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Lynne Leichtfuss

Social climber
valley center, ca
Oct 1, 2008 - 07:26pm PT
Hilarious Poker Pic. Timmy, Fishfinder and Nature man are so checking it out.

Pennsylenvy, "Nature ain't got jack."

Nature, "How can I know what Lynnies betting, even she doesn't know ?"

Fishfinder, "Pagan's too relaxed, he's got at least a pair."

Oct 1, 2008 - 07:50pm PT
Fat, you don't know what I don't know :-}

Bear #46 edit

Naw Fat, I can't put up names but I did notice you prefer ladies of the dark haired persuasion.

Social climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Oct 1, 2008 - 08:15pm PT
Okay, here are a few more.

Mr E heading up Lena's Lieback. Indeed, a butt shot.

Summit and a beer

Pennsylenvy digging for some sushi. (Yeah, I just grossed myself out!)

Frisbee and Buggs entertaining the crowd

Poker poker poker

Tim and his non-stop funny

Some rock

Baby bear at Lower Cathedral

Some climber on Beggar's Buttress

The best part of the trip - the people. Here are JStan, Fatty, Lovely Dawn and Ricky D. In the background are Happie, Baba and Brass Nuts

Photo wars

The food the night of the party was wonderful. Sadly, it didn't last. This hungry crew was nearly first in line though. I think I see Dan, Crimpie, Brass Nuts, Frisbee, Mighty Hiker, Happie and Fatty.

Crimpie begging for a t-shirt. All I wanted was t-shirt and I ended up with the 275$ Patagonia jacket. Sweet!

Chicken Skinner introducing the Band

Mighty Hiker made some delicious Troll Marmalade. I thought we'd save it until we got home but that didn't happen. We chowed on it in Yeller Pines - DELICIOUS!

Saw this pretty butterfly on my car in the Yosemite Village parking lot. I thought "how pretty". Just then it fell off and died on the pavement. Gack.

On our way into the Valley we stopped to check out the Tufas at Mono Lake. Very cool stuff!

Before getting to Yeller Pines, we hopped out of the car and ran up the Regular Route on Fairview Dome. Fun! On top were an assortment of really pretty cairns. Very peaceful.

Taking the easy way down - being lowered on a windy day from Sons of Yesterday.

Too many people on Astroman. Brassnuts will have to get on it again another day. See the little Euros on the route?

Blaine heading up pitch four of Hotline

Beautiful anchor.

Elephant rock. Hotline ascends the "worst error" pillar on the lower left of the formation.

The chef

This picture explains a lot!

South face of Half Dome - approaching Snake Dike

Pretty view on top of Half Dome. Note the Euros on the final pitch of the Regular Route below the Visor

Half Dome by the cables
Lynne Leichtfuss

Social climber
valley center, ca
Oct 1, 2008 - 09:27pm PT

Lynnies Beach....what a great place to process life. No one ever there....awesome. If you look closely you'll see an Aspen leaf with ashes aboard float to eternity.
Lynne Leichtfuss

Social climber
valley center, ca
Oct 1, 2008 - 09:33pm PT

One of many great soul searching, poetry inspiring, views from Lynnies beach. Great place to restore the heart and brain for life issues and clean up after being "trashed". (by both life and physical trash)

Yosemite is a gift to the planet and mankind. People are a gift to one another. All, thanks for your love. >LRL

Trad climber
Oct 1, 2008 - 10:39pm PT
Wow, thanks everybody for the reports and photos. It's really cool and heartwarming to see all the people I met last year (same time, same place). It's really too bad I couldn't make it this year, especially since people like Pete and Sabrina did and they have far farther (hm?) to travel.

I miss everybody! Happy belated birthday, Crimpie! Did you see a bear this time?

Social climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Oct 1, 2008 - 10:45pm PT
Paulina - you were missed. Hopefully you can make it next year. I did see two bears this time - happily neither were trying to get into my tent. That was like fun but way different!

These two bears (a mama and baby) were at Lower Cathedral just walking around. We got some marginal photos of them. The better photos would have been of some euros who were TERRIFIED of the bears. Seems they'd seen a documentary of how aggressive these bears are. Poor guys!

San Fran Cisco
Oct 1, 2008 - 10:56pm PT

Thanks for all your cleaning, and damn you all for having so much fun.
john hansen

Oct 1, 2008 - 10:58pm PT
Lynnie,I think I know the beach you are talking about ,

I was there a few weeks back.

A fine place.

Sorry for the over saturated photo,, I was trying some new filters.

Social climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Oct 1, 2008 - 11:01pm PT
Where were you Murcy? I hoped to get a photo of you climbing this year - one that was actually in focus. :)

Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Oct 1, 2008 - 11:04pm PT
Murcy, you too were missed, I enjoyed climbing with you last year. We shall meet again!!!
Lynne Leichtfuss

Social climber
valley center, ca
Oct 1, 2008 - 11:14pm PT
JH, certainly your pic is so well done. Think your beach is prettier, mine was more obscure, not as gorgeous...but just what the doc ordered for Lynnie.

San Fran Cisco
Oct 1, 2008 - 11:15pm PT
The trick is to let the camera fall at the same speed as me...

I had some family thingies, though in the end it turned out that I was more dispensable than I'd thought. Oh well, I'm sure more faces will be lifted in years to come. Meanwhile, thanks for the great pictures!

Trad climber
all bivied up on the ledge
Oct 1, 2008 - 11:33pm PT
Facelift rocked!

It was great to meet up with some of the folks from BITD. Nice to see Andy, Nita and Tim, and Karl B. from the Curry days. Dave Nettle from from the really early days at Mountain High and Taquitz. Had a great time picking trash along 120 with FatTrad, Herb, and Mary. Pagan, Lynne, Crowley, Angela, Ousley, and everyone around the campfire. Great to finally meet Crimpergirl, Dave, Dr. Ed, Mister E, and JStan.

Not such a great time doing a bleary –eyed recycling run at 3:00 am on Saturday after the nice ranger lady started giving us grief. My car still smells like sushi and beer!

And of course...climbing. I soloed a bit of Jamcrack while picking up trash at the base of Sunnyside on Thursday. I’ve always loved that climb, and it felt so good to get my hands back into that crack. And then I wanted more. Friday was all clean up, so that just left Saturday morning as I had to head back to the Orange Asylum in the afternoon.

Saturday morning, after breakfasting with FatTrad, I wandered over to Manure Pile. The place was hopping with at least 15 parties on the rock. I watched several parties and a few soloists go up After Six. A couple more parties went up After Seven. I played around for a while trying to work out the opening moves to Six Thirty, eventually getting up about 10-12 feet. Not willing to fall any further, than that, I gave up and started taking my shoes off. Steve and Elaine were heading up After Seven and offered me a top rope on Six Thirty. I got a little further up and fell twice, so I lowered off and headed up After Seven with them (Thanks again for the ride, guys!).

Yosemite was wonderful as always. I stopped at the tunnel for a final look and started home. I made it almost to Wawona before I had to stop and dry my eyes (allergies….yeah, that’s it) and then head back to the house and family.
Lynne Leichtfuss

Social climber
valley center, ca
Oct 1, 2008 - 11:57pm PT
Yeah, Barbarian....I had a real eye allergy while I was in the Valley of Wow too. Wore the dark glasses most of the time. The place rocked my soul from the time I first saw the big granite again at Olmstead (sp) Point ....til I said good-bye again at the same spot.


Trad climber
all bivied up on the ledge
Oct 2, 2008 - 12:02am PT
Yeah...my wife doesn't say a word from Tunnel View to the Wawona gate. The first trip we made together was just after we got together. I wanted to stay so badly, but I knew that would kill our relationship. I just kept wipin' my eyes all the way down the road.
Ricky D

Trad climber
Sierra Westside
Oct 2, 2008 - 12:44am PT
"Not such a great time doing a bleary –eyed recycling run at 3:00 am on Saturday after the nice ranger lady started giving us grief. My car still smells like sushi and beer! "

That was you?

Never knew if you ever made it back to camp that night - we figured the Feds had nailed you for illegal transport of open containers what with the 4 or 5 boxes of empties in your car!

Oh yeah - despite what Crowley says - Boy Scouts kick azz!

Gym climber
Lover's Leap
Oct 2, 2008 - 12:53am PT
hey Nature boy, did you forget your roots?


And you call yourself Nature!


Trad climber
My Inner Nut
Oct 2, 2008 - 12:57am PT
Sniper Alert! LOL!

Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Oct 2, 2008 - 12:58am PT
Hey Barbarian, I was the guy who rode those bottles with you down to the dumpster. Good times, eh?

Sorry about the car smell. Wasn't it Friday night though?

Saturday Night was the 'pumpkin hour' lady.
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