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Social climber
St. Looney
Dec 23, 2007 - 07:59pm PT
Dave is a birder too! He even used to have one as a pet. I already have in hand the Stiles and Skutch (17$ new!! from Amazon) bird guide. Cool birds in there.

Bob - I'd heard that Rincon de Viejos was a great place. We also heard that Monteverde is worth a visit so we'll head that direction post-Samara. I'm psyched that we got such a nice place in Samara given it is "Gold" week (i.e., Christmas or Easter).

In Monteverde, there is a place to stay that has views of the erupting Volcano Arenal. Cool. Doubt we'll stay there, but what a cool view from a room.
the museum

Trad climber
Rapid City, SD
Dec 23, 2007 - 09:20pm PT
Theres a really nice white crowned sparrow earlier, and I know I posted this recently on another thread but it should be here...


chica from chico, I don't claim to be a daisy
Dec 23, 2007 - 10:49pm PT
Andy again, Enjoying the bird thread. Went out today after posting this morning. Got these shots of Sandhill Cranes just south of Chico. They're poorly focused but that never stopped me. Amazing variety today including Eurasian Widgeons, Tundra Swans, Bald Eagles and Rough Legged Hawk among 70 - 80 more.


Social climber
St. Looney
Dec 23, 2007 - 10:59pm PT
Awesome Andy! I see fields of these cranes in the South-of-Houston area when I visit during the Holidays. Hopefully I'll get an eyeful of them this next week.
the museum

Trad climber
Rapid City, SD
Dec 23, 2007 - 11:19pm PT
The Gray Jay may have been posted earlier.. Sorry.. The immature owl.. Near Bradock ND.


Trad climber
Reston, VA
Dec 24, 2007 - 06:53am PT
Bob, Wow. Great shots. What does that Golden Eagle have in it's talons? Those things are amazing. A buddy sent me a picture of one tangling with a fox. Laura said she talked with you yesterday. Hope you, Laurel and the kids (relative to us) have a great Xmas. Looking forward to when we see you again. We may get out to Boulder this Spring. Otherwise it'll be at the Gathering.

Crimp, Yeah I am always looking now. It goes well with climbing. Hope you guys see some good ones in CR.

Riley, I think you posted a scarlet tanager at a feeder? Also Curved Bill Thrasher and Bob White Quail? If you come East, come during Spring migration. Birding in the New River Gorge, Blue Ridge or in Shawangunks is awesome then. We have some good places in Northern VA, too. I believe I have heard a Swainson’s Warbler at Great Falls Park. There’s a couple other good spots nearby (Montecello Park, Alexandria, VA).

Here’s some shots from Great Falls Park:
Some buntings near Skytop:
scuffy b

Stump with a backrest
Dec 24, 2007 - 11:54am PT
Speaking of Swainson's...
There are Swainson's Thrushes nesting in and near my yard,
We hear them, and can tweak them by whistling their single note
that they sing in addition to their full song (or Especially by
playing their song on the Audubon CD) but I've never seen one
(knowingly) over four nesting seasons now.
I've tried to spot Hermit Thrushes that are singing, but no luck.
Last month I had my first sighting of a Hermit Thrush (silent) up
in the Trinity Alps foothills.
Wes Allen

Boulder climber
Dec 24, 2007 - 08:32pm PT
Some fun flying things to ID, if you are a bit bored...


chica from chico, I don't claim to be a daisy
Dec 24, 2007 - 10:17pm PT
Wes, That last picture is Frikking amazing!!!! The two ducks swimming- also great! Were those pictures taken at a Zoo?

cool,a bat thumb.
Wes Allen

Boulder climber
Dec 25, 2007 - 09:46pm PT
Yep, they were at the wild kingdom thing at disney. So, some are not from here. Here are a couple more, some from a wildlife rehab park, some non-captive...


Sport climber
Dec 26, 2007 - 01:55am PT
The Kiwi.
OK, so this one is stuffed:
but I did see two live on a trip I just took to New Zealand.
You just cannot take a picture because there are no lights
and you cannot use a flash.
A beautiful, wierd bird to see.
bob d'antonio

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Dec 29, 2007 - 03:22pm PT
A few more.

bob d'antonio

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Dec 30, 2007 - 05:00pm PT
Trying to keep this tread going. This little guy about to take off.


Social climber
Dec 30, 2007 - 05:04pm PT
hey there bob... say, can you find a picutre of a CHACHALACA... and put it up----these birds usually are only seen in south texas, and perhaps that near part of mexico...

it has a great noise, making a real "clatter" in the morning... and looks very impressive to see in a tree, if you happen to get lucky and spot it...

one thing great about being in the great outdoors--is spotting birds... (actually these chachalacas can even be seen in town, as the south texas towns are pretty much rural.. but sadly, their birdy-homes may go, too, someday)..
bob d'antonio

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Dec 30, 2007 - 05:07pm PT
Neebee...these are all of my own shots. Don't have what your asking for.

Trad climber
Berkeley, CA
Dec 30, 2007 - 11:41pm PT
Here's an ID challenge. No fair poking around my Photobucket album before guessing. He's a local celebrity at Lake Merritt, Oakland, CA


Social climber
Dec 31, 2007 - 04:56am PT
hey there bob...say, thanks anyways.. say, sure love those birds here, even so... :)

back east
Dec 31, 2007 - 08:37am PT

Your cha cha can be found here [url] [url/] along with the pictures there is recordings of the racket that fella makes. Doesn't say if he can do the dance though.
bob d'antonio

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Jan 1, 2008 - 04:03pm PT

Social climber
Truckee, CA
Jan 1, 2008 - 04:12pm PT
I guess that's too easy for those who already know (any WFO member has seen that bird on the back cover of Western Birds), but allow me to at least drop the hint that it's a hybrid.
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