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The Valley
Topic Author's Original Post - Dec 25, 2008 - 08:39pm PT
500 laps on an OVAL??!!
that's 2000 of the SAME turns!!!
Cars that weren't originally even designed for racing??
How about shifting (barely)???
Crashing into each other instead of REALLY racing (in other words, instead of being a better driver)??!!
screw NASCAR!!!
I just had to rant about end the age-old debate!!!

Trad climber
Boss Angeles
Dec 25, 2008 - 09:05pm PT
57 shifts per lap at Monaco, zero shifts at Fontana.

Captain...or Skully

Trad climber
North of the Owyhees
Dec 25, 2008 - 09:16pm PT
Arguing with a Nascar guy is like wrestling a pig in the mud.
Pretty soon you realize that the pig likes it.

The Valley
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 25, 2008 - 10:57pm PT
looks pretty one-sided so far.
guess a lot of people agree...

Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Dec 25, 2008 - 11:01pm PT
"Cars that weren't originally even designed for racing??"

that's the kicker there. I'm not a fan but isn't that a true sport? Taking Chevy's and suping them up and going super fast??

I agree the oval track is lame though, they should do Nascar on varied tracks. Turns, hills, etc....

Trad climber
Durango, CO
Dec 25, 2008 - 11:16pm PT
The only NASCAR races worth watching are the road courses: Sears Point and Watkins Glen. But the WrestleMania crowd seems to like the oval tracks.

But F1 is where its at. Go Ferrari!!!!

And while we're at it, don't forget the World Rally Championships. I think that's the wildest of them all. I wish they'd show it on TV in the US again.

Trad climber
Boss Angeles
Dec 25, 2008 - 11:23pm PT
About all you need to know is the Formula 1 guys date supermodels while Nascar drivers marry their sisters.

Trad climber
Butte, America
Dec 25, 2008 - 11:45pm PT
"Why don't you people go down to Talledaga and change some fockin' Stock Car tires."

--Dennis Miller, on seeing a picture of the Confederate flag on a State building.
ron gomez

Trad climber
Dec 26, 2008 - 12:33am PT
Formula ONE is the only one. Except get the hell rid of the little Nazi Eccelstoner. Vive Ferrari and the Scuderia!
Acopa has a shoe that is tied to F1....the Enzo! Climbs like a Ferrari drives and sticks to the rock like Ferrari sticks to the pavement.

Trad climber
Boss Angeles
Dec 26, 2008 - 12:51am PT
The Choiunard / Asolo Canyons were advertised as having F-1 rubber.

I bought a pair because they weren't EB's.
rick d

tucson, az
Dec 26, 2008 - 12:58am PT
while I appreciate rally,

there is only one style of road race.

isle of man TT.

Chalkless climber
the Gunks end of the country
Dec 26, 2008 - 08:30am PT
F1 racing reminds me of getting stuck behind some putz driving 10-15 mph under the speed limit on a two lane road. Every time you get a broken line there is oncoming traffic. Then it's back to the double line again. At least in NASCAR you can give that little old lady/accountant/driver who emigrated from some country where almost nobody drives, a bump in the tail.

Maybe F1 could learn from Indy or NASCAR. Having cars that can go fast but rarely reach top speed because of "road courses" is hardly racing. Open wheel racing just means that the drivers can't race tight together for fear of having to see how well they can stick the landing.

F1 turns are the double yellow line of traffic.

How many F1 races have been dropped for next season? F1 is more popular in countries that have real sports like bull-fighting, and cricket, where men play field hockey, and the whole country takes off a month for vacation.

How exciting is it to sit at a turn on an F1 course - waiting for what, a car that comes in too fast to make the turn and shoot down the emergency exit? F1 - a sport that without TV would be completely unwatchable.

Super-models may be fun to look at, but how are they on the track so to speak?

And that stock car comment - whoa! What decade is that from?

right here, right now
Dec 26, 2008 - 11:57am PT
Traddy has that one, Nascar rigs haven't been "stock" for a long long time. Entirely purpose built.
Richard Petty was cool tho, & he could road race too.
Nevertheless, I find closed course road racing much more entertaining than oval gigs.

Big Wall climber
somewhere without avatars.........
Dec 26, 2008 - 12:08pm PT
And the biggest reason Formula 1 is better......

You don't get this with Nascar!

Oh yeah, let's not forget something for the ladies -

right here, right now
Dec 26, 2008 - 12:14pm PT
Riverside Raceway Southern California 1971/1972,
From a time when men where men and open wheeled cars had great big fat wings:

ron gomez

Trad climber
Dec 26, 2008 - 01:38pm PT
Dang Roy we use to stop off the 60 there in the far turn to watch the end of races....coming home from Josh!!!! Was the best! Man that was a LONG timego.

Where the past and future meet
Dec 26, 2008 - 01:41pm PT
Which would you rather drive?

F1 cars have huge amounts of money (GDP of a small country) dumped into the absolute latest technology in the world to make them go well over 200 mph at 1900 rpm and pull insane g forces turning both left and right.

The amount of money that goes into the R&D for NASCAR is pathetic in comparison. The cars are no longer close to 'stock' with custom tubular frames and tuned up V8s. All that to only turn left... and when twice a season they have to turn right all hell breaks loose as the drivers dont know how to drive the courses and the teams have no idea how to set up the cars. Might as well go watch a snuff film.

Personally I think the business is closing city streets and letting a bunch of ace drivers in super fast cars go to town. That is entertainment.

right here, right now
Dec 26, 2008 - 04:31pm PT
"Dang Roy we use to stop off the 60 there in the far turn to watch the end of races"

That was probably Turn 6...
The cars in that picture are coming out of the S's and heading up in to Turn 6.

I spent a lot of time out at the track in those days; my dad was a turn worker and I just rode around on my Schwinn Stingray in the infield, over the Champion Bridge, around the grandstands outside the turns, sometimes in the paddock (I rarely landed a Pit Pass).

There was a series I believe called the Winston 500 BITD, which put NASCAR rigs on the road course at Riverside. One of the biggest liabilities was their weight; if a driver lost control and hit the Armco barrier, the resultant force (in comparison to a crash with a lighter car, never mind the extensive roll cages that the NASCAR rigs had) could really do damage to the driver's body.

right here, right now
Dec 26, 2008 - 04:58pm PT
”Personally I think the business is closing city streets and letting a bunch of ace drivers in super fast cars go to town. That is entertainment.”

Here are some snapshots I took at the Long Beach Grand Prix, (Formula One) circa maybe 1974 or so.

Probably a McLaren, as I think those were the cars which Marlboro cigarettes sponsored at that time:

A vintage Mercedes:
(note the driver is wearing a vintage leather helmet)

Probably a Brabham, BRM, or Lotus given the British Racing Green:


Trad climber
Mountain View, CA
Dec 29, 2008 - 02:15am PT
I actually saw somebody pass somebody else in F1, once.


ps- I like F1, but it is no coincidence that the teams with the most $$$$ are the most successful. Also, the F1 organizers keep passing all sorts of silly rules to limit technology and make the ability of the driver be the deciding factor, but that never seems to work.

Trad climber
San Diego, CA.
Dec 29, 2008 - 02:59am PT

First one looks like a Tyrell...

Dont know what the second is.

The third one is most certainly a Cooper

I agree that F1 is FAR superior to Nascar (which frankly isn't even a form of racing in my opinion... its more of an excuse for rednecks to gather and drink) But what about Le Mans and endurance racing? No love for the 12 and 24 hour races?

ron gomez

Trad climber
Dec 29, 2008 - 09:41am PT
Dwain the paint scheme looks more like an acid trip! If you can get a car together, I volunteer to be one of yer pit crew. That won't be tire smoke you see as you leave the pits brother! Oh yeah... boogity boogity boogity, let's get high boys!

Roy those are some great vintage shots you got. I use to live in Long Beach and would "sneak" into some of those F-1 and CART races there as a little boy. That was a great circuit, too bad it's gone now.

Trad climber
boulder, co.
Dec 29, 2008 - 10:01am PT
Chaz this was way funny; "About all you need to know is the Formula 1 guys date supermodels while Nascar drivers marry their sisters".

Nascar got it's start with moonshine runners. It's a sport for red necks.
F1 is a sport of kings and the finest race engineers in the world.

Nascar is like watching laundry in a dryer.

F1 is like watching a Victoria's Secret fashion show from back stage.

Trad climber
Boss Angeles
Dec 29, 2008 - 11:28am PT
Why can't the Nascar guys race in the rain?


Did they stop moving moonshine when it rained? Why not race in the rain?

It takes more than rain to stop a F-1 race.

Chalkless climber
the Gunks end of the country
Dec 29, 2008 - 12:13pm PT
Anybody who thinks NASCAR cars never turn right has obviously never watched a race very closely.

They turn right in every race (unless they crash early).

Trad climber
Boss Angeles
Dec 29, 2008 - 12:15pm PT
Dale Earnhardt (sp?) turned right. Once.

It didn't work out so good for him.
Michael D

Big Wall climber
Napoli, Italy
Dec 29, 2008 - 01:19pm PT
I'm a car nut, so the wife and daughter get dragged to lots of courses. They summed it up perfectly after F1 in Bahrain (wanted to see Hamilton go 3 for 3 on the podium), saying Nascar is a party, F1 is an event, and Endurance and Rally are experiences. True, in F1 $=success, but the new 4 race engine rule will change that. ?? Why can't you hear the gunfire downshifts when watching F1 on TV?
Michael D

Big Wall climber
Napoli, Italy
Dec 29, 2008 - 01:37pm PT
Oh Yeah, and the F1 reports are the ONLY one's that Fox News covers that don't get all distorted.

Mountain climber
Bethany, CT
Dec 29, 2008 - 08:31pm PT
Yeah, I vote with the Isle of Man TT poster - motorcycle road racing has it all over Formula 1 (NASCAR is LAME)Almost nobody in the real world will ever drive anything remotely like a F-1 car, but for a few grand you can go out early Sunday morning and drag your knees across the pavement on a bike that is a difference in degree, not of kind, of the ones raced at Isle of Man and etc
ron gomez

Trad climber
Dec 29, 2008 - 08:45pm PT
The Isle of Man TT is freekin CRAZY!!! When I get the chance to watch it, it scares the schit outa me. Blasting full open, wheels leaving the ground on rises, no barriers against walls, curbs, houses, people, AND multiple bikes on the course at the same time!!!! BIG, BIG BALLS! Yeah it makes car racing look wussie, but I can't resist the sound of an F-1 engine at 19Krpm, 100+mph around tight curves, oh yeah and the BABES. Vive Ferrari!
them NAS"COR" guys do make left turns on every lap(counter steering)and looks cool when they drift the long turns, but I can't stand the way the announcers talk like red neckers saying buggity boogity, callin other drivers "cats", and the cars "hot rods" and they caution every other lap for debris on the track and stop the race if a couple raindrops hit the track. Of all forms of auto racing, they are the big premadonas.
phillip mike revis

snowbird, ut
Dec 29, 2008 - 10:09pm PT
a nascar race is nothing more than a football game f1 and moto gp are where it is at i have been an f1 fan since i was a kid before mario andretti won the drivers title and i was never interested in nascar the cars don't look cool enough
f1 has always been an engine development arena for auto makers when honda engines were winning races twenty years ago their production cars engines lasted forever i would hate to see the rules hange to standardized engines
vive ferrari

right here, right now
Dec 29, 2008 - 11:03pm PT
Echo said:

"First one looks like a Tyrell...

Yes I see the similarity in the intake take scoop,
But weren't all the Tyrell's at that time works cars, typically sponsored by Elf, and so a medium dark blue?

Nice call on the Cooper!
I never would've I.D.'d that...
'Fairly distinctive cowl over the engine.

And yes the sounds of the cars can be really amazing.

Ontario Motor Speedway (does that even exist any longer? Probably gone like Riverside right?) Once had a Formula One race, something like 1970/1971.
I will never forget the sound of the Matra, running a flat 12, a thing of beauty to the ears, like a really high-pitched massive church organ.
ron gomez

Trad climber
Dec 30, 2008 - 12:24am PT
Named my son after an F-1 driver...Niki Lauda.

Trad climber
San Diego, CA.
Dec 30, 2008 - 12:51am PT

You might be right about the Tyrell idea... McLaren used to run those colors around that time.

And the reason that the Cooper was such an easy call was because they were the featured marque at the Monterey Historics a few years ago. I saw a vintage race with like 30 of them running in it... If any of you ever have the chance to go to the historics definitely do. I go every year with my dad and its always a complete blast!

Michael D

Big Wall climber
Napoli, Italy
Dec 30, 2008 - 01:00am PT
Echo, did you attend the Speed Weekend in SD this past year? I was bummed to be out of town. We saw a rally of 1920-1960's race/performance autos at Cortina, IT. Amazing to see the cars driven at speed on public roads! My daughter wants an Osca or 300SL gullwing after seeing and hearing them.

right here, right now
Dec 30, 2008 - 02:12am PT
Hey Echo,

Remember when Tyrell ran 4 front tires???
Each suspended independently.

One of the strangest configurations ever in motor sports, F1 or otherwise.

I never saw Jackie Stewart race Formula One, but I did get to see him competing in Can Am.
(That's the Canadian American challenge for you Anders).

right here, right now
Dec 30, 2008 - 02:20am PT
Here's another one from the early 70s Long Beach GP,
Again guessing on color, I'm thinking Bugatti?


Dec 30, 2008 - 02:33am PT
About all you need to know is the Formula 1 guys date supermodels while Nascar drivers marry their sisters.

LOL Thats about it ! Nascar is Conbine racing.

F1 rules.


right here, right now
Dec 30, 2008 - 02:57am PT
Do we even have Formula 1 racing here in the states?
I don't think so ... when was the last one done here???

Club Racing, like SCCA Formula A, would have to be the closest.
Different format for open wheel; less money but bigger engines.

Somebody help me on this one: 5 Litre maximum displacement I believe for Formula A, while F1, has been restricted at 2 litre, but with various tweaks over the years?

Among the first photographs I ever took and developed,
During seventh-grade junior high school, 1973, first year I started climbing:


Dec 30, 2008 - 03:18am PT
2006 at Indy. the closes now is Canada there was talk abut Mexico 2010 or bring it back to Indy.

Chalkless climber
the Gunks end of the country
Dec 30, 2008 - 07:53am PT
Ah yes, the glory days of Motor Racing.

Remember when F1 racing had Honda (It is up for sale now. Carlos Slim denies that he is interested). Next year will see the fewest teams in 11 years.

Toyota is going to be cost cutting. McLaren has just cut 2009 budget by 30%.

FIA announced within 2 years there would be a ban on refueling, shorter races and limits on expensive testing and engine development. No more wind tunnel testing (which use the same amount of energy as about 500 households).

Shorter races and no refueling?! 1/4 mile - no turns at all?

What didn't FIA do? Standardize on one engine and go hybrid (capture breaking energy).

BITD has arrived. :-)
ron gomez

Trad climber
Dec 30, 2008 - 10:02am PT
No F-1 in the US since the Indy circuit was cut a couple years back. It was one of the few races I DIDN"T have to get up at 4:00 in the freeking morning to watch live. Would be cool if they brought it back here....maybe Watkins Glenn, Laguna Seca or to blow the NASCAR guys Daytona!

Trad climber
San Diego, CA.
Dec 30, 2008 - 02:26pm PT
Michael, This is the first year that I wasn't able to go to the Coronado Speed Fest, due to a scheduling conflict that came up. Its always a good time. I equate it to being a miniature version of Monterey.

Tarbuster, I absolutely remember the 6 wheeled Tyrell's. You are right that they were in Elf colors. And the car you posted is a Bugatti. Funny story, my father and I were driving the Laurels Grade (road in Monterey) to get from my Aunt and Uncles place (where we stay) in Carmel over to Laguna Seca, when a Bugatti like that flew past us going the other way. My pops and I just looked at each other both thinking "only in Monterey."

right here, right now
Dec 30, 2008 - 09:29pm PT
Yes Echo,
It would be quite something to attend a Monterey Concourse D’Elegance!

Michael D wrote:

”We saw a rally of 1920-1960's race/performance autos at Cortina, IT. Amazing to see the cars driven at speed on public roads! My daughter wants an Osca or 300SL gullwing.”

Gullwing Mercedes: among the most coveted grand touring vehicles of all time.

In the early 90s outside Cortina, I was descending a Via Ferratta with a gal and we came upon one of those vintage rallies:

A Lancia Aurelia:


Trad climber
Boss Angeles
Dec 30, 2008 - 09:59pm PT

"The Viagra Limp Dick Pontiac Number Fourteen Car was runnin' along real good 'till the front end caught on fire and we went into the wall"

Nascar or F-1?
Michael D

Big Wall climber
Napoli, Italy
Dec 30, 2008 - 10:23pm PT
Tarbuster, the images are awesome..rain or shine. Is that via near Falzarego? The sign brought back a recent service memory, at the M Car it cost 160 euro to change the oil and filters in my Mini! Yikes! Yep, the 300SL is pretty in pics, stunning on the road...albeit not as "vocal" as the thoroughbreds :)
ron gomez

Trad climber
Dec 30, 2008 - 10:28pm PT
Chaz...that's PURE genius! I'm freekin laughing my head off!!

Hey Roy, we drive out to Josh together and have a love for the motor sports and didn't even talk about it???? Them are some great photos dude!
goatboy smellz

dirty south
Dec 30, 2008 - 10:29pm PT
Hey Roy, do you know the make of the car in the second to last photo?

You don't see front grills like that everyday.

right here, right now
Dec 30, 2008 - 10:39pm PT
Yes Chaz can really paint a picture!

The via Ferratta was in the Sella group.
This one:

Goat Boy:

Not sure about that fancy grill.

It might be that the first red car is a "Birdcage Maserati."
(But my recollection of those is that they had much taller front fenders, with a very pronounced curve)
To really know you'd have to see some exposed tubular framework behind the windscreen, which we can't see due to the fogged condition.

right here, right now
Dec 30, 2008 - 10:43pm PT
This black car is my favorite from that day,
Somewhere in an Internet sports car file I was able to I.D. it, British I think.
Not an Aston Martin, and if Italian it is Abarth...


right here, right now
Dec 30, 2008 - 10:59pm PT
Okay I'm pretty darn tootin' sure that this is a Birdcage Maserati,
or at least a Maserati of some type...
They still employ the trademark narrow oval grill with Trident logo in the center:


right here, right now
Dec 30, 2008 - 11:06pm PT
Aston Martin, DBsomething, notable for the u-shaped rear window:
(um...I think)


Dec 30, 2008 - 11:16pm PT
See all those bricks in the road.

Some guys had to lay those down by hand so you can drive your car on them.

Without those brick layers .......

right here, right now
Dec 30, 2008 - 11:32pm PT
Without those brick layers we would just drive across their backs!
Or it would be a true Rally, on dirt & gravel...

But really; beautiful cobblestone roads yes?

Dec 30, 2008 - 11:36pm PT
Yes, I thought the cobblestone road was beautiful.

It's got class.

How come America makes bland roads?

right here, right now
Dec 30, 2008 - 11:37pm PT
A Ferrari California:


Trad climber
Boss Angeles
Dec 31, 2008 - 12:47pm PT

right here, right now
Dec 31, 2008 - 02:00pm PT
After a fender bender like that a car is never quite right...
From here on out, it will be a bitch to align the front end and it'll always be hard on tires.

(and that cop has really tight hamstrings)

right here, right now
Dec 31, 2008 - 02:32pm PT
More cars from the 21st annual Coppa Doro Della Dolomiti (Cortina Italy 1993),
I have no idea of the make of either of these automobiles,

(and just because they have a faring behind the driver's head doesn't mean they are some variant on the D Type Jaguar)

The matching helmets and visors in car number 100 remind me of the "firemen" helmets from Fahrenheit 451:


right here, right now
Dec 31, 2008 - 02:41pm PT
And a little deeper thread drift, concerning the D Type Jaguar,
To my mind one of the most outlandishly sexy designs ever (in any field):

From the Ralph Lauren collection on display at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts:

Jaguar D-Type XKD403, winner of the 1954 Reims 12 Hours race:

Both photos and more information with related links available at:

right here, right now
Jan 1, 2009 - 02:08pm PT
More four-wheel thread drift……………………………

Could this be a Gull Wing out in the wild?
Yes I think so.
The B & C pillars look right, along with other styling cues:

1955 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gull wing Coupe from the Ralph Lauren collection:

1956 "Gull wing" opened up:

ron gomez

Trad climber
Jan 1, 2009 - 02:19pm PT
Great shots yer puttin up Roy. Thanks for the entertainment value, this is the time of year I start jone-zin'for racing, so the pictures bring back some good memories and fill "the void".
Happy New Year to you and yer bride Lisa

right here, right now
Jan 1, 2009 - 03:03pm PT
Happy New Year to you Ron!

In these instances automobiles are fine sculpture.
Sculpture that can be engaged, felt, driven.
ron gomez

Trad climber
Jan 1, 2009 - 04:23pm PT
AND.....make me....horny! Something about the lines on a well designed body by let's say Pininferina. There's nothing better.

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Jan 1, 2009 - 04:35pm PT
F1 is pretty boreing. they allways look like they are going so slowin the turns. Moto GP on the otherhand is the absolute most amazeing sport ever!!!!

right here, right now
Jan 7, 2009 - 02:43pm PT
Continuing sports car thread drift…….

Below is another shot of car number 57, which although painted like a Mercedes I’m still thinking is an Aston Martin, given the details in the coachwork, which are quite nice:

I’m thinking this is a Ferrari.
Also vaguely remembering that it might be called a Berlinetta:

Really reaching on this one; like something a prince might be seen tooling around in…
‘Looks to be the kind of color of the French would use, though not true French blue:


Mountain climber
Monrovia, CA
Jan 7, 2009 - 03:14pm PT
Sweet thread, especially since we abandoned the NASCAR drivel! I must admit I liked the one about the supermodels.
Tarbaby, or whatever, I have to correct you on you diagnosis of the cop's (with the ex-Enzo) medical 'situation'. As an expert on the subject I can assert his problem is a little higher than and not so distal as his hamstring.

right here, right now
Jan 7, 2009 - 03:22pm PT
Are you saying his bulletproof vest is too tight?
Or are we talking cranial...

Oh got it, I don't need to go that far, just more proximal. hahaha.
ah hahahahahaha!

Mountain climber
Monrovia, CA
Jan 7, 2009 - 03:48pm PT
Yeah baby, I think you got it! That walk is a dead giveaway!

So imagine my shock and delight just a year ago as I'm road-warrioring it through the crazies on the I-10 near downtown LA and come alongside two '55 Gull-wings flying in formation! Talk about rolling bling! I thought about following them home to see if they needed their tire pressures checked or something. I hated to give up running interference for them.

Trad climber
Jan 7, 2009 - 03:49pm PT
Sweet thread drifT. More pics please!

Man oh man!

A Classic Maserati, Austin, Jaguar, Ferrari, and Morgan/Triumph all of that must have been great to experience first hand.

right here, right now
Jan 7, 2009 - 03:56pm PT
Yes that was a good day out there in the Dolomiti.

Next maybe a few photographs from the COBRA Museum out here in Colorado?

I've also got a few shots from wandering around in the paddock/pits back in the day. Stay in tune...

Trad climber
Iss WA
Jan 7, 2009 - 04:51pm PT
Glad this thread turned to real racing.

High ball bouldering compared to big walls in the Baltoro. Hill climbs and the Targa Florio @ 72km per lap on the short version.

And proper sports cars to do either :)


Chalkless climber
the Gunks end of the country
Jan 7, 2009 - 05:11pm PT
[url=""]Ferrari killer for About $100K.

0-100 in 6.9 seconds!
0-180 in 21.7 seconds! :-)
Michael D

Big Wall climber
Napoli, Italy
Jan 7, 2009 - 06:37pm PT
YES, I'll take that GT for 100k....and I'll even provide the transport (provided it doesn't now look like the prior Enzo)! How do you put images on here? Got pics of Schumi's rides up close :0 and the 2006/2008 Cortina, and some gnarly Rally shunts (remember Michelle Mouton, she could grab my stick anyday.)....oh yeah, some GP two wheel drifts for the go-fast gang.

Anyone do Jesus Built My Hotrod, next to WDD?

Trad climber
Boss Angeles
Jan 7, 2009 - 06:38pm PT
Too bad these photos don't have audio.

I can only imagine what those cars sound like.

right here, right now
Jan 7, 2009 - 08:03pm PT
Posting pictures

scan pictures and save to my pictures
open up adobe photoshop
file>browse folders>my pics>select the prize
enhance>lighten, darken, contrast, & whatnot for ledgibility
image>resize to 600 high and 800 wide at the outside
"save as" at about 150kb (for load up efficiency) unless there is text, then maybe 200kb
go to:
and get a free account
In photobucket: choose files>my pics>the prize>upload
Click and highlight the lowest tag, or the one that says IMG (looks like[img] in the window)
Paste that copy into the reply box of the Taco

North fork, CA
Jan 7, 2009 - 09:58pm PT
For what its worth,
Canada is cancelled :(. I went to the 2003 race there. NASCAR still uses carburators???
Even, most motocross bikes have fuel injection!


EDIT: changed misssspeled wurds

right here, right now
Jan 7, 2009 - 10:02pm PT
A visit to the Boulder Colorado Shelby COBRA Museum (Shelby American Collection)

Photo from:

“The COBRA’s were fast with small blocks. They were every competitor’s worst nightmare with the 420 under the hood.”

I gotta wonder, if Werner really cared much about this stuff, this car would be his baby.
American muscle at its absolute road race ready finest!!!
(okay not counting the Ford GT 40s)

As mentioned up thread, I spent a lot of time at Riverside Raceway between 1970 - 1972. I believe the lineage indicates they are descendent from the British AC Bristol? AC Cobra, then Shelby Cobra.

These were the most enigmatic of the roadsters that I would see on the track; with their aluminum bodies, they were nearly always very rumpled, especially in the bulbous rear quarter panels.

The cars were exceedingly brutish and stood out above everything else. The drivers worked furiously at the big steering wheels as the rear end was almost always swinging out around corners.

They looked different, more classical for the era, and while everything else had a high revving, high pitched pedigree to the exhaust note, the COBRA was muscle car loud.

right here, right now
Jan 7, 2009 - 10:02pm PT
“Miles Car” Ken Miles 1964 United States road racing champion
289 cubic inch displacement powerplant

Photo from:

My photos of Ken Miles’ car 98:
(apparently there are two [or more] iterations, as these pictures show 2 different cars, note the mirror placements & headlights)


right here, right now
Jan 7, 2009 - 10:03pm PT


right here, right now
Jan 8, 2009 - 12:06am PT
More views inside the Shelby COBRA collection:


Trad climber
Jan 8, 2009 - 10:26am PT
holy crap! thats in boulder!! i'm going to be out that way in a couple of weeks, totally going to have to go!

as for 'stock car' racing... nothing beats this:

i LOVE F1 racing, and i was fortunate enough to attend the detroit grand prix. i have also enjoyed watching nascar. but you have to follow the recipe.

a lazy sunday afternoon with NOTHING else to do.
sit on sofa with a big sandwich and a beer.
eat sandwich, drink beer, watch 1st half hour of race.
fall asleep.
wake up in time to watch last half hour of race.

but seriously, i can't get too into watching racing. ultimately, its all pretty boring. just like a good climb, a good race is supposed to be pretty uneventful.

participation on the other hand, is a BLAST. from 96-01 cars and racing were my LIFE. autocross, drag and rally are all very accessible and i'd love to get back into it one day.

right here, right now
Jan 8, 2009 - 10:32am PT
Mr Euroford,

I knew you had said you're some sort of motorhead!
Is not euroford an allusion to something built up with a Ford Cosworth powerplant?
Got any pictures of any of that stuff you 'been wrenching on?

Trad climber
Jan 8, 2009 - 11:17am PT
yeah i saw your post in the other thread, and thought i'd better get in on this.

my first car was a Merkur XR4Ti, the US market version of the ford sierra. over the course of a couple of years i owned 13 different ones, with two of them really being cars i used, the others ones that i bought, fixed and resold or bought and parted out.

in 98, i decided to get serious about the euroford thing and purchased one of the very few left hand drive german market ford sierra rs500 cosworths. i purchased it through a candian broker who shipped it from germany to toronto. somehow it ended up over the border, where i at the time lived in michigan :)

i owned the car from 98-02, and over this time had the engine out three times, and ultimately even had it down to a bare body for stitch welding, a roll cage and repaint. its in full race prep, except with an interior, and i sold it too a friend in dallas texas before moving to chicago.

i miss the car, have kept tabs on her, and dearly hope when i move to CO next summer that i'll have a garage and be able to require her. we'll see. though on the other hand, i got out of the cars after discovering climbing in 01, so its questionable if i really have the bandwidth to put the car thing back into my life.

the cossie was used for autocross, some track days, allot of 'test n tune' night at the drag strip, a good bit of street racing, and allot of high speed touring. my opus being a trip from michigan, to venice florida, across the southern us to the west coast, up to vancouver and back across canada where i caught the ferry back into michigan.

i also had an 01 mustang notchback that i built for drag racing, stripped down with a turbocharged 351w that i ran a 9.67 in for my best time out of only 11 trips down the 1/4 mile.

the buddy i sold my cossie too built up an XR4Ti as a rallie car, i helped him build it and we ran it in a couple of rallies down in texas.

unfortunately, the whole car thing occurred in my life pre-digital camera. i have some prints at home, but not a scanner.

right here, right now
Jan 8, 2009 - 11:39am PT
There are a few odds and ends knocking around inside the COBRA Museum:

I tried to get a shot of the engine bay of this Porsche 904, as I recall the cowl had some clear plastic elements to it, don’t remember whether it was set up with a flat four, six or eight.
Seems like a similar set of styling cues and mid-engine format to that of the early Ferrari Dino.

I didn’t know these were skinned with fiberglass:

right here, right now
Jan 8, 2009 - 12:52pm PT
I’ve got some more static sculpture from the COBRA Museum which I’ll bump the thread with later on.

Below are some photographs taken sometime around 1972 at Riverside Raceway in California.
This was the heyday of SCCA club racing. (Sports Car Club of America).
These photos are mounted and hang in my ski tuning room; on the back they say Roy McClenahan : period 2
(they are from a seventh-grade photography class!)

I don’t know where it stands now, but then there were many classes of open wheeled cars. Formula A, B, & C were categorized in descending order of engine displacement.

Formula Ford, which I believe ran the Ford Cosworth engine … in fact the whole class was established on that power plant: these in some ways were the most fun to watch. The cars were light, nimble, and plenty fast.
I think their horsepower ran somewhere between formula B & C.

Below that, in terms of class and corresponding displacement I remember it as being Formula Vee and Super Vee, (sp), which were a class based upon variously tricked out Volkswagen engines.

I am pretty sure the formula A cars depicted below cars ran big block Chevys,
Check the velocity stacks feeding the intake manifolds:


right here, right now
Jan 8, 2009 - 12:53pm PT
Sexier with clothes on or off?

An example of some of the lighter weight, lower displacement formatted cars:


Trad climber
Jan 8, 2009 - 01:47pm PT
Got any personal images of the 917? (these are from the web)


right here, right now
Jan 8, 2009 - 04:38pm PT
Not sure if I have any 917 pics.
(Nice snags you put up for us tho DJS)

If I do, it would be of the Mark Donahue Can Am series era; something like that shot just above.
Spider/Roadster 917K/30 or something.

I've got some old 110 film slides yet to scan.
Probably lower bore club racing stuff.

The film "Le Mans" -Steve McQueen, shows Gulf Porsdce 917 & Ferrari 512's duke'n it out real nice.
Those were among the more beautiful cars ever concieved; the Lola T70 is another.
Two of them were featured in George Lucas's first film: THX 1138 w/Robert Duval

By the time that drop nose idiom came out, things didn't look quite as sleek.
The black UOP SHADOW may have been among the first?

Big Wall climber
somewhere without avatars.........
Jan 8, 2009 - 06:07pm PT
F1 rocks and all, but I've always been a fan of IMSA, personally. Had an '89 Fiero GT back in the day and knew one of the engineers for the Fiero IMSA team. Got TONS of info from that guy. I worked on the pit crew for a drag team back then and did a fair amount of racing, of different forms.

Got in trouble, years ago, for hopping in and firing up Davey Jones' IMSA car that was being displayed at a Macy's.... Was kind of a dare thing and I really didn't think it would fire. Was super cool and funny when it did. hahaha Lucky for them, it was on a 3' tall platform, so driving it was out of the question! If you did something like that now, rather than being tossed from the store, you'd probably be hauled of to Gitmo and waterboarded for hours on end.

right here, right now
Jan 9, 2009 - 02:20pm PT
That's quite the anecdote of mischievous behavior there Nef'...

I thought I'd try something OT (won't happen again, promise),
Nice graphics in this Sportiva ad; similar aesthetic to that Porsche bit a couple posts up:


right here, right now
Jan 10, 2009 - 08:51pm PT
Riverside International Raceway was a complex in Southern California,
featuring a multi-configuration road course which is one of the most famous of all the American race tracks.
There were various configuration options, permitting road courses ranging in length from 2.54 to 3.3 miles.
There also was a 1/2 mile paved oval and a 1/4 mile paved dragstrip.

right here, right now
Jan 10, 2009 - 08:53pm PT
Most likely from the 1972 CAN AM series....
The few shots to follow were taken at historic “turn six” with a 110 mm film camera, when I was 12, during practice or qualifying.
Often they would go flat out in qualifying, to achieve the best place for starting on the grid, in hopes of gaining great advantage in the actual beginning of the race.

Turn six is between points 14 and 15 on the track layout map below:

The distinctive headlights of a Ferrari 512 coming into the turn in hot pursuit:

A McLaren motoring through the turn solo:

A UOP sponsored shadow, likely one of the more aerodynamic of the breed,
(notwithstanding Jim Hall’s earlier kickass and often controversial Chaparral, gone at this point)


right here, right now
Jan 10, 2009 - 08:58pm PT
Two cars sauntering through the turn six exit:

I’m not sure which is cruder; the photograph or the body work:

From a bit higher up in the stands, maybe a Lola:


right here, right now
Jan 10, 2009 - 09:12pm PT
Keep in mind Riverside International Raceway has long been defunct, so these are treasures.

Probably my best shot of the lot,
A mighty Ferrari 512, the most notable rival to the Porsche 917,
We also see the snaky S turns leading in from the background:

I think this was known as a Ferrari 512 LM, but hey, could as well be an Alfa?

The last of this little treasure trove, highlights the off-camber nature of entry into turn six:


right here, right now
Jan 11, 2009 - 11:29am PT
Nice full rail act-shun Cosmic!!!

Sports car racing is neither; back to the COBRA Museum.
To keep it on topic, Neil Cannon and Strappo Hughes accompanied me that day:


Trad climber
boulder, co.
Jan 11, 2009 - 12:30pm PT
Tarbuster I have really dug the pictures you and others have been putting up on this mahvelos thread. Cause I loves me the racers!
The closest I ever came in a personal vehicle was a 77 MGB ragtop. Loved that car!!!
I had the heart and spirit but never the opportunity to really race. But I loved that car!

right here, right now
Jan 11, 2009 - 06:49pm PT
More COBRA big muscle sculpture:


right here, right now
Jan 11, 2009 - 07:14pm PT
devil in my car

Help! the devil's in my car.
Help! the devil's in my car.
Help! the devil's in my car.
Ho, devil's in my car, whoa please
Please! leave me alone!

We're really tearin' tar.
We're goin' 90 miles an hour.
Ho! he's drivin' me crazy.
He's drivin' me to hell now.

He's pointing his pitchfork at me.
He's in the front seat of my car!
He's taking over!
Oo, he ripped my upholstry.
He's at the wheel,
Help! the devil's in my car.
Help! he's drivin' too far.

(scream!) ooooooh!


I can't lock the door,
I can't put on my safety belt.
There's nothing for me to do but yell help!
Devil's in my car!
I'm goin' to hell in my old chevrolet,
I don't know which way.
Oh, help! devil's in my car!
Yeah, yeah. he's gone too far.
I won't see ya tomorrow.
I won't see ya anymore.
He's got his cloven hoof on the clutch.
Oh! ow! i'm sitting on his tail.

Oh-ohh, i don't wanna go to hell.
(i don't wanna go to the devil.)
He's in my car, in my car, in my car.


The radio gives me static,
There's nothing on my cb.
Oh, help! the devil's in my car.
Oh, he's in my car. he's in my car.
The devil's in my car.
We're turning off the road.
Oh! where ya taking me devil?
Oh! he's grinning door to door.
He's got his cloven hoof on the clutch.
Help me!
Oh, i don't wanna go to hell.
(i don't wanna go to the devil.)
He's in my car.

Freeway to hell.
We're burning up the road.
Freeway to hell. (right through the tollbooth)
We're burning up the road.
Freeway to hell. (right through the guardrail)
We're burning up the road.
Freeway to hell. (across the median)
We're burning up the road.
Freeway to hell. (would you slow down?)
We're burning up the road.

I've got the devil juice in my carburater!
I've got the devil in my cigarette lighter.
I don't need no battery (i got the devil in my car).
In my car. in my car-oh!
In my car
In my car
In my car
In my car
In my car

- B52's from "Wild Planet" album

right here, right now
Jan 11, 2009 - 07:30pm PT
"I don't need no battery (i got the devil in my car)"

'Bring 'It !!!

right here, right now
Jan 11, 2009 - 07:50pm PT

pic from: oh cripes, can't find the link... but I will.

Social climber
Flatland, Ca
Jan 11, 2009 - 09:12pm PT



My thoughts exactly about nascar, author.... 500 miles = a really long pointless beer and car commercial

right here, right now
Jan 11, 2009 - 09:42pm PT
Let’s now take a look at wheels & tires, or “tyres” as the British would have it, found on various COBRA.
And more specifically: “Knock Offs”, those cool spikey shaped things at the center of the wheel.
…. A holdout from back in the days of the chariots from BEN HUR:


Trad climber
Jan 11, 2009 - 11:07pm PT
can't wait to visit that place, headin out there on the 24th!


right here, right now
Jan 11, 2009 - 11:37pm PT
January 24th Euroford?
Maybe we need to do a Boulder Chapter CobraFest™ ???
Who's in ... Philo?

right here, right now
Jan 17, 2009 - 11:11am PT
Another trio from Riverside Raceway, California, early 70s:

Note the homespun aerodynamic aluminum modifications.
To the left of the Champion sticker, a vertical fin to channel air flow.
And at the nose an extra wedge of aluminum to create more downforce:

Another big block Formula A,
Check the meats on this baby!

Sports racing car, roughhewn and lean:


Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Feb 26, 2012 - 02:23pm PT
Biggest NASCAR race of the year, and everybody's standing around with their thumbs in their butts - because it's raining. WTF

Formula 1 would have put on the full-wets, and been finished by now.

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Feb 26, 2012 - 02:37pm PT
Damn straight! Even when it's at it's best, it's still horrible.

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Feb 26, 2012 - 03:38pm PT
I tried watching F1 when i had TV a few years ago. Could not stick with it. completly put me in a coma. the cars seem like they are going slow most of the time and seems like its very hard to pass. can not watch more than 10 laps of nascar either (only get through maybe 5 laps with F1) but at leaST They can pass ech other or knock each other off the track. Moto GP on the other hand is the best racing imaginable, often with guys exchanging leads 2 or 3 times in a single lap. crazy fast as well!

Trad climber
Feb 26, 2012 - 04:02pm PT

Mountain climber
Seattle WA
Feb 26, 2012 - 09:42pm PT
F1 is far more classy

I also enjoy rally car racing...

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Feb 27, 2012 - 12:13am PT
Ya don't see this at Fontana or Darlington, do ya?

Trad climber
Feb 27, 2012 - 11:29am PT
I find them both boring.
I love racing, but Nascar & F1 both suck.
Nascar-- the cars, the drives & the teams are all the same. F1 tracks are to narrow to pass. & this is just the beginning of whats wrong with racing today.

Feb 27, 2012 - 11:32am PT
Rock climbing should be banned.

Every town and village should have a NASCAR track .......

Trad climber
Feb 27, 2012 - 11:54am PT
Being from California I thought all towns had a Nascar track somewhere near the center of town.
& climbing is such a waste of good time --- well.

Feb 27, 2012 - 01:23pm PT
LMAO Reilly's photo is all the argument I need!

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Feb 27, 2012 - 01:49pm PT
Some of the best Formula 1 races are the ones run in the rain. Especially the races where the rain starts and stops during the race.

I might actually watch a NASCAR race once in a while if they raced in the rain.

If you think you might ever have to drive in the rain, the last tires you want to have on your car are Goodyears or Firestones ( or whatever NASCAR uses ), because even professional drivers can't make them work when it's wet.

Get Pirrellis instead. Rain proven on Formula 1 circuits around the world!

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Feb 27, 2012 - 04:59pm PT
I find them both boring.
Frummy (I love racing, but Nascar & F1 both suck.
Nascar-- the cars, the drives & the teams are all the same. F1 tracks are to narrow to pass. & this is just the beginning of whats wrong with racing today.)

Could not agree more. If you wasnt real raceing watch motoGP and they have smokeing hot chicks!


Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Feb 27, 2012 - 11:26pm PT
In typical ST fashion, we have 127 posts of almost total ignorance.
It’s like listening to a bunch of fools talk about how rappelling is more fun than climbing.
How many of you have actually ever watched a NASCAR race or really know anything about it?
I am a fan of both. I used to be a huge F1 fan but compared to NASCAR it’s lame and boring.

Lets compare the two starting with the cars....
F1 cars do look a lot cooler than NASCAR, they're lighter, have way more aerodynamic down force, and much more high tech. They cost ALOT more to build than a NASCAR car. This results in a car that sticks to the road like glue and is really EASY to drive.
NASCAR cars have more horsepower, are heavier, have higher center of gravity, and have much less down force.
They are much harder to drive.

Compare coverage...
F1 flat out sucks. You get a TV feed from Europe with terrible camera work, and a couple guys here in the US trying to decipher whats going on.
Not much in-car shots, virtually no replays etc...just plain bad coverage.
NASCAR has excellent TV coverage. Tons of in-car shots from at least 8 cars, live telemetry on the internet, live audio from the drivers radio...and many more things like that.
How about watching a race in person? Ever felt 43 850hp V8 engines roar past at 200mph?

The Rules...
F1 has so many lame rules. They penalize guys for "rough driving" or "blocking"...ghey.
NASCAR has no such rules. Every man for himself. If you drive rough and wreck some one...expect payback, and NASCAR will look the other way.
Bumping and banging fenders is part of racing in NASCAR.

The Racing...
F1 races are short. Longest race last year was 310km or 193 miles.
There is also so many levels of qualifying, it virtually guarantees that the guy who starts first, will finish first. There is very little on track passing, positions usually only change because of pit stops.
NASCAR races are anywhere from 300 to 500 miles in length with most around 400.
In 2010 NASCAR averaged over 25 lead changes with over 11 different leaders PER RACE!
Last year there were 18 different race winners compared to 5 in F1.
How about an average of 3,666 green flag passes per race, and more than half the races have a margin of victory of less than a second!
In the final NASCAR race last year Tony Stewart made 118 passes during the race on his way to victory...and that is racing passes not passing someone in the pits or under caution!
The most cars ever in an F1 event was in 1953 when 34 cars started.
NASCAR starts 43 cars every race.
F1 cars virtually never race side by side, for fairly obvious reasons.
NASCAR races often see two or even three wide racing, mere inches apart, lap after lap at over 180mph, sometimes like at Daytona and Talladega, over 200mph. Thats an average speed that includes their speed in the turns.
Ever see a F1 car take a turn at 200mph?

You want to talk shifting?
F1 uses steering wheel mounted paddle shifters, electronically controlled crap. Big deal.
NASCAR uses a manual, 4-speed stick shift transmission. Four on the floor baby.
And NASCAR does race at 2 different road courses...Watkins Glen and Sonoma.
Shifting is important in NASCAR not only on the road courses but on the ovals too...starts. restarts, pit stops and yes, they even down shift on some oval tracks going into the turn.

Which requires more skill as a driver?
Consider why 99% of F1/open wheel drivers who attempt NASCAR, never win a race....and many have tried over the years. The ones who do adapt and do well are very rare and they all agree that NASCAR is way harder AND way more fun.
Examples of failed attempts are too numerous to mention.
Juan Pablo Montoya, arguably the most successful F1 driver to run NASCAR in recent history,
has only 2 wins in 180+ starts over 5+ seasons…both on road courses.

Here’s what he had to say in a recent interview…

Juan Pablo Montoya does not regret making the move. “Formula One drivers are convinced that they’re so much better than anyone else,” Montoya, who races alongside Dario Franchitti, the Scottish driver, for the Chip Ganassi team, said. “When I was in F1, every week I was on the podium. It was cool, but is it satisfying? It wasn’t, because it was the most boring races. The guy who started in front of you would drive away from you and the guy who was behind you would drop away from you, unless you f***ed up in qualifying and then you need to have a different pitstop strategy to beat them.” Although Nascar is very much an American sport, there are attempts to raise its appeal outside the United States, to tap into the disaffection many feel with Formula One, whether through the Max Mosley saga or the the lack of competitive racing. “It’s boring,” Montoya said. “It’s a shame because the technology these cars have and the amount of companies that are involved is unreal. I don’t know how big companies do it for such a long time without results.” In Nascar, there are more than 40 cars racing wheel to wheel for up to three hours. “It’s harder here,” Montoya said. “When you run fifteenth, sometimes you think it sucks. But look at the big picture: fifteenth here is like sixth or seventh in F1, because there are twice as many cars. The incredible thing is here I run fifteenth or twentieth on average and there are four or five weeks in the year where I have a chance of winning. In F1 if you run sixth or seventh, you run sixth or seventh the whole year. “It doesn’t matter if you’re running for the lead, or for 30th, you’re always racing somebody. That’s much better.”

I rest my case.


Boulder climber
Salt Lake, UT
Feb 28, 2012 - 12:02am PT
Good timing talking about Montoya. He crashed into jet dryer truck loaded with jet fuel. Big fire. Daytona just now restarting at midnight after two hour delay.
We won't even mention the crash on lap two.

Mountain climber
Seattle WA
Feb 28, 2012 - 12:17am PT
I think rally car racing is way cooler then both Nascar and F1...

The Paris to Dakar race was fairly entertaining back in the day...

Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Feb 28, 2012 - 12:31am PT
^^^ I agree. Rally racing kicks ass, too bad there is such limited coverage here.

Trad climber
Feb 28, 2012 - 12:47am PT
In Nascar, I feel like I'm watching a repeat from the start. In F1, the first lap is about all I can watch.

Rally keeps me interested.

Feb 28, 2012 - 01:09am PT
Hey shack

Nice write up.

Now I understand .....


Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Feb 28, 2012 - 01:49am PT
Thanks Werner.

It's like watching any sport when you don't know the rules or what's really going on.
There is so much more strategy in NASCAR. Like deciding when to you take 2 tires or 4 tires?...or no tires just gas? What gas mileage are you really getting? (they don't have gas gauges) or what adjustment to the car tight or loose(under steer or over steer for you open wheel guys)?
At each track they run totally different setups on the cars. Some track have steep banking while some are almost flat. Some are short half mile tracks and others are over 2 miles.
They will run different springs, shocks, air pressures, weight distribution, brake sizes, tire stagger, camber, wedge, etc. and the list goes on...
Even during a race they will make changes, during pit stops, to any number of those variables, sometime changing air pressures in quarter psi increments!
What about drafting? Ever see that in F1? Nose to tail at 200+mph going into a turn?
And there's different types of aerodynamics that come into play with NASCAR car, not just straight drafting. There's also side drafting, tandem drafting and all sorts of aerodynamic interaction between the cars.
You can make a guy loose by getting up behind or even next to him and thereby taking the air off of their car.

Sure, to the uninitiated or to the casual observer,
NASCAR appears to be just "Go fast, turn left", I even used to think that,
but there really is a lot more to it than that.


That is pretty damn cool Cosmic!!

Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Feb 28, 2012 - 01:59am PT
Cool!! I got tons of free flights!
I went to the Phoenix race last year...what a great place to see a race!
You going to the Las Vegas race March 11th?

One I took at California Speedway...

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Feb 28, 2012 - 02:09am PT
How many times does a NASCAR driver have to shift gears on a lap someplace like Daytona?

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Feb 28, 2012 - 06:32am PT
Nascar still bores me. Moto GP is the bomb! 200+ mph with nothing but a race suit between you and the pavement.

Trad climber
Chamonix, France
Feb 28, 2012 - 06:51am PT
@ Shack...

F1 cars do look a lot cooler than NASCAR, they're lighter, have way more aerodynamic down force, and much more high tech. They cost ALOT more to build than a NASCAR car. This results in a car that sticks to the road like glue and is really EASY to drive.

I'm not sure you're right there Shack. They have to be driven absolutely flat out 100% of the time or their tyres (tires) won't work. That means very late breaking at astronomical speeds on circuits that make even the quaint old English bendy road system look like an Interstate. NOT easy.

Feb 28, 2012 - 07:09am PT
I've been a F1 fan for many years, and during my time in Germany was able to go to the 1968 Belgium Grand Prix at Spa. Things were quite a bit different in Grand Prix then as compared to F1 today. Upon arriving we found the Lotus transporter and the small service station they used to prep the cars. We were able to hang around a bit with the mechanics. The late Graham Hill was driving that race for Lotus and he posed for a picture for us. Jim Clark had recently been killed at Hockenheim. The cars by today's standards were crude the cockpits were spartan, not much if any padding and a slide shifter. It rained during the race as oft is the case, and to see cars barely slow and imagine following behind another brings F1 to a different level. During my years of following F1 many have been killed such was the case until Armoco barriers and other safety equipment was added, Jackie Stewart was pivotal in bringing about many of these changes. The original circuit at Spa was 8 miles, mostly public roads as was the case with several of the tracks, the only remaining one being Monaco. Nuirburgring was 14 miles. I really can see no comparasion between Nascar and F1, Americans like their entertainment brought around in front of them is the only suitable explanation I have for our type of formats. No you don't bump draft or nudge in open wheel cars as two open tires contacting will send someone flying, there are no cages surrounding a F1 driver so if you're looking for a demolition derby you'll be disappointed.
The Alpine

Big Wall climber
Feb 28, 2012 - 12:19pm PT
Good comments about NASCAR Shack. I hadn't thought about it that way.

I love when the IRL comes to town though. They're setting up the track now. Its a great juxtaposition to see fast cars racing through downtown streets in front of iconic buildings like the Dali Museum.

Pretty good venue for it.

St Pete was hit pretty hard by the death of local indy racer Dan Wheldon.

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Feb 28, 2012 - 12:55pm PT
Did that race finish yet?

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Feb 28, 2012 - 01:07pm PT
I had actually tuned-in live for Montoya's wreck! I watch three minutes of a race that runs over two complete days, and I see the damndest thing ever.

Apparently, the last dozen or so laps are the time you want to watch a Daytona race.

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Mar 17, 2013 - 02:28am PT
F-1 season starts right now in Melbourne.


Trad climber
Victoria BC
Mar 17, 2013 - 06:56am PT
So Ummm...

Obviously there are a few here that really know their racing, I'm sure somewhere there's even a climber who owns at least a Hobby Stock. Didn't Mr. Harding race?

But in the end this is a little like walking in on a sport climber, aid wall rat and a grizzled old mountaineer each dismissing the others as not REAL climbing. Then out of the blue a ping pong player leans over and says:

"What's the big deal? All you people ever do is go up and down. A yo-yo can do THAT!

If Daytona strikes you as easy, ANY of us should be able to scrounge up the courage for one race and even LAST would fund a climb or two. All ya gots ta do is turn left about a thousand times,parallel park maybe a half dozen times...Heck it's even got push button starting in case you're too dumb to operate a set of keys.

Trad climber
just over the hill
Mar 17, 2013 - 07:18am PT
UK top gear's Richard Hammond explains NASCAR to the home crowd
They also had a short interview with JP Montoya (re Shack's comment above) that isn't in this clip

[Click to View YouTube Video]
ron gomez

Trad climber
Mar 17, 2013 - 10:51am PT
Bridwell tells me, "I would've been a race car driver, but my parents couldn't afford it." Considering his level of adventure and sack, he would've been a good one! Great start to the F-1 season last night. Raikkonen #1, Alonso #2.

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Mar 17, 2013 - 11:00am PT
Neither one....power boating was just recognized as a sport by the Olympic Committee, that must be where the real athletes reside.

Question: If an activity is not self propelled can it be considered a sport? I think not.

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
May 25, 2013 - 12:30pm PT

It's that time of year again.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
May 25, 2013 - 12:53pm PT
It's too bad F1 is run by such retards who are constantly making stoopid rule changes like the new worthless tires.

Trad climber
May 25, 2013 - 02:45pm PT
F1...Follow the leader. NASCAR...spin the leader.

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
May 25, 2013 - 03:11pm PT
Both nascar and F1 90%car 10% driver. moto GP 20% bike 80% rider..

Trad climber
May 25, 2013 - 03:39pm PT
Best racing I've seen in a long time are the jalopy races at the Merced fairgrounds. The mini stocks are really cool. Eureka has the Redwood speedway. Paved short track and the best grandstands. I love good racing in any form, but NASCAR is getting a bit hard to take. Despite all the god and country crap and Darryl Waltrip, it can sometimes still be a breathtaking thing to watch. They need to get rid of the green/yellow/checker finishes though. Good luck with that.

Also, agreed on the Moto GP comment.

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
May 25, 2013 - 03:53pm PT
Take the top 10 drivers in NASCAR and F1 and put them in the winning car and they win the race. Do the same thing with Moto GP and the best rider still wins. Valentino Rossi proved this when he won the wold championship on Honda, switched to Yamaha and won the championship again. back to back titles with two different teams.
Crazy Bat

Sport climber
Birmingham, AL & Sweanee, TN
May 25, 2013 - 04:01pm PT
Nascar is hard to understand until you stand near the track and you get passed by cars going 200 miles an hour. It sets off the thrill seeker gene that we all share.

First you get pushed back by the bow wave of air, then you get pulled in by the vacume of ther passing.

If you have moonshiners or bootlegger in your families past you know the history and appreciate it.

Having a car part fly through the air at you or over you is cool too.

I work a gate at Dega with a Caving club I belong to. Vroom vroom get my heart rate up like climbing.

Somewhere out there
May 25, 2013 - 04:06pm PT

WRC > F1


Ice climber
Pomfert VT
May 25, 2013 - 04:07pm PT

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
May 25, 2013 - 04:11pm PT
Bikes at over 200mph 300+Kph is way beyond insane....

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
May 25, 2013 - 04:27pm PT pretty cool TT video

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
May 25, 2013 - 04:33pm PT
Rossi and Stoner @ Laguna Seca 2008

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
May 26, 2013 - 01:36am PT
Here's a very nice tribute to one of, if not the, greatest, Ayrton Senna...

[Click to View YouTube Video]

May 26, 2013 - 05:26am PT
Nascar or F1? Reminds me of the joke that ends with "Death by bungee!"

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
May 28, 2013 - 01:58am PT
There's at least one female NASCAR driver.

Has there ever been a female F1 driver?

There's nothing that says there can't be. Just like the NBA.

F1's that tough.

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Feb 21, 2016 - 09:37am PT
Daytona 500 ...... Today.

I always liked this one.....

real men duke it out....

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Some things are worth fighting over.


Mountain climber
Feb 21, 2016 - 10:04am PT
There's at least one female NASCAR driver.

Has there ever been a female F1 driver?

Five of them, dating back to the fifties.

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Feb 21, 2016 - 10:30am PT
Wow Tad.... we have crossed paths before.....

I lived in Mockingbird Canyon from 1962 to 1966... It was a long bike ride to the track but I did it all the time... Sneak in by Turn 6 and sit by the fence and watch em come up the esses...

One year at Riverside 500.... a very young Mario Andretti (IIRC he had been rookie of the year the previous season at 19) crashed going into Turn 6. He climbed out of his car, all dirty and thirsty, climbed over the wall and asked ME for a drink of water.

Many many years later I was working a go-kart race, Mario was there helping his grandson, Marko and Mario was disputing a official call made during the race..... While we were waiting for clarification, I told Mario my story..... He got the biggest smile on his face and said... "Ah yes the real good old days, a real long time ago"

I love both F1 and NASCAR.... after I moved to Paris in 1966, I got to go the the FRENCH GP the GERMAN GP and The BRITISH GP during the 67 season... I am hooked for life.


Feb 21, 2016 - 12:34pm PT
kind of a pussy move hitting him in the face with his helmet

Boulder, CO
Feb 21, 2016 - 03:57pm PT
There's at least one female NASCAR driver.

Leilani Munter is another. I met her last year when Racing Extinction had it's debut at the BIFF. I did some drone filming of her Tesla and the movies it projects out of the hug projector that flips up out of the back window (the forward trunk has a FLIR that flips up).
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