"What would Brutus Do?" suggestion thread


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Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Topic Author's Original Post - Jul 5, 2009 - 07:47pm PT
Brutus of Wyde is playing hookey from the old climber's home, and a few of us have been kicking around special ways to honor him by "Paying it forward" Brutus style.

See Brutus would often spend a day cleaning up at the base of a crag, or would carry somebody's favorite food or beverage in his pack on a long route to surprise him with on the summit. He was masterful in random acts of kindness.

To honor his memory, and to enhance our own bliss and fulfillment, I thought we might kick around some ideas about what we could do when we wanted to take some time playing "What would Brutus do?"

One of the first ideas was to show up on top of some crag (or El Cap) on a hot day when people are topping out. Bring a variety of nice foods and cold drinks and share them with the parched and battered folks on the summit.

When I was on my way to give Brutus's eulogy, somebody in the next lane paid my bridge toll, that was a good one. (A Brutus quickie)

I thought it would be cool to run around on a crazy snowy day in the mountains in winter with your 4x4 with a stack of flares, charged cell phone, comealong, and thermos of hot chocolate, and just help out tourists who managed to get stuck in the snow or slide off the road.

Basically, what are some creative ways to stoke somebody else out who might not have been expecting anything? Bonus points for something that provides maximum bliss and at minimum expense.

Peace and love


PS, for reference, Brutus memorial text thread


Trad climber
the end of the world as we know it, & I feel fine.
Jul 5, 2009 - 09:26pm PT
Great idea, Karl!

I am introducing a friend who is quite the fisherman to the some eastside camping in Rock Creek next weekend. He's a wine lover and there's going to be a nice bottle to share to eat with the trout he's sure to catch Saturday night.

It's little, but it matters.


Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jul 6, 2009 - 01:20am PT
I don't know if this counts, but I just treated my sweetheart to a climbing trip on the east side that had lots of the things she likes, good food, great vistas, a smattering of climbing, lots of sleep, lounging by the pool, and Grey Goose Cosmos. It was pretty much just for her.

Originally this weekend was supposed to be about me going to the So Sierra, but taking my key from Brutus, it was my turn to treat my sweetie to a relaxing weekend.

I've got some other ideas of how to Brutus It Forward, but I don't want to ruin the surprise.


great stuff Karl!


mars...it's near nevada...
Jul 6, 2009 - 01:22am PT
hand them all a pale ale, or other flavorful beverage from the cooler...

Trad climber
New York, NY
Jul 6, 2009 - 08:53am PT
I received a nicety yesterday. I'd suggested to my partner we run up an easy route and set a TR on a hard one next door, when I saw the route open. I just didn't occur to me the people down the cliff had the same idea.... They got there first.

Instead of the "Sorry/Too bad" bravado/obnoxiousness one often runs into in such a scenario at the Gunks, the leader of their group was totally "Oh, you can run up on our rope. You can even go first; we can eat our lunches." And he meant it. No patronizing, no nothing. Just a nice, laid back person enjoying the day.

So, he showed me a way to be, and I hope I can remember it next time I am in a situation where that sort of attitude would make a difference.

Tucson, AZ
Jul 6, 2009 - 10:12am PT
"Brutus it Forward"

That's beautiful.

Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jul 6, 2009 - 12:28pm PT
aye, I think Chief got it right too.


Big Wall climber
The Immaculate Conception
Jul 6, 2009 - 01:21pm PT
Got a gift from Brutus yesterday and replied to him in our own special way to pay it forward. Tiki-Ger and I were putting up a route "somewhere in SoYo" (Brutus knows where ;). Ger and I swung the leads to finish 'er up. As Ger was finishing the last 60', a balloon floated above his head....prolly no more than 200' above. A balloon??......out in the middle of 'no where'?? The balloon drifted a bit past us and then turned back to the direction it came from and hung over us for at least the next 10 minutes. A huge wave of happiness crashed onto me, producing a huge smile and a burst of laughter. It was then that I realized Brutus was watching over us! When we topped out, it was so easy for us to laugh, reflect and simply enjoy our "brotherhood of the rope".

Thus the FA of 'Today's Gift' (5.8), Tiki-Ger and Mooch

Thanks brother Brutus!!

Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jul 6, 2009 - 01:26pm PT
That there is the high sign to hit Balloon Dome my friend.


Big Wall climber
The Immaculate Conception
Jul 6, 2009 - 01:39pm PT
Yeah, that was the direction it was headed. :)

Social climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
Jul 6, 2009 - 02:05pm PT
Nice sentiment. I was considering my ultimate demise the other day. Not believing in the pearly gates I realized the only thing that will live on after I'm gone is my spirit in the people world. If you do something good and it makes someone else do something good....and it causes a chain reaction that doesn't stop, you have left some part of you in the afterlife. Thanks Karl, I will ponder the execution of this great idea.

Trad climber
Jul 6, 2009 - 02:12pm PT
Hugs to ya Brother Mooch!!

Nate D

San Francisco
Jul 6, 2009 - 03:35pm PT
Well done Tiki and Mooch! Wish I had still been there to witness the balloon. Beautiful name...

Brutus crossed my mind the day prior when I was on the sharp end, sloppily hammering away at the drill, panting with exhaustion, toes flaming then going numb - thinking I'm just not cut out for this. Then the video Munge posted of Brutus calmly drilling away on Hoffman flashed before my sweat filled eyes, and I strove to recall his smooth rhythm - his obvious mastery.

Big Wall climber
The Immaculate Conception
Jul 6, 2009 - 05:22pm PT
Love ya brothers Tiki and Nate!

Hey Kev! Great to finally hook up with you guys. Props to you guys for "keepin' the way"!!

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Jul 6, 2009 - 06:34pm PT
I'm going to sic myself on a route he had his eye on, as a birthday present to myself, as well, next weekend, pretty sure Brutus would have been in on that...

There is a thread here about raising funds for JB's son Tyrus, pretty sure Bruce would have been first in line on that one, as well.

Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jul 6, 2009 - 06:44pm PT
heh, Brutus was also standing on big ole belay ledge while rattling on.

~smoke and mirrors~

Tattooed 1

Trad climber
Sebastopol, Ca
Jul 6, 2009 - 07:15pm PT
Had the pleasure of meeting and climbing with Tom Roher a couple of weeks ago. Very pleasant guy with a great sense of humor and wealth of knowledge. Tom is still out there replacing and installing rap anchors for us at 73 years young. Still paying it forward.
Tim Grogan

Trad climber
East Bay, CA
Jul 16, 2009 - 02:04am PT
Tiki, Mooch, Nate, Matt - it was very nice meeting you guys, & enjoying some beer w/you the other day! You've developed the place beautifully, keeping The Way as Mooch calls it. What a perfect crag! We went back to LE last w/e and tried a few more routes. Would like to check out the river more too. That place is truly amazing! So, just wanted to say thank you for sharing your LE info w/us! -Susan Godar
Nate D

San Francisco
Jul 16, 2009 - 02:55am PT
Gee, thanks lurking susu! Methinks your Way is even more pure than ours.
So you guys truly haven't sampled the stream yet?? It's what Brutus would do!

I'll be up there Sat. afternoon, with a few kids in tow. Which means I'll be doing more swimming than climbing. An SSCA (Southern Sierra Climbers Association) event is happening @ LE Sat. & Sun., so we've gotta temporarily mask our reclusive ways.

Trad climber
East Bay, CA
Jul 17, 2009 - 11:33am PT
Ethics - the necessary debate - as ongoing a discussion as the infinite variety of climbs and climbers out there.... Would be nice if greater consensus could be achieved generally, tho. Anyhoo, seems to me you guys are yourselves purists!

So Brutus would sample the stream... If I ever hang out there before the shade does, I will too! Maybe we'll make it out there at some point this w/e. Enjoy your w/e!


Big Wall climber
The Immaculate Conception
Jul 17, 2009 - 06:02pm PT
"Susu's Petals" ~

So glad we met you, John, Kev and the rest of the gang. Nater is right. You are keepers of The Flame......leading The Way! Would love to hook with you all again. Sadly, I can't make it this weekend to enjoy the company of all. But I wish you all loads of fun and enjoy the spiritual conection you get there at the "pools". Maybe that friendly little trout will return and nudge a few of you.

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