Casting Climbing Series for Major Network


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Colin Sprague

Los Angeles
Topic Author's Original Post - Jan 15, 2015 - 04:57pm PT
Hello All!

My name is Colin Sprague and am a Developing Producer at Punchdrunk Development/Original Media Productions in Los Angeles. We are a multi-media production company behind shows such as Dual Survival, the Unplugged Series on MTV, as well as award winning independent films such as Half Nelson and The Squid and the Whale.

The reason I'm posting on here is that I am in the early stages of development on a show for a major outdoor network that would revolve around climbing. Specifically, I'm trying to find or cast a group of people who find that the best way to challenge themselves, connect with nature and live life to the fullest is through climbing. Each episode in this series would revolve around the group as they prepare for and execute a new climb in a different remote part of the world.

If you are an experienced climber and are interested in this idea, I'd love to hear from you and tell you more! Feel free to shoot me an email at I've included a link below to Original Media's website so you can check out ur past and current projects to get a sense of who we are! I hope this message finds you all well and I look forward to talking with you soon!

Wishing all of you the best,

Colin Sprague
Associate Producer
Punchdrunk Development -- In Association with Original Media

Gym climber
Great White North
Jan 15, 2015 - 05:09pm PT
Dawn Wall

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Jan 15, 2015 - 05:10pm PT

Trad climber
Auburn, CA
Jan 15, 2015 - 05:15pm PT
I'm sure if you get the word out properly you will get plenty of people to sign up.

Good luck herding the cats...... ;-)

I vote for locker!
c wilmot

Jan 15, 2015 - 05:23pm PT
Bear Grylls is not available?

On a serious note Nico Favaresse and crew might be the people you are looking for if you can find them
Ed Hartouni

Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Jan 15, 2015 - 05:26pm PT
I wonder if James is ready to stop being a dirtbag climber by being cast as a dirtbag climber...

...and someone should definitely send them a tin of the Bloot's ashes... he's gotta be there!

Trad climber
Auburn, CA
Jan 15, 2015 - 05:28pm PT

These two have some climbs left to do. Maybe contact them?
Colin Sprague

Los Angeles
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 15, 2015 - 05:30pm PT
You guys rock!

Thank you so much for the suggestions!

Trad climber
minneapolis, mn
Jan 15, 2015 - 05:38pm PT
Medusa or Pyro or both

Tucker Tech

Trad climber
Jan 15, 2015 - 05:38pm PT
Sounds like a job for JJ Yosh
this just in

Justin Ross from North Fork
Jan 15, 2015 - 05:49pm PT
I will watch your show only if you get Jeremy and his mom.

Trad climber
Golden, CO
Jan 15, 2015 - 05:55pm PT
Hey, I could be the old(ish), wise-cracking atheist guy who can still climb wide. Oh, man, this could be my big break! Getting paid for playing yourself. So, where do I audition?

Trad climber
Jan 15, 2015 - 05:59pm PT
That's actually been my main deterrent to freeing the dawn wall first.

I could never decide on the right chalk.
Clint Cummins

Trad climber
SF Bay area, CA
Jan 15, 2015 - 06:16pm PT
It seems you want someone without a job, so they would have time to travel.
And maybe not already with a major sponsor (since you could just contact those folks from the sponsor websites.
If you had Jim Donini on your show, it could be gold - he's very experienced, active, and climbs worldwide. He's older and interacts well with younger folks.
You could look someplace like the AAC Live Your Dream award - those are people who are looking for money to do challenging climbs.
(see the lists of 2012-2014 grant recipients)
Some of these folks have jobs and use the grants in the summer, though.

Jan 15, 2015 - 06:18pm PT
I'll second the Myles and Amy idea. I'd love to see them actually get paid to go climb something.

Trad climber
Golden, CO
Jan 15, 2015 - 07:12pm PT
You'd have to think that Locker has a lock on this thing so far...damn you Locker!

Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Jan 15, 2015 - 07:16pm PT
This guy isn't getting much work lately. He should be available.

Or Eddie Van Halen


Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Jan 15, 2015 - 07:34pm PT
This is kind of ironic considering one of our southern AZ climbing areas was CLOSED from 1-9-15 to 1-28-15 so they can film some episode of Fat F*cks in the Woods or some such b.s. for two weeks!!!

Boulder climber
Jan 15, 2015 - 07:50pm PT
You could cast the series back in time, say the 1970s. Colorful clothing, big hair, booze, babes, dope. Anti-Vietnam rhetoric and hunky stonemasters.

What you propose sounds rather sterile by comparison.

Think about it.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 15, 2015 - 07:53pm PT
I vote for Locker and Norwegian, kinda like Salt and Pepper.
I'm sure they're ready for Prime Time, but I doubt Prime Time is ready for them.

4 Corners Area
Jan 15, 2015 - 07:56pm PT
"Locker and Norwegian"


Flank of the Big Horns
Jan 15, 2015 - 07:57pm PT
I'd watch the Ballad of Burt Bronson.

Trad climber
The state of confusion
Jan 15, 2015 - 08:20pm PT

I vote for GRUG!!!!
Spider Savage

Mountain climber
The shaggy fringe of Los Angeles
Jan 15, 2015 - 08:47pm PT

A. The people you want will not apply. You have to go talk them into it. They don't follow media like this web site.

B. This forum is like a real life version of the cast of The Grand Budapest Hotel. It's rather a surreal group. Everyone is way over 50 and or really hammered.

C. Just hire John Long to assist with casting. He'll be cheap, he's got industry cred, and he knows what he's doing.

D. If John is too much, you can hire me. I'm even cheaper, I once helped Frank Marshall typeset his business cards while Kathleen Kennedy made suggestions, and I think I know what I'm doing.

Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Jan 15, 2015 - 08:55pm PT
Paging Vitaly. I'd throw in Burchey and ice chick or whatever her name is. if you can find pellucid Wombat mebbe. Donini would be awesome if you could get him. Obi Wan in person. If you got Donini I would watch every episode. You wouldn't get him if it were not going to be really good.. best luck even then.

Seriously contact John Long as mentioned by spider.

Hmm.. Offhand it would seem like an amazing gig..

In reality.. climbers? gawd we are a dysfunctional bunch when it comes to throwing us in a pot together.

Entertainment is a strange biz for obsessed recluses with poor social skillz. Which describes a lot of the hardcorp climbers.

Trad climber
the middle of CA
Jan 15, 2015 - 09:08pm PT
Second the Vitaliy vote.

He's even got a sexy exotic accent.

Get on there and apply V

A long way from where I started
Jan 15, 2015 - 09:17pm PT

Social climber
Jan 15, 2015 - 09:21pm PT
A couple of kids claw their way up some granite and this is the result. Reality bullshit with biners. Everything is fair game to make a buck.

Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Jan 15, 2015 - 09:23pm PT
^ see what I mean?
Flip Flop

Trad climber
Truckee, CA
Jan 15, 2015 - 10:11pm PT
Hi Colin,
I really enjoy MTV's climbing documentary on Clucking.
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Trad climber
minneapolis, mn
Jan 15, 2015 - 11:10pm PT
yeah, Jeremey and his mom, obviously
FISH as emeritus climber
whitemeat as up and comer who can't spell or write at a 10th grade level but is still cool
Medusa (too obvious)
The Climber Former Known as Locker
Jody (???)
Werner von ...
Bill Mc Kirgan

Trad climber
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Jan 16, 2015 - 03:58am PT
IF done accurately it will be boring to all but climbers.

Trad climber
dancin on the tip of god's middle finger
Jan 16, 2015 - 05:00am PT
i'm out man.
though thanks for the votes.

i had the cobain look goin for a while,
then i tended toward rod stewart,
but now,
slowly, everything is becoming night.
as each day i pack more and more
fine wood particles into my eyes,
i can't see.

so i walk around with them
exceedingly open, like someone trying
to find a light switch in a dark closet.

my wife says that she can see
the whites of my eyes, in a complete ring...

like i'm a night creature now,
perhaps a possum or maybe a wombat.

and they weep, man.
they weep like awful precipitate tears.
they are caves. dark and full of secrets.
you can shout into my eyes
and you'll hear an echo.
i swear.
throw a coin into them
and make a wish.
go ahead, i'll do my best to convert it to mo'money.

and i'm an awful drunk, too.
with tall boots full of piss.
you see i gotta drink hard whiskey
until my sorrows well up and
fall out of my eyes in
an acrid solution that kills
some of the wood culture
callin me home.

then, if i look just right-askew
i can see a star.
and the moon, though blurry.
but i never wish.
never, ever. my dad always told me,
and to this day i still don't get it
but i remember it:

"wish in one and shite in the other.
see which one gets full faster."

my last last emotional horizon is also
that being dreams.
i'm seizing that channel
like a snipped vas-deferens.
i went to see the doctor about that,
she lives 3-doors up in a black house
with a black fence and car, though no black cat.
for a small fee,
she's murdering my glee.

plus i'd be no good as a millionaire.
i need my poverty.
i need it like the junky needs his dirty needle.

wellness and i, we had a falling out.
i used to have that chick wrapped around
my pinky, with a pink bow in her hair.

i went to college and got some degrees.
then i sat around big wood tables
in leather chairs wearing clean clothes
throwing stellar ideas at the
world that just wanted to left alone.

i been down that not-dusty road
and i learned that i'd rather
have dirt in my eyes
than concrete fines in my lies.

so you see, i'm not screen worthy.
though perhaps i could voice in for

or maybe contribute to the script.
my pen has a mind of its own.
Crazy Bat

Sport climber
Birmingham, AL & Seweanee, TN
Jan 16, 2015 - 07:05am PT
This post is almost word for word an appeal that went out to cavers a few years ago. A serious producer, who was a caver got with them. They made one episode that was aired as a special and declared that the environment was just too difficult to film in. Of course only the caver producer/vidiographer ever went in the cave and they had a deep cave incident resulting in an amazing self rescue by the cavers involved. The victim was someone the producers insisted on having in the cast. The other cast members/cavers were not happy with that choice. Sorry I don't remember the name of the special and I don't think I would post it anyway. Very embarrassing.

Trad climber
Upland, CA
Jan 16, 2015 - 10:21am PT
There are some fine serious suggestions here
Jim Donini
Miles and Amy
all adept on crags and alpine

but it's pretty easy to read through the past couple of years of Rock and Ice and Climbing mags, and see who they have profiled. They highlight the range from teens to "older".
Stevie Haston would be great IMO.

I'd watch something like this if you had a range of ages. If it was just 20-somethings it would be pretty boring.
Don Paul

Big Wall climber
Denver, Colorado
Jan 16, 2015 - 10:36am PT
Oh come on Norwegian, don't be so shy. My recommendation is to go to camp 4 and immerse yourself in the culture for a couple of days at least. You have to guerrilla camp the first night, then get up at 4:00 AM and sit in line at the ranger kiosk to try to get a campsite. You need to brush your teeth and clean your dishes at the camp 4 outhouse. Then you will have a better perspective on the community and be able to identify people who seem to embody it. Also watch the video, Ground Up Perspectives before you make yours. Its on youtube.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 16, 2015 - 10:37am PT
If you can do a voice similar to Sean Connery

Including the lisp?
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jan 16, 2015 - 10:37am PT How bad could it be?
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Jan 16, 2015 - 11:17am PT
Locker wrote:
"Including the lisp?"...

LOL. Locker now the frontrunner as the hero's comical sidekick.

Trad climber
Western America
Jan 16, 2015 - 11:34am PT
Viewers want to see the car crash. You tease it too long they will change the channel.

And all that travel is costly and time consuming. A rock is a rock
and gravity is going to have its way no matter where.

Maybe show pictures of monster crags around the world. Introduce this weeks
climber victims. Show them climbing any old steep rock. Show them falling.
Zoom in on the crotch pincing dynamic belay. Splatter
a little blood around.
Show their happy but limping self rescue back to the car.

Trad climber
Jan 16, 2015 - 11:45am PT
Check out Kathy Karlo. Young, incredibly dynamic, photographs well, great personality. Has built a following being nothing other than herself. Only got her first sponsorship very recently. There are better climbers, but few who engage with life so enthusiastically.

Also second the idea of looking into chick_on_ice. I've only met her once, but she had personality.

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Jan 16, 2015 - 11:47am PT
I vote for Locker...That naughahide cod piece is so switched on...! rj

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 16, 2015 - 12:09pm PT
RJ, I think it is a nuthingtohide codpiece.

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jan 16, 2015 - 12:22pm PT
The cod piece harness could be epic. But to keep the audience you would have to do multiple whippers in it every episode.

back east
Jan 16, 2015 - 12:31pm PT
Here you go,spudnoggin.

You could also make a case for Chongo as the technical/spiritual advisor for this team.

Grey Matter
Jan 16, 2015 - 01:12pm PT
more ideas

Joe Simpson's partner
Ken Nichols
Sly Stallone
Ueli Steck
Sherpa union leader
assorted Vulgarians
Red Bull sponsored youngsters

San Mateo, California
Jan 16, 2015 - 02:41pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Back when the idea of a climbing-related reality show was comedy...12 years ago.

Gym climber
Bishop, CA
Jan 16, 2015 - 04:59pm PT
Erik Eriksson should be in the pool of candidates.

That man knows how to get it done with no bullsh#t.

Jan 16, 2015 - 05:43pm PT
The Taco is so made for Reality TV.

So much talent, so few inhibitions...

Jan 16, 2015 - 06:19pm PT
I will watch it as long as there is a sassy black chick on it.

Social climber
So Cal
Jan 16, 2015 - 07:14pm PT
If it centered around JTree locals it would never make believable "reality" TV.

The characters would be too "interesting".

The viewing public would never buy it as anything but fiction.

Just hang out with the Mayor for a week. You'll get just a sample.

The primary thing that's kept me doing this for 45 years are the characters you get to know. No other avocation like it in that respect.

curt wohlgemuth

Social climber
Bay Area, California
Jan 16, 2015 - 08:47pm PT
Will "voted off the island" translate into "untied from belay and booted out to space?"

I'd tune in.

East of Heaven
Jan 19, 2015 - 07:29am PT
I vote for Donini, Ryan Gosling and that other super hot guy; locker.

It is too bad that if this was done well only climbers would like it.

Maybe all of the episodes could be about doing a big climb on a different drug! The "heroin episode" might be a bit boring, but the 72 hour "trucker cocktail episode" could be fun. Maybe an episode where climbers do The Nose with only passive gear, no cam hooks either.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Jan 19, 2015 - 10:47am PT
Anybody except the usual suspects

Donini is perfect

Sadly real climbers will not like the final cut, it will be choreographed drama, folks yelling at each other, a lot of BS

Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
Jan 19, 2015 - 05:40pm PT

"First she was sequestered in a Los Angeles hotel room for five days while producers decided on 14 out of 50 people that would make the final cast. Once selected to compete and live at "the ranch," ... contestants were not allowed to call home for six weeks. When they eventually do get a chance to speak to friends or family, the five-minute call is monitored by production"

Yep, sign me up.
Ricky D

Trad climber
Sierra Westside
Jan 19, 2015 - 06:02pm PT
67 posts and no one has mentioned the obvious choice that will make this show the Honey Boo Boo of 2015?

I'm talking "Werner and The Weedge".

Match up the Thousand Year Old Man with a penchant for Twinkies, ciggies and disdain for stupid Americans with a Post Cobain Nihilist Beat Poet who drinks too much and thinks even more.

Have them work naked and I guarantee Discovery Networks will sign their asses.

los angeles, ca
Jan 19, 2015 - 07:47pm PT
I'd buy a TV tomorrow if there was a show with Werner and Weegie

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jan 19, 2015 - 08:28pm PT
I think you need a Brit. Maybe Johnny Dawes. Too bad Whillans is no longer available.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 19, 2015 - 08:31pm PT
What do you mean, Tami? He called me and I told him you would do his story boards.

Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Jan 19, 2015 - 08:38pm PT
Ok I'm in. Let me know when to take the time off from work, and I choose my partners. I'll send you my objectives and you send me the plane tickets. Munge and Riley, pack your bags we are headed to The Cirque!

Social climber
Ridgway, CO
Jan 19, 2015 - 08:44pm PT
Colin Sprague . . . how clever.

Boulder climber
Jan 19, 2015 - 08:44pm PT
I'm talking "Werner and The Weedge". . . Match up the Thousand Year Old Man with a penchant for Twinkies, ciggies and disdain for stupid Americans with a Post Cobain Nihilist Beat Poet who drinks too much and thinks even more

This would be a true winner! I would not miss an episode. A fantastic pairing of talent!

It would even surpass "Down East Dickering"


Social climber
Ridgway, CO
Jan 19, 2015 - 08:46pm PT
jgill, you must watch "Sons of Anarchy" too.

Social climber
Ridgway, CO
Jan 19, 2015 - 08:57pm PT
Callin' Colin . . . Sprague, that is.

Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
Jan 19, 2015 - 09:35pm PT

Jan 22, 2015 - 10:19am PT
How about two ladies of a certain age. I call us the Golden Girls of the Gunks. Don't know how exciting the climbing would be, but the comic relief would make for great TV!

Big Wall climber
Seattle, WA
Jan 22, 2015 - 10:32am PT
"Gud" one. I know how I'll draw lockn00b and w33ge :-D

Just curious, Tami, have you ever worked any of your muse on some of the shenanigans around here? I would love to see it. I am already laughing at the potentials.

Social climber
Jan 22, 2015 - 11:08am PT
Has to include an episode of:

"Sleds Over Everest".

Borat would be good too.

Trad climber
Truckee, CA
Jan 22, 2015 - 11:30am PT
Like the original climb of the Nose, I'm afraid that anyone with the appropriate experience isn't going to step up. And anyone who steps up will be, well, a frikkin clown. I look forward to continuing to not watch this kind of rubbish.

Jan 22, 2015 - 01:22pm PT
The reactions to this seem a little bit irrationally negative. As someone approaching an early retirement, I wouldn’t mind having someone else pay for some climbing trips. I would just want to be sure that they were making a clear distinction between funding cutting edge expeditions where the participants were pushing their limits on the one hand and putting on a show on the other. I wouldn’t want to do anything difficult or really challenging if it involved the compromises of climbing with people I don’t know well or making choices to accommodate a camera crew. However if the routes were dramatic and located in spectacular places but moderate – as measured against all the participants’ abilities and experience, you could put on a good show and do it honestly if you didn’t pretend you were climbing something really difficult. Guiding was like that a lot of the time for me. I think I could have a good time, benefit from the paid travel, help set up some inspiring shots and then maybe stay after the filming was over to climb something challenging with an appropriate partner. Done well, a show like that could have some educational benefits in terms of addressing minimum impact and access issues.

Trad climber
Jan 22, 2015 - 04:55pm PT
Just drive out to Joshua Tree and hire Too Strong (Dave Mayville) for a day of guiding. If you didn't laugh to death during the day you will understand why he is the right person to be on a climbing tv show.

Trad climber
Technically...the spawning grounds of Yosemite
Jan 22, 2015 - 07:21pm PT
Like the original climb of the Nose, I'm afraid that anyone with the appropriate experience isn't going to step up.


Boulder climber
Jan 22, 2015 - 08:52pm PT
Like the original climb of the Nose, I'm afraid that anyone with the appropriate experience isn't going to step up. And anyone who steps up will be, well, a frikkin clown

I'm not sure you meant it this way, but IMHO this is a really bad analogy.

. . .

If channel companies can make a profit on shows like Swamp People and Down East Dickering they can probably put together a climbing show of the same caliber. Isn't that a pleasant thought?

Trad climber
Monterey, CA
Feb 3, 2015 - 04:51pm PT
Reality Check:
The assumption that a reality tv producer is going to finance the climbing is probably not valid. These tend to be low overhead shows - especially when they have yet to gain a major audience. They want to film climbers doing what they do, produce a pilot and shop it to networks. If you don't already have your financing in place, these guys aren't likely to be your angels. However, if you secure a filming contract with them, it may help you to bring in other sponsors who do have money to spend on your project.

Trad climber
Western America
Feb 3, 2015 - 05:33pm PT
Please no hanging belay harness twerking.

Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Feb 3, 2015 - 05:44pm PT
Huhhh.. why not?

Trad climber
Carson City, NV
Feb 3, 2015 - 05:53pm PT
I applied. Why the hell not? I sure could use a freakin adventure.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Feb 18, 2015 - 01:23am PT
Specifically, I am trying to find and cast a small group (2-4) of adventure climbers who unplug from society, connect with nature, and ultimately gain perspective on themselves and the world around them through climbing.

And people at the time looked at you like a Martian when pondering out loud what could possibly go wrong with the introduction of sport climbing and rapacious [grid]bolting...

And I almost can't think of a more cringe-worthy term than "adventure climbing", but then again, it does nicely sum things up in a nutshell.

Trad climber
Wolfeboro, NH
Feb 18, 2015 - 04:01am PT
Funny, Donini gets my vote as well. There would not be a problem finding
younger climbers; but the general public; especially senior citizens would find an episode with J. Donini inspiring.

He is obviously one of the oldest guys out there still climbing 5.10/11 alpine traditional routes. Here is a good example. We just finished a 12 pitch route in the Wind Rivers, which goes at 5.10D, and Jim lead the crux pitch flawlessly, ( with a little grunting). When Jim grunts you know it's hard!

Trad climber
Wolfeboro, NH
Feb 18, 2015 - 04:03am PT
Donini gets my vote!!
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