Global Warming?


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Topic Author's Original Post - Apr 20, 2009 - 08:42pm PT
Popular Peruvian Peak Loses Its Ice

Photo: Artesonraju from the south. Most of the exposed rock on the lower third of the mountain previously was covered by snow and ice. Photo by Beto Pinto.

The classic southeast face of beautiful Artesonraju (6,025m) in Peru's Cordillera Blanca has lost much of its snow and ice, and the route's status is uncertain for the 2009 season and beyond. Photos taken in December 2008 reveal bare rock on the bottom third of the 600-meter, 50- to 60-degree face. Both the southeast face (Artesonraju's normal route, above Quebrada Parón) and the direct south arête variation are affected.

Sergio Ramírez Carrascal of the Peruvian guide service Nuestra Montaña said most of the ice slid off in one avalanche, but global warming may have contributed to its demise. He said it's not certain if the snow will return to Artesonraju for next season, and added, "I think that the conditions will change more in the Cordillera Blanca from now on." As a precaution, climbers should contact a local guide service or the Casa de Guias in Huaraz before planning to climb a specific peak in the range.

Taken from the AAC e- news.

Trad climber
Boss Angeles
Apr 20, 2009 - 08:57pm PT
It's hot as hell here today, my avocados are loving it!

All the carbon I've been spewing into the atmosphere is starting to pay off.

Chalkless climber
the Gunks end of the country
Apr 20, 2009 - 10:10pm PT
Only locally warm weather melts ice. The temperature on the other side of the globe does not melt it.

Also ice melts and and sublimates. It will sublimate even in below freezing weather. So you also have to worry about "non-replacement" glacial ice.

Apr 20, 2009 - 10:17pm PT
Tony: Do you have a photo to go with that?

here it is in 2007


Apr 20, 2009 - 10:22pm PT
Here it is from another angle in 2005, about 90 deg to the left from that last one in the next valley over taken from Alpamayo basecamp.

people say it's the mountain from the Paramount logo:


Boulder climber
Apr 20, 2009 - 11:34pm PT
Even the Matterhorn is melting.
See here:


Topic Author's Reply - Apr 21, 2009 - 12:46am PT
Artesonraju June '08 photo by Brad Johnson

photo by Beto Pinto

The South Face and the South Face Variant routes have changed charactor completely. New mixed route possibilities?

Apr 21, 2009 - 01:00am PT
That bottom photo is from when ??? 2009?

Topic Author's Reply - Apr 21, 2009 - 01:08am PT
Dec'08 according to Brad.

Apr 21, 2009 - 01:20am PT
Late in the season before the new snowpack comes? how much snow falls there each year? Anyone heading out there this June for a little research/june 09 comparison photo?

Topic Author's Reply - Apr 21, 2009 - 01:28am PT

Another shot of Artesonraju from moraine camp, Alpamayo,'02.
A beautiful mountain from any side. Perhaps more deserving of the title, "Worlds most beautiful mountain" than Alpamayo.
A comparrison shot from this season would be great. Brad Johnson told me he might be up the Paron just to check things out this season. I'm sure he'll take some pictures.
edit: Photo taken in Dec. '08, it's supposed to be snowing right?
Ed Bannister

Mountain climber
Riverside, CA
Apr 22, 2009 - 02:20am PT
There are 4 recessional moraines in Yosemite Valley.
the bottom of the place is flat because it has silted in behind each of the 4 moraines.

Turns out, ice has been melting for quite a while.
Manhattan used to be at the edge of the continental ice sheet.
The Apron, used to be covered by the plastic blue stuff.

all that global warming happened long before even steam engines were contemplated.

this is new? or caused by that speck we call man? One good Volcano launches more CO2 into the atmosphere than "man" ever has.

We look at 18 months in a down cycle and panic, or call it our own doing, comical.

Social climber
The Portal, CA
Mar 20, 2010 - 05:24pm PT
Ed. B.
First, I agree with your sentiment of not blaming everything on human induced climate change before we actually know the cause, but do some research before you make claims such as that one volcano puts out more CO2 than all human activity.

Second, just because the earth naturally goes through cycles of warmer and cooler climates does not mean we can deny the impacts humans are having, and not just on the climate.

Trad climber
Lee, NH
Mar 20, 2010 - 05:59pm PT
Ed Bannister:
One good Volcano launches more CO2 into the atmosphere than "man" ever has.

Ed, you've been taken in by an urban myth.
Volcanoes emit something like 0.15 gigatons of carbon/year, about 1/140th of the human-related contribution ~7 gigatons/year.

Mt. Pinatubo (1991) or El Chichon (1982) produced no discontinuities in the steady climb of atmospheric CO2 measured at Mauna Loa, for example. That climb is driven by us.

Big Wall climber
State of Insanity
Mar 21, 2010 - 01:02am PT
To all those Koolaide drinkers ...

I will be glad to acknowledge that man can contibute to CO2 in the environment ...

However, one only has to look at a little known geologic theory and tool that has postulated a method to measure paleoclimatic temperature flux.

AND Guess What?! The only thing that is constant is temperature change (one way or another)

I point you to the Oygen 16/Oxygen 18 isotope ratio ... see for yourself.

Global warming is an attempt to make money for nothing ... you can use all the compact light bulbs you want, but the truth is ... alternative energy is good ... but it too, is not FREE ... there always is a hidden cost somewhere.

The good news is if global warming does succeed ... we will have some pretty cool new glacier carven valleys opening up in Greenland ... Far out!
corniss chopper

Mountain climber
san jose, ca
Mar 21, 2010 - 03:12pm PT
Iceland Volcano Erupts! on glacier shrouded terrain near south coast.

People flee for their lives to avoid the impending lahar
(lava melted glacier plus dirt = lahar).

Good overflight video
news story

The island's worst eruption in modern times was in 1783, when the Laki volcano blew its top. The lava shot to heights of 1.4 kilometres and more than 120 million tonnes of sulphur dioxide was released into the atmosphere.

A quarter of the Iceland's population died in the resulting famine and it
transformed the world, creating Britain's notorious "sand summer",
casting a toxic cloud over Prague, playing havoc with harvests in France
— sometimes seen as a contributory factor in the French Revolution — and
changing the climate so dramatically that New Jersey recorded its largest
snowfall and Egypt one of its most enduring droughts.

corniss chopper

Mountain climber
san jose, ca
Mar 21, 2010 - 03:27pm PT
Iceland Volcano's are nasty.
Poison gas cloud that killed 30,000 Britons (and it could happen again)

People died in such vast numbers because the volcanic cloud exacerbated
their respiratory illnesses

," said Dr John Grattan, a senior lecturer at the University of Wales,
Aberystwyth, who has been studying the impact on Britain of the eruption of
Iceland's Laki volcano in 1783.

After several months of continuous eruption, sulphur levels in the
atmosphere reduced the amount of solar heat reaching the surface and
temperatures fell alarmingly.

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