Didn't you used to be Bob D'Antonio?


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Ice climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 8, 2008 - 01:58pm PT
WEll, looks like the gauntlet has been thrown down. I'd better come up with some pictures........now if only I can remember where they are?

Bob, REALLY? You're the GM? I'd better visit some more then.


Trad climber
Golden, CO
Feb 8, 2008 - 02:34pm PT
I, for one, would like to see some pics and posts from the esteemed Jack Roberts.

right here, right now
Feb 8, 2008 - 02:49pm PT
You don't have to remember where your photos are Jack, just ask Pam!

Let us know if you need any help with photo bucket, scanning or whatever.
One of the best parts of bein' older & beat up is you have some company in that manner and we all like pictures...


Big Wall climber
arlington, va
Feb 8, 2008 - 02:59pm PT
Bob sounds like my little buddy from Scotland.
If someone gave him to much s#*t at a party, Duncan
would say "Pick a window lad...yer leavin'!"
bob d'antonio

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Feb 8, 2008 - 03:37pm PT
Jack is truly a bad ass when it comes to climbing. He is the real deal who has pushed in all all aspects of the sport.

I am also very proud to call him and Pam friends.
Russ Walling

Social climber
Out on the sand.... man.....
Feb 8, 2008 - 03:39pm PT
Who "is" Jack?

Jack Roberts? If so, hi Jack... long time.... remember that gobie you got on Leave it to Beaver in JT? Biggest one I ever saw. The quote of the day was from Reinhard Karls wife after watching you slug for that elusive hand jam a few dozen times....

you are a HARD man Jack...

right here, right now
Feb 8, 2008 - 05:40pm PT
Yes Russ that Jack.
Tell us a story Jack!
scuffy b

Stump with a backrest
Feb 8, 2008 - 07:50pm PT
Is this the Jack Roberts who used to climb with Black and
Bartlett and the G&E Buff climbers?

portland, Oregon
Feb 8, 2008 - 08:43pm PT
Come on Jack, tell us some stories. Not the tried and true Alaskan alpine gnarlys. We want to hear something new. Perhaps ice climbing with Charlie? Or your trip up Iron Hawk? Throw us bored winter i-surfers a bone.
Kicking Cairns

Taos, NM
Feb 8, 2008 - 11:13pm PT
Bob D'Antonio didn't look to "used to be" Bob D' to me when he came to Taos last year. What now Bob, 53?

The man still climbs hard, put up...Oh, I don't know...70 routes in the short time he was here. Quality too. The man thinks, reads and talks the talk on virtually any topic. To top it off, he gets marks for having a wonderful wife (Say hey to Laurel for us) and three kids any man would be proud to know.

To "used to be" Bob D' would surely resonate. To be Bob D'at 53 looks pretty sound to me.

Some one needs to add a striped Lycra mullet shot here and a

Bob D' Appreciation thread.

Cheers Bob,

Ice climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 9, 2008 - 11:05am PT
Pam here.....Roy, how did you know that I know where all Jack's stuff is??? Sometimes I think that's why he still keeps me around...
I count myself as fortunate to know so many people who "used to be" hard men and women...for the most part they are still tremendous individuals, and in some cases, better people now than they were in their glory dayz. Like Bob! :-) But yeah, Jack still amazes me...at 55, he's off ice climbing today, while I forsake fresh powder to grade papers, and do research for a project due next week. The choices we make... the table is scattered with sheets of old slides, so you never know what might appear on this thread in a few days! :-) Rick, where are you when we need you?

right here, right now
Feb 9, 2008 - 11:17am PT
Way to go Pam!

Trad climber
Feb 9, 2008 - 12:04pm PT
Bob D had the best climber Mullet of all time!!

Hey bob now that you're back in boulder we should do some climbing again.


Boulder climber
Redmond, OR
Feb 9, 2008 - 12:05pm PT
Scuffy B--yes, I've put the clues together and it must be: Jack, an original Buffer. He gave my wife and I some green soup mugs (which I still use,) at my wedding thirty years ago and then I lost contact. ˇˇGreetings Genie Buffer Jack, now harder-than-he-thinks-Bldr Jack!! Bruce
bob d'antonio

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Feb 9, 2008 - 12:06pm PT
Mike..thanks for the kind words. Coming from a quality human being like yourself means a lot to me. I miss the crew in Taos and really miss our conversations to and from the crags. You have a wonderful family and a great wife (how she feeling?)...another month to the new addition to the family?

Laurel and I will be Taos on the 16th...see you then.

Beside very man (if they are blessed or just lucky) is a great woman like my wife and Pam. Jack, Mike and I are quite fortunate to be with women who not only love us but understand our need to do the things we do. After 39 years of being together my wife continue to amaze me with her kindness and love that she extend to me, our kids and her friends.

Ice climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 9, 2008 - 12:30pm PT
And perhaps that all lasts a lot longer and means more than a reputation as a hardman? :-)
p.s. Jack just called me from the base of the ice in Vail....3 feet of new snow! Nice of him to call, though...guess he's not so tough after all! :-)

Ice climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 9, 2008 - 01:01pm PT
Bob...lest the others think "us good wives" are just sitting home cooking while "you boys" go off and play...it takes 2 always! Jack still climbs with me, even though I am no longer "the Paminator"...supports my need to be a gnarly surfer girl, and doesn't complain about MY trips...even got me a new surfboard one x-mas. Might even accompany me to the school talent show tonight if he gets back in time! And Bob, I KNOW you've made sacrifices for Laurel, too. Just don't want anyone to think we're sitting home knitting doilies or something! :-)
Rick A

Boulder, Colorado
Feb 9, 2008 - 01:27pm PT
Happy to oblige. Here's one of Jack: bouldering in North Wales, summer of '77. Photo by Al Harris.

bob d'antonio

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Feb 9, 2008 - 05:12pm PT
Pam wrote: Bob...lest the others think "us good wives" are just sitting home cooking while "you boys" go off and play...it takes 2 always!

That's funny Pam...Laurel told me she was tired of making dinner every night about 12 years ago and said if we wanted it...we better cook it.

Not of us have starved and I have gotten quite good at doing it.

We are a team and there is always a lot give and take. I enjoy giving because I know that I will get back even more. Funny how that works.

Rick...are you sure that used to be Jack Roberts???

Trad climber
Lee, NH
Feb 9, 2008 - 05:26pm PT
The title of this thread cracks me up each time I read it. It's good content too.

There was a day when a local guide climbing at the Magic Bus was chatting with the other parties there. He learned that one woman was a ski racer just back from the Olympics. Some old guy turned out to be a Red Rock old-timer. The guide turned to a third climber just standing around and asked him, "Wow, are you a living legend too?"

That's become a catch-phrase around our house.
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