Sonora Pass Monster (scary TR)


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Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Oct 29, 2008 - 04:24pm PT

At least at Pleasant Valley Res. that's what it would be.


Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Oct 29, 2008 - 05:38pm PT
I may have crapped my pants if I was this dude...if true.

Oct 29, 2008 - 05:58pm PT
In mid July Ron and I were climbing back behind Pywiack. It was a beautiful day with that typical strong wind back there. As we were getting ready to climb this intensely strange smell hit us. It was really strong, not musky like a bear, more semi-sweet and curious. We both looked at each other and said "what's that?" We started to scan around the trees below down towards the water run-off and up towards Pennyroyal area and towards the approach back there. Neither of us saw anything but then suddenly the hair on our arms stood up and it felt like any second something very very large was going to turn the corner towards us and we heard movement through the trees and then suddnely the wind picked up again and it all seemed fine. It was strange, for sure. That's my only experience like that, thankfully.

Big Wall climber
somewhere without avatars.........
Oct 29, 2008 - 06:19pm PT
Once, a LONG time ago while on an Internet forum, I heard stories of a magical hammer that would appear. No one has actually seen this mythical hammer, but many believe it will one day spring forth, out of mid-air, as if made by magic and save the aid climbing world.

Me, I say it's just a myth and makes for great campfire stories...

Oh... `cept for that one time I saw a chupacabra wielding one, as he was headed to big foot's pad. Tea and cakes with Mojo Risin' and Elvis, I think.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Oct 30, 2008 - 01:25am PT
I was reading some of the sh#t on this site and it's kinda creepy...I'm just sayin'!


Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Dec 6, 2008 - 12:17am PT
The monster knabbed my camera and took video near the pass. It's the strangest thing. Never seen anything like it.

Peace and quiet, then all of a sudden...


Trad climber
thats what she said...
Dec 6, 2008 - 01:46am PT
Some interesting stuff here. I dont have any relevant firsthand experiences to relate but I enjoy hearing them from others. I was wondering, however, if anyone has heard/seen anything odd at Arrow Canyon in NV? I ask because I have a climbing guide of the area and they actually make reference to strange goings on there without a whole lot of detail but they actually advise against camping there... just wondering...

Gym climber
San Franpsycho
Dec 6, 2008 - 11:34am PT
I spent a summer camping alone at the trailhead for Lost World looking for a change of scene from the valley. Well I got it there was absolutely no scene. It was a nice change but I've gotta admit I was pretty scared some nights there was no one around and at sundown i would always hear that same loud squak like nothing I have ever heard before, on weekends my friends would rally up to climb with me and I felt better having folks around but I know exactly what you're talking about. There are some strange creatures around there, On occasion I would walk out into the woods to investigate the sound with rocks in my hands ready to chuck and run but it never came to that it was kinda cool to be so scared like that, you know when you're scared on a climb and you just have to tell yourself to get over it, thats pretty much what I had to do to get over the fear. It turns out its a unique bird that lives in that area, and everytime I would venture away from my truck I wouldnt see anything but deer. Really magical place though.

Trad climber
Dec 7, 2008 - 12:49pm PT
Last year, my brother and I were hunting in the Redington Pass area east of Tucson. We awoke to a strange growling noise. I tried to convince myself it was a sick cow or something. It was very close to camp. 50 yds maybe. Finally decided it was a bear and got into the jeep. Circled camp a couple times lights on while Charlie wielded the 9mm. Things quited down after that. Next morning went looking for sign and track. Found nothing. Went back to town later in the day, I had to work. Charlie was going back out. I asked him if he wanted the Winchester 94. He said no. That evening, walking back to camp in darkness after the afternoon hunt, he heard it again. This time he said it sounded like two bears fighting over a dead cow. He said he started to run then realized there was nowhere to run.

still don't know what it was.

Big Wall climber
Feb 17, 2009 - 02:34pm PT
Another Scary, Mythical Beast Sighting here....


Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Feb 17, 2009 - 03:51pm PT
Lucho, have you been back recently? Same sounds or different?

It's a pretty wild place in those canyons.


Big Wall climber
Stoney Point
Feb 17, 2009 - 04:13pm PT
Big Foot = UFO's = Time Travel = Ass Raping.


Trad climber
Seki, California
Feb 17, 2009 - 04:24pm PT
Someone described the sounds and monster stuff like this....."Its Addison"

Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Feb 17, 2009 - 05:31pm PT
for what it's worth, not all the weird sh#t on 108 is Addison.

Real aliens have probed me up there. scary stuff mang.

Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Feb 17, 2009 - 05:31pm PT
Oh sh#t, I'm laughing my ass off at my own one liners.

That's just sad.
scuffy b

just below the San Andreas
Feb 17, 2009 - 05:51pm PT
I can only hope there's help available for you, Munge.

Trad climber
Jul 2, 2010 - 08:12pm PT
I've been back to second quarry parking lot almost every day for the last week or so working on a new project. first day - one stick teepee in the parking lot - nothing new.
day two - about 15 stick teepees all thru the woods. strange!

day three, more than 30 stick teepees - some with dead & eaten squirrels under them. they were everywhere.

I do no man...
scuffy b

Eastern Salinia
Jul 2, 2010 - 09:42pm PT
I say something happens within the next three hours.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Jul 3, 2010 - 12:17am PT
Bigfoot Beef Jerky!!!!

Gold, man.......

Social climber
Mar 29, 2012 - 12:44am PT
Bigfoot bump...
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