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Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 2, 2007 - 11:43pm PT
It's been decided that Mr. Crowley's infinite wisdom is just what this country needs.

VOTE FOR CROWLEY! It will be a chance for Crowley to actually make a real difference. You know, instead of just railing and rambling on some dumb internet discussion board.

The international negoatiations begin:

Vladimir Putin: Mr. President Crowley, we have much in common, let us work together to forge an alliance for peace.

Crowley: F*#k off, brownshirt dipshit!

Nov 2, 2007 - 11:50pm PT
Sorry, but I don't vote for clowns. You just can't trust em. They're shifty and unreliable.


Social climber
No Ut
Nov 2, 2007 - 11:56pm PT
Hope you didn't vote for W, then, Meems ;).


Delhi Dog

Trad climber
Good Question...
Nov 2, 2007 - 11:58pm PT
Dr T,

You are doing a pretty good job yourself being a knucklehead with a thread like this.
Is it your intention is to stir up more trouble, slander, and online bitching?

Why don't you spend your time thinking and posting something climbing related.
Crowley can cut his own throat without your help.



Nov 3, 2007 - 12:00am PT
Jello, would if I had to, but I don't, so I won't.


Nov 3, 2007 - 12:04am PT
DD, instead of getting on Dr. Taco, do you ever pressure AC for his bad behavior and nonexistent climbing threads/posts? Sorry, but I haven't been around much lately. It's a sniveling war of attrition. Just get used to it. There's no shame in torturing a masochist is there?

Delhi Dog

Trad climber
Good Question...
Nov 3, 2007 - 12:15am PT

"There's no shame in torturing a masochist is there?"

I suppose if you're into toture it doesn't matter who you torture.

And, you may be right regarding "ever pressure AC for his bad behavior and nonexistent climbing threads/posts"

But that really doesn't change the intention of this thread does it?

I still think Crowley does a fine job at times showing his own knuckleheadedness ( hmm... is that a word?) without any help.

"get use to it" uhh, have you...?

Getting use to it isn't an excuse in my humble opinion for anything.


Nov 3, 2007 - 12:22am PT
DD, I agree, excuses are lame. My cynicism got the best of me. It's just that it's been such a long sordid ordeal since AC entered the ST. No, I haven't gotten used to it. It's sort of like being a marine biologist and reaching into the crab tank.
Delhi Dog

Trad climber
Good Question...
Nov 3, 2007 - 12:30am PT
Crabs are still interesting at times if you know they have pinchers and you stay away from that part of them.

We should probably leave it at that.
I think we're all a bit tired of it.


chico ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 12:37am PT
Delhi Dog, What the hell are you doing home on a Saturday morning?

Post some pics please......

edit: Or video,biking the streets of Delhi.
Miss you also- and the family;-)

Delhi Dog

Trad climber
Good Question...
Nov 3, 2007 - 12:42am PT
Drinking coffee, watching what we call football here (soccer there). We get great games from Europe!

If wrote I was headed to the climbing wall today I'd be "virtually" slapped I won't.

Okay, I'm also headed into the darkest, deepest, regions of the old city to photograph some more misery.
I'll send some later.

Miss you

Nov 3, 2007 - 12:51am PT
'all a bit tired of it' DD

Give me a break. No, we shouldn't just leave it at that. All of you bleeding hearts praise and encourage this as#@&%e, Matthew Moore. See ya on backing off of this guy.

Considering that some of us have been tolerating AC's abuse since about last January, when he first surfaced as a gay little elfen twerpsicor, no kidding, you're coming in on the tail end so you have to try and understand. It seems every time a newbie joins the ST, and they agree with the chief as#@&%e, some of us have to revisit the whole damned story. Before you criticize those of us taking shots at this as#@&%e, read a thread older than a day. Try doing a search or two on your pal and check him out. If you are that into his gig, that's just great.

He's the stalker, hands down. That's probably the main issue here with AC, but it may not always seem that way because he constantly back edits and deletes his sniping and nasty remarks. And he is known to disrupt climbing threads. Very weak sauce.

Let's leave it at this. Enjoy the misery. Are you also going to check out the floaters off the Ghats in Varanasi? Rather ghoulish fellow yourself. Dontcha think, or do you?
Delhi Dog

Trad climber
Good Question...
Nov 3, 2007 - 12:52am PT
Just testing...
Tell me this worked or not...

Oh well, I'll work on it.

Nov 3, 2007 - 12:53am PT
No man, it didn't.

chico ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:07am PT
here's one of your pics- please don't kill me..

delhi dog in Oman

Delhi dog skiing in Kashmir

Delhi Dog

Trad climber
Good Question...
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:18am PT
Thanks I'll try again later regarding the picture.

"All of you bleeding hearts praise and encourage this as#@&%e, Matthew Moore"

Show me where I have encouraged and praised him if you lump me in this group of "bleeding hearts."

"It seems every time a newbie joins the ST, and they agree with the chief as#@&%e, some of us have to revisit the whole damned story. Before you criticize those of us taking shots at this as#@&%e, read a thread older than a day."

Assuming a lot aren't you...?

The only "critisism" I think I "shot out" was to Dr.T about posting something climbing related, not starting an attack. As I said, I think Crowley is doing a fine job of being a knuckle head at times without starting a thread which attacks him.

"Try doing a search or two on your pal and check him out. If you are that into his gig, that's just great."

Sorry I'm just not into slander. Maybe like you I need to toughen up and accept it.
Are you?

"Enjoy the misery. Are you also going to check out the floaters off the Ghats in Varanasi? Rather ghoulish fellow yourself. Dontcha think, or do you?"

Wow, who said anything about enjoying any misery. You seem (no disrespect here) like a very assumtive person. Because I choose to photograph life as it exists you make the connection I'm somehow a ghoulish fellow...hmm.

"...or do you?"



Delhi Dog

Trad climber
Good Question...
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:26am PT
Thanks Nita.

Nothing too ghoulish there I hope.

Nov 3, 2007 - 01:28am PT
The fact that you defended him at all pulled you into this mess. Don't be seduced by the clown. The analogy to ghoul is AC. Sorry for being cryptic.

Be safe on your trip and have a wonderful time. Your pic above is really nice. Please post more.

chico ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:32am PT

Skemp, Read- Mighty Hikers thread...Post a photo? oct 6th,07

edit: Mimi, D.D. lives in Asia.

Nov 3, 2007 - 01:38am PT
Where? I ASSuMEd he was traveling.

Social climber
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:42am PT
hey there... delhidog and nita--for posting pic...

that pic of the gals is done very well... all in sink, and set as if posed, but not... very natural... you can near feel you are there walking...

i always liked the clothes from india.. my friends (dont see them anymore) had very nice clothes that made the day look happy!...

*dropped in, as i was wondering what on EARTH could possibly have needed to "put-up to vote, trailed by LAUGHTER".... seems i found a right nice picture, from it all... you must neverrrrrrrrrrrr know..
Delhi Dog

Trad climber
Good Question...
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:42am PT
Thanks Mimi.
You too Nita.

Its night there, it ain't here.
I'm gone.


Social climber
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:48am PT
hey there delhidog... wow.. man, oh, man, look at that SNOW... you near look lost in it... very nice pic... keep having interesting and great times...
Delhi Dog

Trad climber
Good Question...
Nov 3, 2007 - 02:03am PT
Okay guess I'm still here.

Neebee, Kashmir has fantastic skiing. I would encourage anyone interested to check the place out.

Wonderful people, things are calmer there than you read about, the infrastructure regarding skiing is really improving thanks to a few locals and an Israeli dude from Blackcomb Whistler.
For backcountry skiing you can access via a gondola to 13,000ft.
January and February are the best times though even into March it can be killer.

Delhi Dog

Trad climber
Good Question...
Nov 3, 2007 - 02:09am PT
Here's a link:


Social climber
Nov 3, 2007 - 02:12am PT
hey there delhidog.. (yes, beautiful place, you are so right)

say, thanks for the link..

i can not do it, as i have no funds.. but i love to "look"... and i have folks i can share the link with, that love skiiing, too... i may some day get to "cross county ski"--haha, cross ranch ski, perhaps--on my buddies ranch... these gals have a nice place...

Nov 3, 2007 - 02:12am PT
DD, your pics/adventures deserve their own thread(s).

Mountain climber
Minkler, CA
Nov 3, 2007 - 03:22am PT
Without question, the most vile post I have ever seen here at ST is one posted tonight at posted by “mimi.” I take insult at these sorts of unprovoked attacks and slander based on nothing substantive. These trolls show up suddenly with their cohort “taco” to chime in with nothing more than worthless slime poured in our campfire with their plastic bottles to burn black, toxic smoke. Big deal that Crowley challenges and questions the status quo and is neither a liberal or a neocon. Few, if any, agree with him 100 percent, but at least he has his opinion and will stand up accordingly. He is not a cheap little troll like these idiots, and that seems to really annoy them. Keep it up and keep showing us what a fool you really are.
Delhi Dog

Trad climber
Good Question...
Nov 3, 2007 - 03:25am PT
from DD's earlier post...

"Show me where I have encouraged and praised him if you lump me in this group of "bleeding hearts."

Hey I found it myself...
isn't this site coo!

from September 22, '07

"I should think one way to judge a person's worth is by the generosity within them.
Crowley's generosity is evident.
He's generous is his slander, in his putdowns, in his fiercly driven anti Bush post, etc...

He would also give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.

I would glady spend any number of storm bound days stuck in a tent, cave, portaledge, or otherwise confined space with the Crowley man...but I'm not sure I'd eat any egg sandwiches he made..."

Guess you were right Mimi...

me 'arts blee'in

Social climber
The West
Nov 3, 2007 - 03:53am PT
"Is it your intention is to stir up more trouble, slander, and online bitching?"

I'll answer for 'him'; yes.

Bravo, tele-delhi!

Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Nov 3, 2007 - 04:05am PT
"unprovoked attacks and slander based on nothing substantive."

So it's "vile" when someone does it to AC, but when AC does it to others, it's OK????

I call bullshit double standard TMJesse!
Crowley does that in almost every post, he just deletes most of them before anyone but the offended sees them!
Open your eyes, cuz your post makes you sound very ignorant of what really has been going on here.

Trad climber
So. Cal.
Nov 3, 2007 - 05:22am PT
A. Crowley, standing on the corner with his thumb in his ass...I mean, *making a difference*:

Why do you think they call it Dope?

Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 11:19am PT
Mr. TMJesse, you seem to be wearing blinders. Or are you just adept at spin, you Rove-ian devil!

Your Crowley is crass and vile. Those who detest him (at least in this thread, I can't speak for the masses at large) do so because of that, and not because of his political views.
Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 11:21am PT
Please tell us that you'll run for office, Mr. Crowley.

You seem to believe you've got the true insight that the rest of us lack.

Put it to good use. Instead of merely stalking ST members and prattling on about how bad things are.

We're all right behind you!

Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 12:33pm PT

Are nasty buggerers permitted to hold the office of President?

Mountain climber
Minkler, CA
Nov 3, 2007 - 12:36pm PT
Shack and taco, I am neither naïve to what’s going on here nor blind to your crusade. Show me examples where your Crowley has opened a slander-based topic solely against someone else here, like this one and several others with his name in the topic header. Or, show me where he attacked someone with unsubstantiated slander before first being provoked. Your claims have no merit.

You and your kind do not fool me either.
Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 12:41pm PT
Mr. TMJesse, we have seen your wide-eyed and naive defense of A. Crowley before.

What gives?

You guys old friends or something? Crowley has friends?

Or maybe TMJesse = A. Crowley?

Mountain climber
Minkler, CA
Nov 3, 2007 - 12:42pm PT
The pot is calling the kettle black, I guess.

Mountain climber
Minkler, CA
Nov 3, 2007 - 12:55pm PT
Looks like showing any examples is proving difficult.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:07pm PT
TMJesse - 12,829 posts by your pal. And he's been here how long?

7624 of those posts have KNOTT been self deleted.

That means he's deleted 5205 of his own posts...

Put down the fuçking crack pipe and get real!
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:14pm PT
Question for brown-nosing Crowley apologists:

What about the dozens (if knott hundreds) of unsolicited, often hostile personal e-mails your hero has sent?
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:15pm PT
Crawdad - you can run but you can knott hide.

The evidence is clear...

Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:21pm PT
I already did...

Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:34pm PT
Unsolicited and ignored...

Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 01:45pm PT
Mr. Crowley,

there's no conspiracy.

Those emails Hardman posted are evidence of your vile nature, which is the problem some have with you.

Are you capable of self-reflection?

Dr. Taco
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:45pm PT
CrawGrampa™ - You're doing a fine job of revealing some serious mental issues, especially considering your advanced age.

Kind of sad, really.

Mountain climber
Minkler, CA
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:52pm PT
If these are your best and clearest "evidence," then you guys really are on a crusade and nothing more. Big deal! Your attacks just degrade this fine site.
Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 01:53pm PT
Mr. Crowley rails:

Dr. Wal-ma...err, Taco:

Those emails were sent to Hardman not in response to his lies about Crowley on the ST Forum, and were sent in my name.

The worm simply needed correspondence, being profoundly lonely.

F*#k-You finally, Anonymous Troll.

You are irrellevant.

Sir, are you capable of reviewing your behavior here, and perhaps modifying it to be less insane?

If not, Dr. Taco may have to withdraw his backing for CROWLEY 2008.

Now, give us a Howard Dean-style screech! I know you have it in you!

Dr. Taco
Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 01:54pm PT
It's pretty clear now . . .

TMJesse = A. Crowley
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 01:58pm PT
TMJessie wrote:

If these are your best and clearest "evidence," then you guys really are on a crusade and nothing more. Big deal! Your attacks just degrade this fine site.

Didn't you just write:

Shack and taco, I am neither naïve to what’s going on here nor blind to your crusade. Show me examples where your Crowley has opened a slander-based topic solely against someone else here, like this one and several others with his name in the topic header. Or, show me where he attacked someone with unsubstantiated slander before first being provoked. Your claims have no merit.

You and your kind do not fool me either.

And so I post this:

-and that's not enough? Are you high? There are countless other examples.
Either your head is in the sand, or your nose is you-know-where...
Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 02:01pm PT
"Somebody get Matt Moore a tissue"


Nov 3, 2007 - 02:08pm PT
Now THAT'S funny! Thanks Dr. Taco! I'll use this one in the AC biography I'm putting together.

Mountain climber
Minkler, CA
Nov 3, 2007 - 02:22pm PT
You have done well to prove my point! I'm impressed! Thanks, and keep it up. Show us a real unprovoked post or slanderous topic.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 02:23pm PT
Thanks Mimi for bumping that other thread...

I was looking for it myself...

Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 02:26pm PT
TMJessie - OK, now it's obvious you're trolling.

Out of those 5000+ posts your buddy deleted, most were deleted for good reason...

You can't possibly be serious.
Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 02:38pm PT
goddam but you are stupid!

- A. Crowley, 2007

Nov 3, 2007 - 02:38pm PT
"They do a great job of illustrating Slander threads and organised Dog-piles!

All in the name of preserving the integrity of ST Forum.

But Hey; it ain't political." AC

Organized dog-piles! You really are in denial and delusional. Matt, if you didn't insist on being such an ass to people you happen to disagree with, you wouldn't get such negative feedback. And if you hadn't deleted or backedited so many of your posts, your biggest fans would have a better sense of what you've been doing for almost a year now to disrupt this forum.

Questioning HK about the number of your posts shows either how dense you are or how you've totally lost it on here.
Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 02:42pm PT
What's a Bushbot?


what's yer take on seeking medical advice for mental illness?
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 02:43pm PT
CrawGramps - where did I get the numbers?


(now 12,842 - and only since January)

That's impressive, even for you.

Mountain climber
Minkler, CA
Nov 3, 2007 - 02:43pm PT
This all must be a joke. You are either delusional or kidding. My point continues to get confirmed. The link provided is slander focused on one person by what appears to be a "Crowley Fan Club" of sorts. I regret some take Crowley so seriously that they choose to target him more than doing anything else here.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 02:46pm PT
Well until someone follows you around in various threads attacking you with OT BS,
(aside from nasty personal e-mails) you can choose to believe what you want to believe...
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 02:47pm PT
CrawGrampa - you've deleted more posts in 10 months than the total number of posts I've made in 6 years...

Edit: LOL! he just deleted the post I was responding to here - classic!


Trad climber
So. Cal.
Nov 3, 2007 - 02:51pm PT
My math says Crowley posts something on here every 22 minutes, on average, every day, since he's been here.

Every 22 minutes.

That's dedication!
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 03:04pm PT
This is from the original Crowley (Matthew Moore) stalking thread:

I made these posts for a reason...

and then...

My comments in these screenshot posts were the result of being stalked and harassed
in other threads - where he wasn't provoked in any way by me. So get real, brown-nosers!

Nov 3, 2007 - 03:05pm PT
Matt, I posted this the last time you denied these accusations. You missed deleting this one or maybe knott. Remember when you attempted to disrupt LEB's lever thread (May 25, 7:28 pm)?
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 03:09pm PT
Hey Moore-on™ - so how come you were banned and I was knott?

Nov 3, 2007 - 03:17pm PT

And yer reason was to shine a false light on Crowley so as to obscure your own stalking posts, and the lies contained within.

What a dumbsh#t." AC

Wow, you really are certifiable. Any shots I took at you were warranted. If you haven't noticed, none of your enemies here make a point to attack any other STers like this. I wrote you off as dead once. Now, it's more like staying away from an authentic internet creep.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 03:20pm PT

Banned, and then he deluged Chris Mac with endless phone calls, and had several
sympathizers––some of them well-known––send a bunch of e-mails on his behalf...

chico ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 03:23pm PT
It's always best to stay out of the slugfest, but this is all so sick and sad. AC; you are giving the power to Dr Taco by replying to him....don't.

Better yet, quit calling people idiots, as#@&%es, and telling them to STFU....

Note to trolls, Dr Taco, andanother, and Donny; Anonymus trolls suck!!! At least, AC, Mimi, myself, Jody and TM Jesse. etc. have the courage and honesty to show who they are.

So brothers and sisters of taco land; I implore you to go out and enjoy this beautiful fall day..... see ya ;-)

Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 03:33pm PT
Old man - yer delusional. In no way did I implicate you as the Bump 'n Run™ bandit.
I merely included that screenshot as a "before and after"...
(the "after" is with his post gone and yours remaining)


I tried to point this out to you, and if you look at those posts again and relax,
you will see that it was a misunderstanding on your part. I have no idea why
you reacted the way you did, and why you still hold onto this, a non-issue.

Edit: Here, I'll do it for you...

and after snooky deleted his post - captured within the same minute:

These were real-time screenshots, showing how I managed to capture his post
before he could delete it. Your post happened to be the one above; it could have been anyone...


Nov 3, 2007 - 03:39pm PT
And yer point?

You got banned? That's rich. Too bad it didn't last.

Jello, you really shouldn't have.

Trad climber
Top of the Mountain Mun
Nov 3, 2007 - 03:46pm PT
Over 100 posts on the Crowley situation in the past 12 hours.


Fes Up!
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 05:23pm PT
Crawdad - I think you owe me an apology.

Here is what I posted with the second (after deletion) screenshot:

(4th post in thread)

I'm also posting this (current last-page capture after bump was deleted) for posterity,
because the 20+ bumped threads will eventually fade off the front page...

So WTF made you think it had fuçk-all to do with you?

Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 05:33pm PT

Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 06:33pm PT
Mr. Crowley, you have been yet again revealed as a vile clown.

Can you stay on topic for more than 1/2 of a post?

It IS rather sad, this public sepuku you seem to commit about every six days here on ST.

Dr. Taco

Mountain climber
Minkler, CA
Nov 3, 2007 - 06:42pm PT
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 3, 2007 - 06:44pm PT
Crawdad - you should be ashamed of yourself for putting words in my mouth.

You are the coward with the well-established track record of deleting posts, knott me...

In this thread:

I wrote:

To Dean Potter:

If you can't take the heat, get the fuçk out of the "kitchen"...

(I'll gladly say it to his face...What is he gonna do, kick my ass?)

I was pissed at the time, and I stand by my words...

And then out of the blue, you came up with this:

Hardman wanted the opportunity earlier, and clearly had strong feelings about the issue considering he was also tempted to run over Dean with his car.

My reply:

Get your nose outta Dean's ass, and show where I said that, you delusional sub-man.

Nobody said anything like that (in this or any other thread that I've seen).

Knott surprisingly, the subsequent sound of crickets chirping was deafening...

If I posted what you claim, surely someone else saw it...
So, can you find anybody to back up your allegation?

Bring it, bitch.
Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 06:48pm PT
HMK, the doctor is ROFLMFAO!

Trad climber
Nov 3, 2007 - 06:59pm PT
oh sh#t matty. lol. You're a real superfreak.

Tell your wife I said 'hi'

Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2007 - 11:32pm PT
Dr. Taco believes this thread is a perfect illustration of why Mr. Crowley is qualified to be our president.

He is unable to accept reality, and instead tries to spin and revise history.


Mountain climber
Minkler, CA
Nov 4, 2007 - 03:07am PT
Neither, for sure. I guess that bothers you, but that's the way it is.
Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 4, 2007 - 10:47am PT
Mr. Locker, thank you for posting that evidence illustrating more of Matt Moore's stalking and general creepiness.

Mr. Crowley, on this website devoted to rock climbing . . .

yer irrelevant!
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 5, 2007 - 04:08pm PT
Bump for a reality czech...

One of my all-time favorite quotes (I can't remember who it's attributed to)

"The best part of telling the truth is knott having to remember what you've said"

Here's my own little quote I would like to add:

"Loquacious, aging alcoholics have a hard time accounting for all the shít they have spewed"...
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 5, 2007 - 04:19pm PT


How many seconds elapsed before you deleted it???

Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Nov 5, 2007 - 04:47pm PT
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Nov 5, 2007 - 04:48pm PT
So where was this supposed apology?

Sounds like moore bullshit to me
Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 6, 2007 - 10:54am PT
Mr. Crowley, the urgings of all supertaco are sincere.

Please enlist or run for office. Anything that gets you out of the house will be good.

Dr. Taco
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