blood sports (ot ?)


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climber's near nevada...
Topic Author's Original Post - Jan 27, 2010 - 08:07pm PT
so a skier was just killed in an avalanche on the ridge right behind my house...

i ski this ridge pretty much every sunday, as you can drop right back into the kitchen from fact, i was thinking this morning about a moonlight low angle cruise up there, as the moon is full on friday night. there's more than one low angle approach and descent from there that i thought *would* be safe even in these horrid conditions...maybe that's why i'm so wigged...

it's like hearing about someone falling on a climb you've done...i keep wanting to hear they did something completely incorrect, that there was a series of mistakes and not just whammo !! the terrain you thought would never slide just *rips* and you are sucked under...

it's just sobering. i know it's part of what makes these sports what they are, that mountaineering or climbing or whatever would not be the same if it was's still just a little sobering when it hits close to home...i feel like i should head up there and plant a candle or something but i don't want to skin up at just this moment...

my thoughts are with the family and friends of the deceased.

be safe out there my friends...

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