djibouti, Turmenistan, Azerbaijan

Trad climber
Los Angeles
Nov 5, 2009 - 08:49am PT
"They're trying to talk to a Wooden Indian."


Nov 5, 2009 - 12:03pm PT
Here is a update about the problem email account of navblk4.

The account over months has received 1000's of junk emails which
have died down to around 250-300 per month. These started after
responding in a Micheal Vick thread here, however the response allegedly
to Wal-Mart was not completed. These emails except for about a dozen
have been deleted and ignored. The ones not deleted and ignored appear
to have created other accounts using the underlying name linked to this
supertopo account. These other accounts and emails send friend request
with similar family or other names and are not responded to, though
have been reported to other internet providers.

I navblk4 have determined it is up to I and not the provider of this email
account to deal with these other problems. I navblk4 have requested that
the account be opened so I may retrieve over 1 years research work which
is private property of mine along with personal emails stored. The provider
has failed to open the account upon my request and has been given a time
limit before I commence a action or actions for damages against them.


Nov 5, 2009 - 12:31pm PT
Nothing more amusing than a schizophrenic pro per litigant, unless your the business that has to defend itself. The years worth of "research" is not worth fighting over. The cases and codes are all online, and easily recreated.


Nov 5, 2009 - 04:20pm PT
actually i'm very mentally sound with a 139 iq, and i'm more than
a jack at each listed,, with years
of college in the CS noted along with years in the others noted.

A pro per usually can not advise, but what you say may not be completely
true. In civil matters family are a sealed matter and so are contracts which
may be discovered after any papers that were at first publicly available.
Publicly available could also cause damages as the papers may not be so
if a judicial proceeding is pending as the papers may then be FOUO and by
statute privileged even though accessible to the public.


Nov 5, 2009 - 05:25pm PT
"In civil matters family are a sealed matter and so are contracts which
may be discovered after any papers that were at first publicly available.
Publicly available could also cause damages as the papers may not be so
if a judicial proceeding is pending as the papers may then be FOUO and by
statute privileged even though accessible to the public."

There is no such thing as privileged public records. If they are filed, and a matter of public record, the privilege is lost.

Trad climber
Kalispell, Montanagonia
Nov 5, 2009 - 05:32pm PT
Some say get your meds locally, but I vote for a double dose. If it doesn't level out, double it again, please. Don't call in the morning, I will watch from here.



Nov 5, 2009 - 05:52pm PT
Possibly not with tort.
What happened to Jacoby and Meyers?

Nov 5, 2009 - 07:28pm PT
wrong again navblk4. What about Jacoby & Meyers?

A pile of dirt.
Nov 5, 2009 - 07:48pm PT

The mida-nav-damaged troll is off his meds again!

Sucker! I remember outing you months ago!

Karma is good!



Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Nov 5, 2009 - 08:06pm PT
damages are a remedy not a COA

I'm an idiot and I know that.

ok, one more rare user I just don't get.


Nov 6, 2009 - 12:41pm PT
Update::by navblk4, BES

These are personal sites of I navblk4.

The above youtube email account was created with my
full legal name. This account when created also set
as it's secondary email address, the email address
which is also the email address here for navblk4.
The above has not changed and chris@supertopo was
notified that he may disclose any information he has to
the provider of the current problem account. Youtube
has also been notified they to may disclose any
information to the provider of the current problem

This site is also a personal site of I navblk4.

The above photobucket email account was also created
with my full legal name with the secondary email also
set to the current problem account. See first topic post
if you are not familiar with this topic.

The account for navblk4 which is currently not able to be
accessed contains months of personal research. It also contains
possibly the last communication with John Bachar other than by
his son. There are also other personal messages and photos contained
within. The provider of the problem account did not meet a deadline
given for yesterday, however in another attempt to mitigate a conversion
charge of CA CC3336 I am again notifying the providers, noting I want
nothing other than to personally inspect and receive my personal property.
If obtained as was I seek nothing else from this matter. If not obtained,
and without a coherent explanation of why it is not obtainable I will file
the above charge for maximum damages for remedy proceeding the formal
Statutory Civil Demand for Return of Property, which this also is.


A pile of dirt.
Nov 6, 2009 - 12:47pm PT

You really need to get back on your meds. Go see your shrink or shrinks brah!


Nov 6, 2009 - 01:19pm PT
this is not the tort of Abuse of Process.

515.5(4) My rate for detriment alone without inclusion of loss.
Jack Burns

Nov 8, 2009 - 03:22pm PT
nov9,2009 recd email from ip address tracked
incident noted for further analysis//

i have googled the intertube for routine analysis
chris@supertaco contact to confirm ..
for further data (all ip addresses)
the virus is hidden in formatting tags
needs further analysis to confirm
what kind of dip is this? is there onions in it?
please advise and open new email to confirm

nov2,'09 recd email confirming that
Harding slot is covered in feces
chicks killed it

if anyone on this forum has recd email
from jackbruns982734 please confirm ip
and sent return to other avatar 4damages incurred


Nov 10, 2009 - 02:40pm PT
I've written computer viruses all which were written in Assembly Language.
They are called viruses due to hiding and re-replication, really no differently
than human viruses.

I don't know of these others in formatting tags?

It appears a Civil Demand for Inspection and Return of Property to be
mailed via USPS is currently the proper procedure. The navblk4 account can
still be remedied without damages and still electronically prior to further
paper procedures then ending further immediate electronic remedy.

This maybe some of the litigation material, though java was not being used
by navblk4.


Trad climber
Alta Loma, CA
Nov 10, 2009 - 03:29pm PT
Wow....wackiest thread I have ever read.
Russ Walling

Gym climber
Poofter's Froth, Wyoming
Nov 10, 2009 - 07:47pm PT
Civil demand for litigation on the pretext of wanton admission via the server lords is no fun. I envy you in four regards, but not his one, regardless of the devices of treachery and any punitive rewards must be robustly gained.
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C. Small wall climber.
Nov 10, 2009 - 07:50pm PT
Wow! A new text generator. All those words chasing each other around, not actually saying anything. Except maybe to klimmer.

Talking Heads: "You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything."

Nov 10, 2009 - 07:52pm PT
Even the intelligent are bewildered ........
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