Mentally Ill Appreciation Thread


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Social climber
My Inner Nut
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 30, 2007 - 01:11am PT
I think normal people are weird.

Trad climber
Mammoth Lakes
Nov 30, 2007 - 01:19am PT
I agree.

Nov 30, 2007 - 01:21am PT
Therefore "you" "think" that "you" are normal

Social climber
My Inner Nut
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 30, 2007 - 01:27am PT
Is that a normal thing to say Werner? Cuz it seemed weird to me...

Nov 30, 2007 - 01:28am PT
Therefore you will think about what I just said for 100 lifetimes.

Social climber
My Inner Nut
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 30, 2007 - 01:32am PT
Damn. I thought I just had a few left. So much for my "Ancient Soul" theory.

Social climber
Nov 30, 2007 - 02:17am PT
hey there mister E... say, you all here are so creative when it come to thinking up "post titles" etc... and when in fun, or serious they start up some of the best converstions...

my younger friend that i recently met from out-of-state... someone to help cheer-on in life, as us older folks are known to do to the young----welllllllllll, she had been mentally ill for most all her childhood life, due to her mom's affects on her and then the mom's death....

now that she is at a club-house and moving on in life, actually, she may not thing normal folks are "weird" but she greatly understands and knows, that normal folks just dont seem to understand or have the insight, at times, to really appreaciate the victories that others have come through in the quest to just live life as being whole, and heathy (which of course, is what normal should be).... she is right, at that...

what is sadder, though, is that so called normal folks, really do seem to be lacking compassion, and that, sadly should NOT have to be normal... yet, in the world, it is.... say, so it appears that leaves us back at square one:

perhaps normal folks are weird then... just a bit of fun, with the play on words... thanks for the share...

*she is doing right-well, though, and i am so very happy for her..

Trad climber
primordial soup
Nov 30, 2007 - 02:56am PT
it's not just that they are wierd-

 it just me, or do all "normal people" seem pretty darn fat too?

Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Nov 30, 2007 - 03:06am PT
Weird people are people too.

Erik, Werner is weird in a normal sort of way.
Standing Strong

Trad climber
the only coast
Nov 30, 2007 - 04:33am PT
see i just typed out this really long thread about how lame stigmas re: the mentally ill are and such. but then i accidently erased becuz i'm a f*cking computer genious, jealous?

anyways, i also said funny stuff that would have made you all laugh a lot. o well. just imagine, instead :)



btw, last week we helped serve at a thanksgiving dinner for the mentally ill who are in recovery from drug addiction, (and some of their family members) because for many of them that was the only thanksgiving they were going to have. i almost started crying like three times.

something that was really nice about the dinner was that it was at a hall next to a fire station and some of the hot firefighters came over for dinner too. of course, i somehow ended up in charge of the whipped cream at the dessert table. i can't even tell you how difficult it was to keep a straight face whilst offering whipped cream to the hot firefighters.

anyways, lots of climbers are rad. some are not. but people who laugh at other people are emotionally stunted, so who cares.

Social climber
My Inner Nut
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 30, 2007 - 09:08am PT
My feeling is that normal people have desensitized themselves through culture, pressure, etc to "take their lot and bear it".

Risk is something to be avoided.

There is a craziness I love about many climbers, an awareness about the world around them.

This awareness can cause mental instability. It hurts to see a lot, and the mind has all sorts of tricks to lessen or balance that awareness. Risk can be a temporary refuge, in that it can take that hyper-awareness and apply it to something concrete. Risk also engages awareness on many levels, physical, emotional, intellectual, aesthetic, spiritual, etc appeasing the crazy persons need for stimulation on the multiple levels from which they already see the world around them.

Yay! For the Nuts!


Trad climber
New York, NY
Nov 30, 2007 - 10:05am PT
I think 'normal' people are weird. They are afraid to show themselves in a real way; hiding their faults and character flaws.

Hanging out with normal people is like walking from a parking spot in Real Hidden Valley to the outhouse, and calling it a day trip.

Hanging out with regular people(non-normals) is more like scrambling around on the rocks, finding cool cacti in the nooks and crannys, and then noticing a pile of rocks at the base of a big boulder that seem to have been put there to camouflage something.....Accept the non-normalness, and you might find yourself going against "the rules" and seeing what's underneath. And discovering something pretty cool.

I'm Non-Normal and Happie to be that way!


Page 394 of the Thomas Guide, H7
Nov 30, 2007 - 12:29pm PT
"Damn. I thought I just had a few left. So much for my "Ancient Soul" theory."

"Ancient Soul" = Slow Learner :-)

Social climber
A prison of my own creation
Nov 30, 2007 - 01:51pm PT
Hmmm, I grew up in a crazy family. I mean we had some real nutjobs. Made life kind of difficult.

I was always considered a bit crazy, a bit odd.

The challenge for me has always been to use the craziness to my benefit, without letting it eat me up. And it can, I have seen it.

Social climber
My Inner Nut
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 1, 2007 - 10:21pm PT
Neebee: Thanks for your post. You are one of the kindest and most thoughtful people on this board. My mental illness keeps me from that loving space I long for. You are a true beacon.

I thought most of the ancient souls were homeless because they are no longer tethered to this world and it's anchors...

I love the stories where we have coped, even thrived in the adversity of the cultural imperative. Thanks everyone for sharing that.
Happiegirl, you are a kindred spirit. Thank you.


Trad climber
Dec 1, 2007 - 10:35pm PT
Go to Greece, the whole country is nuts.
When the country won the European Cup for Soccer the whole place shut down. The banks, hospitals, police stations, airports etc. closed because everyone was too busy, dancing, and getting drunk together for a week. Yes, they partied in the streets for a whole week.
My fondest memory of the event was seeing a news clip of German business men complaining that they couldn't leave town because of the partying blocked the roads. Behind them was a group of Japanese men wearing Greek flags drinking with the best of them while dancing in a fountain...
Even a few days after business was not normal because of people recovering from alcohol poisoning.

Now, I am Greek. Everyone in my family is insane and it makes things both fun and confusing. I love my families quirks, but it is hard to deal with when your trying to be logical and no one is cooperating. Plus, it does get in the way with my own relationships, since yelling/arguing to find a solution is equal to loving in my world... (If we hate you, we just rather hit you or ignore you.) Yelling is sign of caring, defending their hearts in acts of love. It is passion, you can't have passion without love. It really does not transfer well in this world.

Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
Dec 1, 2007 - 10:48pm PT
being normal requires proof:
the way you look, what U drive/wear, where U live what U do etc.

I honestly think being NOT normal requires proof (validation) too,
partly because of the reverse status and power bestowed to the powerless,
you can't just say "I'm nuts"

there must be proof

Social climber
My Inner Nut
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 1, 2007 - 11:07pm PT
Thanks Anastasia. These are days in America where kids are suing their parents for emotional abuse, it's very confusing. Like expressing yourself in a true manner is to be avoided. What?
I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts in these difficult times. My best wishes to you.


Social climber
Dec 1, 2007 - 11:20pm PT
hey there mister E ... say, the day we stop being beacons on these ol rought shores of life's even wilder seas, would be a sad day for us-all... after so many light-houses along my paths in life, that have shed light for me--i must pass something on...

sometimes, we may not be bright enough, or coming in clear... and other times, we may accidently hit a mite too hard a shine in someones eye (oooppppppppps, folks turn away fast, and may hit a rock....hmm, seems a little flashlight would have been best, then )--but we just gotta try...

say, you may not realize it--but your leaving some fine beacon-light here too, with this hear post-thread... :)

Social climber
The West
Dec 1, 2007 - 11:31pm PT
Desensitizing is 'normal'

don't be afraid to be yourself, no matter how dorky it looks;

dr. kenneth niosewater

Dec 1, 2007 - 11:59pm PT
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