4th Annual Red Rocks Rendezvous


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Chris McNamara

SuperTopo staff member
Topic Author's Original Post - Feb 19, 2007 - 06:37pm PT
With Mountain Gear as presenting sponsor and The North Face as title sponsor, the Red Rock Rendezvous will return to the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area near Las Vegas on March 23-25 to benefit The Access Fund and other local and national non-profit organizations. Due to the growing popularity of the festival, this year’s event has expanded clinic areas to offer more traditional, sport and aid climbing sites and routes than the prior Red Rock festivals.

The festival will again offer a Friday “Intro to Climbing at the Red Rocks” clinic day for less experienced climbers and those who have never attempted the difficulty levels of the Red Rock Canyon. The full-day “intro” clinics will teach climbing fundamentals to succeed at the Red Rocks and any other outdoor setting. The clinics will take place in an intimate clinic setting by guides from the American Alpine Institute who are also some of the world’s most accomplished climbers. “Intro” participants will then be able to enjoy two additional half-day clinics throughout the weekend. There will also be an optional gear package that will include harness, helmet, shoes, belay device, carabineer, chalk bag and a membership to the Access Fund. Participants can get the gear package, the Friday “Intro” day, two additional half-day clinics and event festivities for $349.

The festival will also offer clinics for advanced, intermediate and beginning climbers on Saturday and Sunday. Registration is $75 per person for the Saturday and Sunday events, and $239 per person for the Friday “Intro” day and Saturday and Sunday clinic combo. Registration includes the Friday night opening celebration, free climbing at Red Rock Canyon when not in formal clinics, a dinner buffet on Saturday night, demos, comps and mini-seminars by event sponsors, a blow-out party and slide show on Saturday night, pancake breakfast Sunday morning and service projects to assist in the environmental conservation of the Red Rock Canyon and Spring Mountain. For only $35, participants can receive access to all of the Spring Mountain festivities.

check it out;


Social climber
St. Looney
Feb 19, 2007 - 07:06pm PT
My tickets are already purchased. See you all there!

Social climber
St. Looney
Feb 19, 2007 - 11:24pm PT
For real? I'm the only one that will be out there?

Feb 19, 2007 - 11:30pm PT
Crimpy, I'll be there. Plan on making some copies of the DVD for those that never got one last year. I will be wearing a DOGFATHER t-shirt on Saturday.

Boulder climber
Sick Midget Land
Feb 19, 2007 - 11:30pm PT
Yep. The rest of us just can't see the point of paying to climb there.

Trad climber
Las Vegas
Feb 20, 2007 - 06:20pm PT
I have floorspace in my warehouse here in Vegas. I'm in the south end where the 15 & 215 come together (off of 15 at Russell) if anybody needs to have something arrive and sit a few days before the shindig. Let me know, we have dock high and forklift.

trapeze artemis

Surf City
Feb 20, 2007 - 06:43pm PT
I have friends that live in the area and we usually attend the festival (but not the clinics). I guarentee that I always drink and eat more then $35 dollars worth of beer and food.

Big Wall climber
El Cap
Mar 2, 2007 - 05:26pm PT

I still have some slots available for my clinic (bigwall aid/speed climbing):


I might have a special guest with me too. Hint: One of the oldest and most prolific climbers around.

Come join the fun!!!

Trad climber
Sacramento, CA
Mar 2, 2007 - 06:35pm PT
See you there.

Trad climber
so utah
Mar 2, 2007 - 07:10pm PT
Now what if someone just wanted to come and hang out and not attend the clinic's is there still a fee or is this festival paying coustumers only I as well cant see myself paying $300 for someone to show me things that moost of us already know

Big Wall climber
El Cap
Mar 2, 2007 - 07:24pm PT


Yes, the fee is $39 dollars for the festivities, including the beer, I think that includes food too.

The weekend clinic is $75, also the $349 dollar package that you refer to comes with a gear package worth over $300.

I'm not sure what the gear is but have heard a lot of climbers in my previous clinics say they thought it was a super good deal. Cheers!!

Gym climber
Roca Rojo
Mar 2, 2007 - 07:29pm PT
Please advise what the supertopo representation is at this years vous...

I had just moved to town this time last year, and wasn't so up for an epic event...

This year I'm dug in and down for whateva...


Trad climber
so utah
Mar 2, 2007 - 08:42pm PT
Ammon thanks for the clearing that up,sounds good I tink that would be more in my means, I really would like to attend I was thinking just one workshop was $349

im excited now
see yall there

Gym climber
Here and there
Mar 3, 2007 - 12:26am PT

I have never considered attending a climbers' festival. I've always figured that I'd rather be elsewhere, climbing at crags where there were less people rather than jockeying for routes.

But upon hearing that there were spots in your clinic I checked out the website. Then, seeing that the cost was less than $10/hour for clinics, I signed up with due haste. This sounds freaking fun.


Fish Camp, CA
Mar 6, 2007 - 12:01am PT
Anyone want to carpool from Yosemite/Fresno area? Otherwise I doubt I'll go. Can't afford all the gas!!

E-mail me. margaret.oneill@gmail.com
Chris McNamara

SuperTopo staff member
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 6, 2007 - 12:13am PT
always a great time! looking forward to seeing a bunch of friends there. ill be showing a little movie on sat night i think.

Big Wall climber
El Cap
Mar 7, 2007 - 03:16am PT

NIIICE, Neil!!!

See you there... and you too Chris. haa haa.....


Big Wall climber
El Cap
Mar 21, 2007 - 02:32pm PT

I could use one more person to help teach, demonstrate and put up ropes, for my clinics. Volunteer passes include free beer, food, festivities, etc….. Any volunteer’s?

There’s still slots available:


I'm heading to the airport.... see you guys this weekend!

Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Mar 21, 2007 - 02:38pm PT
sent you mail Ammon... I'll try your cell too.

Social climber
St. Looney
Mar 21, 2007 - 03:31pm PT
can the 39$ be paid upon arrival? or is it expected to be paid in advance?

Las Vegas
Mar 21, 2007 - 11:27pm PT
Was at the campground today ,sign said Campground full,looked like a lot of spaces being held.Time to double up.

Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Mar 27, 2007 - 07:54pm PT
A little mini TR, of sorts, of the weekend at the Rendezvous.
I'm sorry for all of the folks who weren't able to make it to the event. It was good times and you missed out!

Afer reading here on the thread that I might be interested in going, Ammon hit me on the cell to see what was up. I'd been debating whether or not to go to the event and had pretty much decided not to go. How could I turn down a bro in need though? So, Friday afternoon when the work timer went off, signalling the start of the weekend, I threw on the proper driving to the desert attire (shorts, chacos, etc) and was on the road. Only 6 hours to go... Make it 6 1/2 (stop for gas and Red Bull and another for a sandwich at Kramer Jct.)

I arrived at midnight, after having talked to Ammon about an hour earlier. "Call me when you get here, dude....." Ring, ring, ring... WTF? As I pull into the lot, I asked a girl I saw walking, "Do you know, or have you seen Ammon McNeely?" "Um, no... there are some people over there (pointing) who are a little drunk and singing" "Is he talking like a pirate?" A little confused, she said, "No...?" "Oh, that's not him... Thanks."

Thinking it was late and that Ammon had gone to bed already (I Mean, I'd *hear* him if he was still up, right?), I parked the truck and climbed in back to get some sleep.

My phone rings, it's Ammon. "Dude, are you up? The van leaves in 5 minutes!" "Shit! I'm up now, I'll be there in a couple of minutes." As I walk up to the van line, my phone rings again... "Dude, you missed the van. Just catch the next one. We're at the first pullout." No worries...

After a little confusion, where it appeared that I might have to drive my own vehicle out and pay the $5.00 to get onto the loop, someone mentioned they were headed out to "Willow Springs, with one" the guy I was talking to turned and asked if there was room for one more. "Yes." As I turned to head in that direction, I see that I'll be riding with Peter Croft! Sweet! Great guy! Really nice. We talked a little about the event, real estate, climbing and assorted other things on the drive out.

Of course, being in a hurry, and never having been to the Fixx Wall before, I take the "shortest" path I can find, which also turns out to be the hardest, with a little soloing involved.

Time to get to work now.....

The Players:

Ammon McNeely - Apparently doing his early morning Tai Chi...

Seedy (Cedar Wright) and Cheryl (She keeps Ammon together and in line)- Chattin' it up while everyone else does the hard work ;) hah!

And well, me. I've spared you all the pain of having to see my mug though!

After Cedar and I finished setting up the anchors and ropes on top, the students started arriving and the day began...

The class...

They are riveted, aren't they! Actually, this is a portion of the class. We averaged 8 students per class and had them working on 3 different lines. Jugging/Cleaning, Leading and the Deucy.

A little jugging instruction

Ammon demonstrating the Deucy:

One on one instruction with badasses:

Group Instruction:

Ammon holding court at the pullout - The bus driver admantly told everyone, "BE HERE AT 4:00!!!" Since the clinics actually ended at 5:00, we sat there for an hour... What a terd-burglar!

And the highlight of the day..... It's not just a rumor or a dream, Seedy actually *can* fly!

Actually, it was tough little penji that had to be done to setup the deucy again, after each person lowered off. Both Ammon and Cedar made it look a lot easier than I did, that's for sure. Note that Cedar is wearing flip flops too. What a stud!

The class went well, the weather was great and it was great to see old friends, as well as meet some new ones. I wish I had more pics, however when we got back from teaching the clinics it was pretty much dark and all that was on my mind was putting that wrist band (free beer and food) to work!

We all worked hard and had a great time. The FiveTen folks told Ammon that quite a few of the students stopped by and were super psyched about the class and thought it was really rad. Ammon really did a good job with them. I think we all learned something, no matter how much climbing we'd done. Cedar only had one student the first morning, then had to head out at lunch time to work on a project for TNF, so we combined his class with ours.

The evenings were pretty much what you'd expect: Climbers having a great time. There was a wall setup for climbing and a dyno comp.

The next day we only had a morning clinic to teach and the camera stayed in the vehicle for the day. Sorry, this means you miss out on seeing the lovely TallChick looking nicely tanned and honed after a couple of weeks at the Creek, who came out to help us that day.

There was a jugging competition in the afternoon, as everyone was starting to take thigns down, and Jenna, a hottie from Suunto, held a Yoga class in the court area right afterwards.

After chillin' at camp for a few hours, it was time to hit the road and head back to the world for work the next day. Work sucks.

I'd seriously recommend to anyone who has a chance to make it out there next year, do so. $75 for two four hour clinics with the likes of Croft, Sharma, Rands, Ammon, Cedar, the Caldwells, Kevin Thaw, the Benegas Bros, Mal Daly, Trotter, etc... Well, that's pretty f*#king amazing! It's definitely money well-spent. Not to mention everything going on back at camp.

Big Wall climber
El Cap
Mar 27, 2007 - 09:09pm PT

WoW!! Nice TR, I didn't realize you took so many pics. I've got some goofy expressions on some of those, haa haa.

Thanks again for everyone who helped with my clinic (you know who you are)... and thanks for the companies that make it happen.

Good times!!
Jason Martin

Mar 28, 2007 - 05:35pm PT
I work as a guide for the American Alpine Institute and run our Red Rock Canyon program as well as work as an administrator for the Red Rock Rendezvous. In any case, I heard feedback on a lot of clinics, athletes and guides...and I have to say that I heard A LOT of positive feedback about Ammon's course.

When the bus snafu happened some instructors just sat around and didn't do anything. But Ammon grabbed his students, took them off to the side and kept teaching. That is what I'd call professional instruction.

Ammon, we really would like to see you back next year. Thanks for doing an awesome job!


Social climber
St. Looney
Mar 28, 2007 - 05:46pm PT
The Rendezvous was a blast. I'm still recovering today. The climbing, the people, the clinics. And it was great to meet Ammon and a few other tacos too. I'm bummed I missed many that I hear were there though.
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