Partners needed for portions of the John Muir Trail


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Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Original Post - Jun 22, 2012 - 12:58pm PT
If everything works out like it feels it might, I plan on hiking the John Muir this summer. Now, I want to be solo on much of it, especially the first couple of weeks. I will be painfully slow for the first 3 weeks or so, a knee is toast and I have to go slow or I'll never make it. But it sure would be nice to meet up with folks (think RE-SUPPLY!) for some of the southern portions, say Bishop Pass south.

Tentatively, I plan on leaving Tuolumne in 2 weeks, and taking a week to get to Red's Meadows, then another week or so to the base of McGee Pass. With this atrophied leg, I plan on 6-10 miles a day and every other day off for the first 2 weeks. Depending on how that goes, I should be able to ramp it up to 10 miles a day average.

I'm thinking 4-6 weeks total. I'll have the funds to buy food and send it ahead, but not sure the best way to re-supply without hiking in and out.

Suggestions, thoughts? (I already know I'm gunna die, thanks.)

I'm calling this the David Springer memorial hike, for my late son. We had plans to do this in 2010, but he left before we could get it done. It has been on my mind ever since, but especially in the past couple of months. Then I managed to get myself fired, and it was the first thing that popped into my head. In fact, it's the first thing that has gotten me fired up in a loong time, so I gotta do it.

Join me!

Jun 22, 2012 - 01:22pm PT
Sounds like a great trip! And a great way to celebrate your son. My pop and I did portions of it when I was a kid. Now I think of him everytime I'm in the Sierra.

Wish I could help you out but I'll be elsewhere this summer.

Big cheers,

Boulder climber
Jun 22, 2012 - 01:54pm PT
I could hike some food/treats over Kearsage Pass.....or anywhere else that may be conveinent. I think this is an awesome idea!

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 23, 2012 - 12:30pm PT
I'll post particulars when I have them, thanks for the offers! I'll need the help & company.

What do folks know about getting a permit for Whitney at Crabtree Meadows?
Since it might be impossible for me to pick an exact date, I am hesitant to sign up for a permit in advance. I guess I could always see what is available and go from there.

Also, any beta on re-supplying at Lake Thomas Edison? I'll look into it of course, but any personal advice would be welcomed.
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Jun 23, 2012 - 12:37pm PT
Julia, there's a list of 'standard' PCT resupply points at Oriented toward places with USPS or UPS delivery, so if you have friends who can schlep stuff in for you, not exclusive.

That site may have other useful information if you poke around.

Have a good trip, and a little TR after would be OK, too! God tur!

Santa Cruz
Jun 23, 2012 - 03:54pm PT
Your permit from Yosemite will allow you to exit Whitney when you want. I used to issue permits in Yose and the staff there knows that you can't pinpoint your exact exit date 4-6 weeks in advance. You don't need to pick up a permit at Crabtree and I don't believe they even issue permits there.

Have fun out there. With that much time you will surely discover some really amazing spots along the way. And you will make friends with some great folks too. You wont be alone if you don't want to be.

Trad climber
Douglas, WY
Jun 23, 2012 - 06:44pm PT
I've only done one Muir Trail trip, and that was with my late, first wife Catherine in 1969. It was one of the highlights of her life. We went from South Lake to Lone Pine, and out over Kearsarge Pass. Spectacular scenery, and not-too-difficult hiking.

You really need to do this trip, Julia! I hope you can get some support.

Trad climber
Ridgway, CO
Jun 23, 2012 - 06:50pm PT
Mr. hoss . . . good on you for getting your heart and motivation in order to honor your son. So sorry for your loss.

Nothing like Sierra backpacking to heal the soul.

Go do this thing!

Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Jun 23, 2012 - 08:38pm PT
I've done the trail from North to South a couple of times. Send me a message and I'll send some info I have your way. I'd also be willing to hike in and resupply you wherever you need.

Trad climber
minneapolis, mn
Jun 23, 2012 - 08:45pm PT
the High Route is a sweet jaunt. Haven't done it all (maybe 30% of it), but so much better than the JMT.

Not that the JMT is a bad outing. Far from it.

Amazingly, I met folks on the High Route. We were all surprised.

Trad climber
Jun 23, 2012 - 09:36pm PT
Hey Julia, check out

They have a JMT section which will give you some good beta from other hiker's journals.

Go for it and take your time to smell the roses as it were. Can't help you with bringing in a resupply but will support those that can. The offer to hump a load over Kearsarge would be a good one to follow up on.

Gorgeous George

Trad climber
Los Angeles, California
Jun 23, 2012 - 11:39pm PT

Just read "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed, it was a wildly profound read. She reached deep inside to understand her sentiments for hiking the PCT in 120 days, mostly solo. I found her insight to be very inspiring and am toying with the idea myself.

I highly recommend it, devoured it in a couple of days. Good luck and keep posting details and approximate schedule. I'd like to help if possible.

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 26, 2012 - 11:53am PT
So happy to see the offers of help and well-wishes here, thank you all.
Any one who wants to hike in and meet me, please send me a PM.

I just ordered a bunch of dehydrated food from Harmony House. After doing research for 3 days, and making a very successful sample dish last night, I decided to make up my own meals. Looks like I'll be going all veggie, with TVP beef & chicken, lentils, rice and veggies. I'll still get some freeze-dried breakfast skillet, I love that stuff! To save cooking and fuel, I'll just pre-soak for part of the day.
I have my own curry I make that is heavy in turmeric, good stuff. Now I need to find some dehydrated cheese, maybe just use Parmesan.

The planning for this has been all-consuming. I guess I'm really committed now!

Been getting Hyralonic acid injections in the knee, last one is Friday. It feels 50% better today after the 2nd injection. Another training hike today. Blood work tomorrow, just to make sure I can handle the Ibu, among other things.

I pumped, amped, stoked, whatever, I'm ready!

Back to shopping. Boots & socks, Steripen and backpack poncho, small containers, batteries, sunscreen...............

Trad climber
Yacolt, WA
Jun 26, 2012 - 12:29pm PT
My husband and I are going to be out there for a week at the end of july. He'll want a day off of climbing, so we may be able to hike some supplies into you. If you have a scheudle tentatively, I'll do some research.

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 26, 2012 - 12:48pm PT
Seamstress and others, my tentative schedule is this;
July 7 latest, depart Tuolumne, 1 week to Red's & re-supply.
July 21 latest, Vermillion Resort to re-supply.
But I would like to avoid hitting those places on a weekend, so we'll see.
After that? Who knows, I'm open to suggestions. 5-6 weeks total to Whitney is my best guess, but could go 4 weeks if the knee and bod really hold up well.

Trad climber
Yacolt, WA
Jun 26, 2012 - 03:02pm PT
Researching the resupply points below Vermillion as that is a very long drive from the East Side.
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Jun 26, 2012 - 04:45pm PT
To judge from posts to 2012 Pacific Crest Trail blogs, the windthrow has now mostly been cleared from that trail. By the time Julia starts, there should be up to date information on the situation.

Trad climber
Humboldt, CA
Jun 26, 2012 - 05:16pm PT

Recommend the John Muir Ranch for resupply over Vermilion Lake for many reasons. First, because the Muir Ranch people are really cool when we did the trip in '07. The feedback from others that year was that the folks running the store at Vermilion were "jerks." Their words I just quote. Whereas the Muir Ranch folks had resupply totally wired keeping the resupply data on a laptop database- added bonus are the hot springs near the ranch. Muir Ranch is adjacent to the JMT and Vermillion requires a boat taxi or long hike.

If your knee improves as you go (which did happen for me), highly recommend joining the High Route from LeConte Canyon to the Palisade Lakes. There was a big burn in the Deer Meadow/Palisade Creek area that was not pleasant to hike through and I had been looking forward to camping there too. You miss the Golden Staircase, instead you get the Barrett Lakes. Plus the High Route places you in Dusy Basin closer to a Bishop Pass food drop.

We are missing our annual "August in Yosemite/High Sierra" this year so PLEASE post a TR when you get back. I have made the trek a few times, usually getting off trail as much as possible. We did the trip in '07 to mark the event of my best friend Finally moving in with me. She moved in, a week later we were on the JMT for 4+ weeks! That trip we stayed faithfully on the trail – it can be a highway at times, but overall a great trip.

Psyched for you!!

Edit: a plus for Vermilion - it's a store with beer...not so at JM Ranch. However, we included beer in our resupply to compensate.

Trad climber
Humboldt, CA
Jun 26, 2012 - 05:34pm PT
Food - we also do most of ours from scratch now. For your curry, freeze dried coconut milk. Awesome stuff.

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 29, 2012 - 11:06am PT
OK, I have a firm(er) plan now. Forget starting at Tuolumne, the downed trees ARE still an issue, plus I've done part of that trail and it is too rugged for the beginning, I'd probably bail to the PCT and that's not what I want to do.
So I'll start at Red's, resupply at Vermillion, and then look for a volunteer to resupply me at the Paiute Pass trail junction. I know it's a hella hike to the JMT. After that, if folks are so inclined, it would be great to hike with people and meet people at the other trail junctions coming up out of the eastide, they are only a couple of days apart.
Muir Trail Ranch charges $55 to take your re-supply, and that is a bit too rich for me. Plus only folks staying there can have a meal there, can't afford that either. But I will check out the bins of leftovers and use the hot springs there. (And maybe see of they need some help after the students go back to school in mid-August)

Mt. Cedric Wright is at the head of the Sawmill Pass trail, and I plan on climbing that. Hopefully get Mike Wright to meet me there, I know he would love to summit that again. (Cedric's grandson)

The final big re-supply would be Kearsarge.

I'm just waiting on packages to arrive so I can make up the food packs, been breaking in a new pair of boots, and in just a week of steady training, have gotten stronger and lost 5 pounds.
Some climbing at the City next week, then hope to hit the trail by next Sunday.

So, who wants to meet me and hike part of the trail with me? We are talking July 22 or so to the first part of August.

Nibs; thanks much for the beta, I don't have the maps in front of me just now, but will take a look. I already figured out that from Vermillion, it looks to be a bit easier to hike out the Bear Creek trail and miss a steeper climb. Mileage is the same headed south weather I do that or take the boat back across. Just miss 6 miles of the JMT.

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 3, 2012 - 02:34pm PT
Hey all, here is the final plan;

I'll leave from Red's instead of Tuolumne, on Sunday or Monday, but I'm shooting for Sunday July 8.

I should be at the Mono Creek junction 6 days latter. (July 14) I've decided a re-supply at Vermilion is too pricey, when I factor in everything.
If I can get someone to hike in my re-supply via Mosquito Flat/Mono Pass, I can avoid Vermillion. It's 17.5 miles 1 way.
An alternate would be Paiute Pass, but it is about the same mileage into the JMT, and I'd be stretching my first weeks food, it would probably take me 8 days.

The next point, about 7 days later, or July 21 (for me & my knee anyway) is Bishop Pass via South Lake. I think I have a volunteer for that, not firm yet.
That is about 14 miles to the JMT.

Then a week after that, July 28, should put me at Kearsarge. rnevis is a tentative for that re-supply, but I'm hoping he can do the Mono pass/Mono Creek one at 1 week. He's young and strong. This is a 7.5 mile hike in or so, way doable as a day hike for someone reasonably fit.

plan on hiking Whitney any time from August 3-6, then out from there.

I would love to find people who want to do portions of the trail with me. There are numerous trail heads from Mono pass/Mosquito Flat south that connect to the JMT/PCT.

The goal when I'm through, besides feeling better, is to be able to climb 5.9 or harder again. It would be awesome to climb at Whitney Portal before I leave there.

I'll be out of touch for a few days while I'm at The City of Rocks. But I should be back in contact Thursday or Friday.
You can try my cell #, 760-914-0135

Thanks for all the support, it means a lot to me.


Trad climber
The state of confusion
Jul 3, 2012 - 03:06pm PT

Best of luck on your trip. Wish I could get away to join you
or even resupply. But it's not in the cards this summer.
Take lots of pics to show us when you finish!!!!

Trad climber
Humboldt, CA
Jul 6, 2012 - 11:07am PT
Getting close to launch now! Sorry to hear that the JM Ranch food drop has become so expensive. It is still worth a stop for the leftovers buckets especially if you need to stretch your supplies to the next food drop.

I was having knee difficulties when I started the JMT last time. We drank Emergen-C Joint Health and was pleasantly surprised that my knee recovered as we went along.

Hope you have been successful arranging sufficient food drops to enable you to take your time. Wish we could help...look forward to a trip report

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 6, 2012 - 07:32pm PT
I got a local Lee Vining volunteer fr the first re-supply, at Mono Creek.
Then my friends from TPR, Henny & Jennifer, will hike in over Kearsarge to meet me on Aug 1. It'll be a party.
That leaves Bishop pass, or Paiute. I have a possible on another Lee Vining local who may want to hike a week with me.
So that one is undecided at this time.

Got some beta on a possible High Route detour, looking into that now. (Maps all over table at library).

GOD, it is good to back on the (real) Eastside! Goodtimes (the band and the fun) at the Mobil last night. Why did I leave? Oh yeah, for a guy. (snicker snort gack!, never again)

Pick up my permit tomorrow and leave on Sunday, from Mammoth Pass instead of Red's.
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Jul 6, 2012 - 07:45pm PT
Have a good trip!
Captain...or Skully

Jul 7, 2012 - 12:35am PT
Groove mightily, HossJulia. It's a grand trail you're on.

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 7, 2012 - 05:22pm PT
Well the final re-supply just fell into place today, from Steven, who made my permit for me at the Mono Basin Visitor Center. Cool, it's happening!

I should be out at Whitney Portal around 8/7. The Kearsarge re-supply will likely turn into a party at Bullfrog Lake on 8/1. Please feel free to join us. A few days before that, I should be at the lakes on the east side of Mt. Cedric Wright and plan on climbing that peak.

I'll be writing on the trip, so will have a TR to post.

Thanks for all the emails and beta, it's gunna be a great trip!

Trad climber
Douglas, WY
Jul 7, 2012 - 07:33pm PT

Have a fun and safe trip! It was great getting to climb with you at the City!

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jul 7, 2012 - 08:55pm PT
Have a "significant stroll" & best wishes for a fun time from Heidi too!


Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Jul 7, 2012 - 09:13pm PT
Who needs partners....they say, if the moon is full and your spirit is pure, look over your shoulder, you just might get a glimpse of JM thing for sure, he'll be smiling.
yosemite 5.9

santa cruz
Jul 7, 2012 - 11:43pm PT
Going solo with a bad knee, miles from help is not wise. I hiked seventy miles south of Tuolumne, starting with good knees,and had to quite after ten days due to knee pain. I caught the ferry boat at Lake Edison. I suggest you reconsider your plans. I appreciate the motivation, but making a bad knee worse may only put your and other people at risk.

Trad climber
Humboldt, CA
Aug 8, 2012 - 08:07pm PT
Any news??

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Aug 8, 2012 - 08:33pm PT
Any News?


Where is that woman?

We need a trip report!
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Aug 8, 2012 - 09:18pm PT
Julia's post to FaceBook earlier today:
I did it! 30 days on the trail, summit-ed Whitney on Aug. 6 back in Lee Vining Aug. 7. Trip of a life time! Want to do it again next year.

Trad climber
Bay Area
Aug 8, 2012 - 09:29pm PT
but now we need a TR!
with PICS
Dick Erb

June Lake, CA
Aug 11, 2012 - 11:14am PT
Way to Go, Hoss!

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Aug 11, 2012 - 11:24am PT
Julia.... good one.

Trad climber
Douglas, WY
Aug 11, 2012 - 12:07pm PT
Yay! Good on ya'.

Trad climber
West Los Angeles, CA
Aug 11, 2012 - 03:08pm PT
Congrats. Great job Julia! Can't wait for the TR and pics!

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 15, 2012 - 06:55pm PT
No pictures, I have no camera so took none. You all can find any number of excellent shots of the Sierra, right here!

30 days out, haven't added up how many hiking days yet. Lots of just sitting and watching, and I saw more than most people. It would be great to do a slowest JMT ever.

Wish I could turn around and do it again. Suppose I could, but I am broke and working at Gull Lake Marina. Great spot, chill, beautiful.

Funny, the knee hardly bothered me at all carrying 40 pounds and hiking 8-14 miles a day. But make me semi-sedentary again, and the bitch swelled up and hurts. Legs & feet are swelling bad too. Guess I just have to walk and carry a load the rest of my life!

Trad climber
The state of confusion
Aug 15, 2012 - 10:13pm PT

Way to go, Julia! Sounds like a great adventure.

Wilderness, Home
Aug 15, 2012 - 10:13pm PT
AwesOme. I'd lOve to spend a mOnth on the jmt. Or a month at VVR or the springs across the river from mule trail ranch.

Aug 16, 2012 - 12:13am PT
Awesome! Slower is better.
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Aug 16, 2012 - 12:21am PT
I love hiking I the Sierras. I plan 2 days of hiking, then one day of... chilling. Makes no sense to go into such a beautiful place and then rush through it. I like to find a lovely place, then just hang out for a day. A little sleeping, and little sub bathing, a little swimming... I'd love to take 3 months to do the JMT. Crap, except I live 3,000 miles away.
Captain...or Skully

Aug 16, 2012 - 12:24am PT
Ala John Muir? That sounds like the Way...I imagine you grooved on your Journey, HJulia.
Actually, I'll bet you grooved BIG!

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 17, 2012 - 07:31pm PT
The 29th day, or Whitney day, started at 6 am at Crabtree. After making it to Guitar Lake in 2 hours, I felt great and knew it was gunna happen! Every time I was not concentrating too hard on the trail, I noticed I was grinning. It was a great day and I finally felt acclimatized. Loved the trail going up from the west. Beautiful. One of the best days of my life, fer sure.

Wilderness, Home
Aug 17, 2012 - 07:36pm PT

Aug 17, 2012 - 08:24pm PT

Your adventure made my day. Well done! I'm so envious.


Trad climber
Yacolt, WA
Aug 17, 2012 - 10:26pm PT
So glad for you!!

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 26, 2012 - 06:30pm PT
OK, I've been negligent with more stories from my trip.
Probably the best one is this;

Week 2, Le Conte Canyon, I was just finishing up dinner, turned the stove off to sit and was content sitting in my chair waiting for dinner when I got the urge to get up and do some chores before it got any darker. Reluctantly, I get up and start putting things away. As I am bent over the bear can, I hear screaming and a motion out of the corner of my eye. I stand up just in time to see a very young fawn, mouth wide open screaming, headed right for me not more than 10 feet away, with a very large, very black bear not 30 feet off his tail.
Instinctively I threw my hands in the air and screamed one of those classic blood curdling movie star screams, then start yelling at the bear to move off, instead of running me over and stealing my dinner. The whole canyon had to have heard me. It was like the fawns scream went straight into me and out again in my voice. Startled me some. The bear moved off slowly, scared me a bit, he was one of the bigger Black Bears I have seen. Jet black, fat, shiny, gorgeous!
Incredible thing to see, a bear chasing a fawn, but a bit too close for comfort. I have wondered a few times since what would have happened if I had not gotten up. I was sitting behind a large fallen tree and out of sight. (The fawn passed about 10 feet from me as it was.) The wind was blowing his way, he had to have known I was there.

So the rest of the story is;

2 weeks later, I'm at Crabtree Meadows with just a couple of days left on my trip. I talked to the ranger there for a bit and told him my bear story. Before I could finish he told me he had heard this story already! A week earlier, one of the rangers I talked to the morning after my scare had been through there and told him of my encounter. We got a good laugh over that, the backcountry network is alive and well!

I think Le Conte Canyon and Muir Pass were my favorite parts of the trip, but it's really hard to pick, it was all great.

Ice climber
dingy room at the Happy boulders hotel
Aug 26, 2012 - 06:55pm PT
Sounds like a great trip.
That fawn owes you one
yosemite 5.9

santa cruz
Aug 26, 2012 - 08:31pm PT
Congratulations! Starting with a knee that was "toast"? Amazing. I am eating crow for recommending that you not try it with an injured knee. I admit my error and am truly amazed. Wow!

Trad climber
Douglas, WY
Aug 26, 2012 - 10:22pm PT

Muir Pass was also one of my most memorable experiences on the MT something like 43 years ago. I recall that a troop of Boy Scouts was chugging up the trail, and one particularly "chubby" scount asked me "how far is it?" I responded: "To where?" and his answer was hilarious: "ANYWHERE!"

the last bivy
Aug 26, 2012 - 10:32pm PT
great story Julia! Just read it out to some very young women here!

Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 27, 2012 - 11:46am PT
yosemite 5.9, the knee is not technically injured, just arthritic and worn out. It has started acting up again since I got back. It needs to be in motion almost constantly throughout the day to stay pain free. Arthritis is like that.

Diet on the trip was minimal and almost vegan. But, after the first 10-14 days, I started feeling weak and the need for more. I was relying on olive oil for the fat and did not take enough. Cheese would have been great.
Fat is a great energy source when you are doing something all day.
A lot of folks mistakenly think protein is a fuel for your body. It is not. It rebuilds muscle tissue. As an energy source it is a dirty fuel that produces more by-products (Uric Acid, big crystals responsible for gout pain and not great for your kidneys) then it does energy. Good protein is important, but it's the fat that really counts. Craving meat? Your probably really craving that animal fat in the meat.
Next trip, I am taking cheese and nuts. I did not this time because of the weight. Trail mix was the number one item I scrounged for in the backpackers barrels at Vermillion and Muir Trail ranch. I was not disappointed. Only real reason I went to either place was to find trail snacks to supplement my meager diet.
Once those supplies ran out, I started bonking by 2pm each day. After talking with some through hikers, this seemed to be a common phenomenon.
Trying to go as light as possible, I did not take bars or gels or anything pre-packaged. But crackers with almond butter and jelly just didn't cut it.
dee ee

Mountain climber
citizen of planet Earth
Aug 27, 2012 - 01:11pm PT
Great job hossjulia, congratulations!!!!!

Norman would be proud of you.


Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 15, 2012 - 03:56pm PT

I wanted to spend the night up there, but was down to a pint of water. Took me from 4:30pm to 8:45pm to get down to trail camp. Ugh that is a long slog! Can not believe the folks who do this in a day from the Portal!

I tossed my son's ashes from the top and said "Goodbye my sweet little boy." Had 5 minutes of silence and solitude before more folks showed up. 'Twas the reason for the trip and the right thing to do. I feel much better.
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Oct 15, 2012 - 05:13pm PT
Thanks, Julia - glad you had a few minutes of peace on top of Whitney, to end your trip.

Trad climber
The state of confusion
Oct 15, 2012 - 05:15pm PT

What a great story, Julia!!!!
The hair stood up on my neck thinking about that bear.
I'm glad you had others around you then!

Trad climber
Douglas, WY
Oct 15, 2012 - 05:35pm PT

I'm glad you were able to have a few moments alone for your special reason of being there. I hope that you will now have some inner peace.

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