A Dog's Life


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El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson
Mar 31, 2013 - 12:14am PT
great shot! ^^^^

with all those Beagles, one HAD to be howling!
David Knopp

Trad climber
Mar 31, 2013 - 11:18am PT
the little howler is my man Buddy. Known and loved by the bay.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Apr 1, 2013 - 01:06pm PT
The tumor in Maddie's lip has continue to enlarge and become infected with a nasty, smelly drainage. I took her to the vet last week, expecting that he'd tell me the same thing- I was correct.

She has still been relatively active- we walk every day, and she's eating relatively normally, but has lost weight of late. Still, though she hasn't reached the point of not being able to mobilize or eat/drink, I can't imagine that this horrible growth isn't affecting her quality of life. So I made the very difficult choice to allow the vet to try the debulking procedure today. Best as I understand the conditions, one of three things could happen: he starts the procedure and finds it to be way too complicated to even risk and stops immediately; or he gets into it and encounters complications he can't control (bleeding) and has to euthanize her; or he is able to remove some/most of it reasonably successfully.

She's there at the vet right now...he's supposed to start in about an hour. I held her one more time in my lap, kissed her on the head, and walked out the door with fingers crossed and tears in my eyes.

The Granite State.
Apr 1, 2013 - 01:09pm PT
Positive thoughts sent to you and your Maddie.

Sport climber
Home away from Home
Apr 1, 2013 - 01:42pm PT
All of our fingers are crossed with yours, apogee.

~positive vibes and blessings from the desert

Trad climber
Apr 1, 2013 - 01:43pm PT
Easter is here...

PS. I hope it all works out ok for you and your dog, apogee...

some eastside hovel
Apr 1, 2013 - 01:49pm PT
Good luck to Maddie and yerself as well apogee.

Ice climber
Happy Boulders
Apr 1, 2013 - 02:49pm PT
best of luck Apogee

Trad climber
Santa Cruz
Apr 1, 2013 - 03:01pm PT
Maddie and Apogee...tears of concern here too.
Regardless of outcome, you've got a whole tribe to either hold you up or jump for joy.
We've all been there but each experience is unique and vitally painful.

Healing vibes to both of you...a loving journey


Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Apr 1, 2013 - 03:04pm PT
I'm sitting in the parking lot of the vet...he just called me in to look...she's intubated, and he had the tumor fully exposed so I could view it. It's huge, and he's not optimistic that there won't be bleeding complications.

I instructed him to proceed anyway. At this point, it's about making her comfortable, and simply waking her up won't achieve that.

The Granite State.
Apr 1, 2013 - 03:23pm PT
Come on Maddie, you've got this girl!
craig mo

Trad climber
L.A. Ca.
Apr 1, 2013 - 03:44pm PT

El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson
Apr 1, 2013 - 04:13pm PT
good luck apogee

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Apr 1, 2013 - 04:20pm PT
Just a couple of minutes after my last, the vet came out and said he had been more successful than he'd anticipated. The majority of the tumor was between her lip & jaw, but a flap had extended over the back of her tongue. He removed most all of this, and two teeth as well...cauterized it heavily, and the bleeding seemed to stay under control.

I'm supposed to go back and pick her up in a few hours. No doubt the tumor over her tongue has been affecting her eating- maybe she'll eat a little more easily now (though it'll be soft food from this point forward).

I don't want this to sound the wrong way, but I was fully prepared for her to not make it today, and to make the decision to put her down. At this point, it's all about making sure she's comfortable, no matter what happens. Today's procedure will probably only buy her a short amount of time, and that's wonderful to me, as long as that time is good for her.

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Apr 1, 2013 - 04:21pm PT
There's no place like home!

Trad climber
Santa Cruz
Apr 1, 2013 - 04:30pm PT
Today's procedure will probably only buy her a short amount of time, and that's wonderful to me, as long as that time is good for her.

Time IS time.... Good for you and Maddie! Yippee


The Granite State.
Apr 1, 2013 - 04:38pm PT
However much time you have left with your pup, it's obvious you love her very much and she loves you probably more than you can comprehend.

My heart goes out to you. I'm not sure how I'll react when Link bites the dust. He's like my child.
craig mo

Trad climber
L.A. Ca.
Apr 1, 2013 - 04:45pm PT
Just having a pet you risk having to make the hard call. Im pulling for you
pal had pounds of fatty tumors removed 2 years ago and he is still at it.

The Granite State.
Apr 1, 2013 - 04:48pm PT
Nice spotted tongue. My lab mix has a similar one. Not sure where it comes from. Some have said chow, others shepherd.

Ice climber
Happy Boulders
Apr 1, 2013 - 05:04pm PT
glad to hear it Apogee
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