Mastadon Update


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Trad climber
Nevada City, CA
Jul 9, 2012 - 11:33pm PT
Nice write up. Get well soonest!
Captain...or Skully

Jul 10, 2012 - 01:40am PT
Glad to see(read?) some progress. The Mastadon has returned.
That's good news. I reckon you'll heal quickly, as gluttons for punishment often do. Then you're back out there, just like that.
It's a flava, of sorts. Cheers, Man.

Trad climber
crack addict
Jul 10, 2012 - 11:33pm PT
Thanks Neebee-i got your card.
You're very sweet.

I owe so much to so many people. I don't know where to even start.

Heloise Pendagrast

Trad climber
Tahoe City
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 11, 2012 - 08:56pm PT
Wow, Julio.

Masterful write-up. You've alway been a fine teller-of-tales (most of them largely exaggerated no doubt--especially the one about the writhing mass of rattlesnakes you had to jump across in J. Tree). But somehow I think there's a chance you are not exaggerating this tale of tales. I will check to be sure by tickling you under the arms when you get back to Tahoe.

I find the intelligence of our bodies and the intutive nature of the longtime climber to be most amazing. That part about just surrendering to the help that came is most amazing and probably helped save your life. So glad you are on the mend.


right here, right now
Jul 11, 2012 - 09:03pm PT
And those colored mechanical spiders did not a lick of damage to those cute dimples in Mastadon's cheeks!
We are saved.

Excellent write up Don. I mean, kind of scary, quite inspiring, and totally phantasmagorical-ish & out-there-like and stuff ... but excellent.

My favorite part was,
[... Other than what Ernie & SAR did and that surviving bit (with all that savvy emotional intelligence) and the Jane-taking-care of you and such ...]

... Was where you said:
There was a grey cat in the light fixture over my head

Social climber
chica de chico, I don't claim to be a daisy.
Jul 11, 2012 - 09:37pm PT
Don, Holy Buckets, hijole. hairball.. what a vivid trip report...So damn Happy you are around to tell the tale... So damn Happy you are on a healing path...

Much Love to you.. and Jane.

The grey cat in the light fixture, brought up images of this song.

Trad climber
Jul 11, 2012 - 09:39pm PT
There was a grey cat in the light fixture over my head.

You saw ceiling cat!

Social climber
Jul 11, 2012 - 09:46pm PT
hey there say, mastadon.... glad you got the card okay!

was just checking up on a few threads tonight, and stopped in here...
been so busy with grandkids, and getting up early...

and--cleaning up summer cat hair, ;) from these
critters of mine, that i miss the ol' taco here...


three cheers to you to keep getting well!
god bless!

Jul 11, 2012 - 11:20pm PT
Like to add my voice to the chorus of those saying "heal up well and fast". Thanks for the write up of the accident as well. How do you account for the fall?

Trad climber
crack addict
Jul 13, 2012 - 12:07am PT

Jaliscos at last!!!!!!
Carter brought a box of Jaliscos tacos to Mariposa.
The healing can finally begin!
tom Carter

Social climber
Jul 17, 2012 - 02:22pm PT
Rumor has it that Don will be in Tahoe this weekend?

PT is about to begin!

Trad climber
crack addict
Jul 18, 2012 - 11:43pm PT

Here are some ghastly pictures from the hospital. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone as a way to get out of work…

In a coma on a breathing machine.

Awake several days after coming out of a coma holding my lung butter sucker. I received four units of blood that had leaked through my punctured lung and what wasn’t sucked out by the chest tube was coughed up at an extremely high pain price and sucked out by the butter sucker.

My damaged left side. The upper bruises are from the broken scapula. The tape in the middle hides the ½ inch chest tube that was rammed through my ribs. The bruises at the bottom are from the four broken ribs. OUCH!

Three generations of Herberts: Dr. Tom, his son Tommy, and TM. I felt honored at all the people that visited.

Once again, thanks to everyone for all the support.

Werner was right. I was really fuked up
the goat

north central WA
Jul 19, 2012 - 12:29am PT
Dare I say "ouch!" Glad to see you're back in the saddle.

Oh, by the way, I missed the picnic too, damn Seattle traffic.
Captain...or Skully

Jul 19, 2012 - 12:36am PT
Not.(Kevin) It is what it is, like everything.
The World is Fraught with peril. That too is as it should be.
It was your turn is how I see it. The Universe rolled snake eyes for ya.
Soon you get to roll again. We'll see how it goes, like always.
Cheers, Mastadon. I hope your feeling better & stronger each day.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jul 19, 2012 - 12:37am PT
Man, talk about getting hosed! They should clone you as a good healer!
Mike Bolte

Trad climber
Planet Earth
Jul 19, 2012 - 12:46am PT
what?? Tommy's boy is grown up? Hold it, Tommy is grown up?

Trad climber
Jul 19, 2012 - 12:34pm PT

the broken ribs alone would make for several very special weeks

you actually look pretty happy sitting up in that one pic

good luck with the pt

Jul 19, 2012 - 03:48pm PT
Kevin said:

I've been meaning to apologize for establishing the route that bit you. I was a reckless youth, and it seems you paid the price for my foolishness.

If I could do it over again, there'd be a bolt every body length."

LOL! ...

..wait, really? By tradition, it's your call, but those beautiful routes you put up have a tradition of their own as well. Some of it's a scary tradition too I suppose.
tom Carter

Social climber
Jul 20, 2012 - 01:36am PT
Here is a photo taken yesterday of Nurse Diesel, Tarzan and Jane enjoying themselves in Tahoe.

A long road to 100%, but it sure beats the Big Dirtnap or ending up as "Droolius Ceasar".


Trad climber
crack addict
Jul 20, 2012 - 08:03am PT

Kevin- you certainly don’t need to worry about me (thanks for the thought, though)…. I’ve done a bunch of those old-school routes in that area, most when we were kids in the early 70’s. One that stands out in my mind is Orange Peel, an ancient Hawkins route that’s old-school 5.11. I thought I was on Freewheelin’ and was about to quit climbing thinking I was having that much trouble on 5.10.

One of the attractions of those routes is that they aren’t over bolted. To climb up there, you’ve gotta step up to the plate. In this age of grid-bolting, it’s refreshing to have routes that make you sit up and take notice-you notice that the last bolt has disappeared in the distance below and you don’t see anything above you. That’s when you’ve gotta suck it up and dig deep. Anyone that has done any of those routes has probably come to the same realization: that you can either shut up and climb or give up and descend.

I’m convinced that the reason I fell is that I was too relaxed. I’ve been doing this sh#t for so long I think I just wasn’t focused the way you need to be on that kind of stuff.

I wish I could figure out how to post videos. When the Herberts visited me in the hospital, I shot a video of TM explaining why all the recent ascents of El Cap don’t count. He explained how all the new age climbers are cheating with their new gear and new techniques. Only the old-school ascents were real and counted as true ascents. All of us in the room were howling laughing and I thought I was going to re-puncture my lung.
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