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Mighty Hiker

Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:19pm PT
I really like "Our House", by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. But I guess it would be thread drift to mention it here.

Nov 20, 2007 - 08:21pm PT
I always liked the one where at the end Axl shrieks, "SO YOU CAN SUCK ME", and then, spoken, "TAKE THAT ONE TO HEART"


The Eye of the Snail
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:25pm PT
Dead Horse

Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:34pm PT
omg, so 1989.


hrm, Mr. Brownstone maybe.

reminded me of climbing at the time- addicting all consuming. [to stay on topic]

Las Vegas
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:36pm PT
Mrs Brownstone.. I think my husband likes"I used to love her -but I had to kill her"

Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:38pm PT
a tru classic ballad.


wow, bringing back the way back machine for me.
Spencer Adkisson

Trad climber
Reno, NV
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:40pm PT
Omigod--I just vurped...November Rain...are you serious?

Mr. Brownstone, hands down.

I think this might be a troll. Are you trolling SS?

The Eye of the Snail
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:42pm PT
This better NOT be a troll.

Band of the millennium!

(Memory edit: The second half of Rocket Queen too.)
Standing Strong

Trad climber
the only coast
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:43pm PT


Trad climber
Butte, America
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:47pm PT
"Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door, HAAY, HAAY, HAAY, HAAY!"
Standing Strong

Trad climber
the only coast
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:48pm PT
"november rain" has been one of my favorite songs since i heard it in 7th grade. not trolling!
Standing Strong

Trad climber
the only coast
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:49pm PT
i also love "estranged"

and "patience"

those are my top 3.

Trad climber
Nov 20, 2007 - 08:54pm PT
excellent use of gnr soundtrack.


Trad climber
Nor Cal
Nov 20, 2007 - 09:01pm PT
Their punk rock cover album had 4 or 5 great songs. I think their Dead Boys cover was the best of the bunch.

Bend, OR.
Nov 20, 2007 - 09:13pm PT
"Get In The Ring"

Great song............I still listen to that one
T Moses

Trad climber
Paso Robles
Nov 20, 2007 - 09:42pm PT
"What's so civil about war anyway?"

"Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we have here. And that's the way he wants it. SO he gets it!"

Spencer Adkisson

Trad climber
Reno, NV
Nov 20, 2007 - 09:57pm PT
No doubt Mike. Pretty flimsy when compared to AC/DC.

Nov 20, 2007 - 10:03pm PT
sweet child of mine

Trad climber
Las Vegas
Nov 20, 2007 - 10:03pm PT
I like both:
'Sweet child of mine'
'Welcome to the Jungle'

I never really did like Axel's voice or delivery all that much, but I figure all stars, if you cut them loose to solo have something to show. For example a country star might get up at an awards ceremony and play three cowboy chords while a 6 piece band does the work for them. Yet if they had to do it themselves they most likely would have a lot more to show than three simple cowboy chords.

Same with Axel.
I don't know where, when or how...
One time I heard a recording of Axel doing a semi classical piece.
No weird inflection or 'pop' trills and thrills, just straight up melody.
I was blown away, man can that guy sing. That made me realize that guy could prolly screech and gyrate apoplectic enough to scare even Joe Cocker, or lay down a sweet soulful melody to rival even 'JT'
mark miller

Social climber
Nov 20, 2007 - 10:20pm PT
SS not to punt your adoration of GnR but....
They did a concert w/ Metallica in Canada and Metallica had an accident with a flash pot. Burned the Heck out of Mettalica frontman ( Hospitalized). Gnr could have saved the day and played a solid set but Asshole Rose didn't feel like it. They did 2 songs and stopped playing, a riot brokeout many people were seriously injured all because GnR couldn't step up to the plate. If Mike O says they can't work and I say they are Punters... That about covers it.
Sometimes you have freinds that will step up and cover your back and then theres the rest.. GnR is the rest. They have a few good songs but so does Barbara S and that Canouk Chichk C.D.

Trad climber
Butte, America
Nov 20, 2007 - 10:29pm PT
I appreciate Slash of GnR because he bagged Traci Lords, hehe.

Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Nov 20, 2007 - 10:33pm PT
I'm with Mike. and Mark on this...
and I can't stand it when dudes sing in falsetto. Nuff said.

Besides, I'm pretty sure Axhole is ghey.(NTTAWWT)

Social climber
Pick Up Truck Heaven
Nov 20, 2007 - 10:39pm PT
Personally I always prefered guns and rodents.
Standing Strong

Trad climber
the only coast
Nov 20, 2007 - 10:45pm PT
i didn't know those things, but i have the feeling that if i knew what a lot of rock bands were up to, i wouldn't like them. but i don't want to be friends with the band. i just like some of their songs :)

kind of like how i can appreciate a degas painting, even tho i think the guy was a scumbag.

Standing Strong

Trad climber
the only coast
Nov 20, 2007 - 10:47pm PT
p.s. aww shack and mark, i thought you guys would LOVE this thread!

Nov 20, 2007 - 10:48pm PT
My favorite is "How Can I Tell U that I luv U When U're Sitting on My Face?"

Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Nov 20, 2007 - 10:55pm PT
Slash has thrown down a few good solos, and they have a couple
of decent songs but I can't get past Axel's fake voice.

Nov 20, 2007 - 11:07pm PT
when I saw GnR back in the '80s "In Living Colour" opened and basically stole the show.
Standing Strong

Trad climber
the only coast
Nov 20, 2007 - 11:33pm PT
hmmm, maybe they just wrote "november rain" and "estranged" to get chicks to buy their albums. i don't currently own any of their music, because when i turned 16 i threw them all away (literally), but i recently heard "november rain" on the radio, and it reminded me of how much i used to love it, and some of their other songs.

1/2way between Yos and Moab
Nov 20, 2007 - 11:37pm PT
welcome to the jungle
sweet child o'mine

belgrade, mt
Nov 21, 2007 - 11:22am PT
Growing up near the rez we changed the lyrics of "Paradise City" to

Take me down to Tuba City
Where the grass is dead and the girls are shitty
Oh, won't you please take me home

Pretty clever stuff for sixth graders if you ask me. What were are parents doing letting us listen to that stuff?

Spokane, WA
Nov 21, 2007 - 11:26am PT
Only Axel could get Canadians to throw a riot.

+1 for Sweet Child o' Mine.
mark miller

Social climber
Nov 21, 2007 - 11:53am PT
I think Shack and I might get a little more worked up about a Frank Marino thread. GnR has some fine tunes, That one song where he had to kill her and now she's burried in his back yard and they did a decent rip of Pauls ( remember those silly boys from Liverpool) Live and Let die. I hope Sir Paul got his mechanical royalties for it at least he needs all he can get to pay off "ILENE".

Trad climber
new york, NY
Nov 21, 2007 - 12:13pm PT
come on, no votes for "I used to love her?"
that, and patience.
good stuff
Mighty Hiker

Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 21, 2007 - 01:31pm PT
"Only Axel could get Canadians to throw a riot."

There was a riot in Vancouver in 1972, for the Rolling Stones.

Mountain climber
Cali Via Canada
Nov 21, 2007 - 02:18pm PT
Toss a vote in for "My Michelle" and "Rocket Queen"

And you have to give the Gunners credit, they rose from the hair band crap that was the eighties, as a no-nonsense, hard hitting straight up rock band.
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