strike three


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Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Original Post - Mar 9, 2006 - 05:32pm PT
Well, I have third stage cancer, but it is confined for now. Surgery is next Thursday, the 16th. We'll see what the reports says and go from there.

At least I have a good excuse for climbing like crap for a while, LOL.

If I live though this one, life will be good. A word famous guitar maker friend of mine thinks I should patent a new type of guitar bridge I thought up, and he offered to help with the details. Another friend, the guy who does the music for Ken Burns films, is going to help me record and get copyrights done early next week. Another friend (he wasn't THAT good of a friend, I had to buy it LOL) found a very nice Goodall guitar for me to play-- it sounds like heaven.

Funny how things come together at a time like this.

My advice is, get busy doing what you want to do today, and forget about any doubts or obstacles.

Desolation Basin, Calif.
Mar 9, 2006 - 05:33pm PT
Great advice. Good luck.

Trad climber
LA, Ca
Mar 9, 2006 - 05:34pm PT
Sage advice.

Good luck to you!

Trad climber
So. Cal.
Mar 9, 2006 - 05:36pm PT
Hey Dirtineye,

We're pulling for you. Good Luck.

Social climber
The West
Mar 9, 2006 - 05:49pm PT
I was afraid that was what that thread title meant.
good luck! It ain't baseball.

Trad climber
Fremont, CA
Mar 9, 2006 - 06:12pm PT

Sorry to hear, I hope surgery turns out good for you.

mark miller

Social climber
Mar 9, 2006 - 07:01pm PT
Best of luck with your procedure, I'm planning on getting out climbing on that day( after 6 months off due to minor hand surgery and life), the weather is supposed to start getting Spring like out west next week. I'll think about you on the rock.
What's your idea for a new bridge I've often felt they could use improvement. I'm pretty familar with whats currently available and am wondering in which direction are you looking to improve. I've used many of them Gibson, tuneamatic; Fender fixed and with Whammy,Brian Moore and many different Bass Guitar bridges Badass, etc. and Flyod Rose ( use to be in a band, called Prism, with a local guy, and they toured opening up for Foghat, before he started selling his system , now he owns a small island.. Good Luck Dirt....

Trad climber
Tel Aviv
Mar 9, 2006 - 07:02pm PT
I hope they walk you. Don't listen to the umpire.
The crowds are cheering, send it out to right field- HARD!

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 9, 2006 - 07:19pm PT
Thanks ya'll.

It's strike three cause I've done this twice before.

Um, the bridge idea is a secret til it is sent off to the Patent Office with a date on it. But I'll tell you soon.

Fatty, I have no idea yet. My oncologist is pretty smart and on top of things, so if chemo is coming I'll be sure to ask her.

Mar 9, 2006 - 07:20pm PT

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 9, 2006 - 07:22pm PT
NO Werner, I will not pray to a retarded god-child. Screw him. If he exists, he can kill me, and send me to hell, but he can't make me respect or worship his sorry @$$.

Mar 9, 2006 - 07:25pm PT
You are already in hell. He will not personally kill you. If he did you would immediately become liberated.

Was Hiranyakasipu your teacher? I hope not ......

back at Zak's
Mar 9, 2006 - 07:31pm PT
your courage is inspiring. thank you.

Trad climber
Santa Fe N.M.
Mar 9, 2006 - 08:55pm PT

I don't have the chance to log on here as often as I would like, but when I do, I certianly enjoy your posts. I have been involved in the patent game for awhile now myself. If I can be of any assistance in that arena let me know. As someone who has also knocked on the door of the unknown a couple of times I still don't have any universal answers for that one. However, I did learn that none of us are permanent residents here, even though we tend to live like we are. My best to you.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Mar 9, 2006 - 08:59pm PT

Thanks much for the heads up and good advice. I do have some things I've been putting off and I think I'll try to sit down later and think long and hard about them. All the best...

Trad climber
Denver, CO
Mar 9, 2006 - 09:06pm PT
Hey Dirt - my uncle just got cleared after having stage 3 colon cancer and going through surgery and chemo. You will get there, and I'm with you... any god that would hand this down to somebody he loved ain't worth loving, he's worth giving a solid ass kicking.

Thank you for the advice, tomorrow morning I'll be up at 4:45am and hitting the fresh snow. Sleeping in doesn't seem like an option.
Mountain Man

Trad climber
Outer space
Mar 9, 2006 - 09:15pm PT
"any god that would hand this down to somebody he loved ain't worth loving, he's worth giving a solid ass kicking."


How adolescent!

I'll pray for your perfect recovery, to whoever there is to pray to. I don't claim to know anything, except prayers are answered.

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 9, 2006 - 09:42pm PT
come on now, this is not about religion.

If you want, start a religion thread, LOL.

I think if you are going to post about religion in this thread, you should send me 50 bucks per post.

Starting now.

I'm really not against anyone praying though, prayer might work without a god around. I'm just not going in for it myself.


Penn's Woods
Mar 9, 2006 - 09:47pm PT
Hey man, hang in there. No transcendental gobbledegook to it, but best wishes to you all the same.
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Mar 9, 2006 - 11:25pm PT
I wish you a perfect outcome. Sounds like your enthusiasm for your future could carry you through.

The alternative might be just fine too but you said no religion so I won't go there.


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