Land Manager of the Year: Lincoln Else


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the Fet

Trad climber
Loomis, CA
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 22, 2005 - 07:42pm PT
Congrats Link. You the man!

From the Access Fund

Land Manager of The Year

Given to a professional resource manager who has demonstrated a commitment to conserving climbing opportunities and a progressive approach to public lands management.

Lincoln Else, Climbing Ranger Yosemite National Park

This summer Lincoln developed a grant proposal to fund climber bear boxes for Yosemite Valley. These boxes allow climbers’ food and gear to remain protected while spending time on the big walls of Yosemite. He is instrumental in outreach efforts between the NPS in Yosemite and the climbing community (e.g., Sunday morning coffee hour) and spearheaded the country’s largest Adopt-a-Crag this fall- The Yosemite Valley Facelift 2005 which removed 3 ˝ tons of garbage from Yosemite NP. Lincoln has been influential in bringing the Access Fund and the American Alpine Club into NPS planning decisions and processes and played the key role in enhancing the relationship between climbers and NPS rangers in Yosemite.

Trad climber
Nov 22, 2005 - 07:43pm PT
Lincoln: Good work doood!
Roger Breedlove

Trad climber
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Nov 22, 2005 - 08:06pm PT
Hey all Valley climbers. Everyone should recognize and thank Link for his efforts to coordinate the NPS policies and the needs of climbers. It is great that the Access Fund recognized him, but he should be getting about 10,000 cards, letters, and e-mails from individuals. His efforts have been a huge benefit to all Valley climbers.

Thanks, Link.

TL-C, Roger

Big Wall climber
So. Cal.
Nov 22, 2005 - 08:34pm PT
Congrats Link!
I hope you don't have to go out and buy a bigger hat!

Trad climber
Near Squampton
Nov 22, 2005 - 08:47pm PT

Congrats man, we appreciate the time and effort that you give to one of the best places to climb in the world and the people and animals that play there.

David Nelson

San Francisco
Nov 22, 2005 - 09:36pm PT
Congratulations yet again!

Now, when Link posts, climbers, please cut him some slack and listen to his opinion without malice. Realize that he IS on our side, that each issue has TWO sides and that maybe we need to learn a bit more about the other side before spouting off. Link is doing the best for us that he can.

Trad climber
Gunks end of country
Nov 22, 2005 - 10:45pm PT
Outstanding! Good work well recognized. Doesn't happen every day.

Trad climber
Yosemite, CA
Nov 24, 2005 - 06:20pm PT

Well, seeing as how I´m currently living in a tent on the beach in Mexico, I don´t feel like much of a land manager...

Just checked email for the first time in a while, and a friend forwarded me a link to this thread. Thanks for the props, and I´ll do my best to live up to the rep.

I´ll be in Mexico for the next two weeks, then headed back to the Valley. More when back up north.


Social climber
Taft, CA
Dec 4, 2005 - 10:37pm PT
Mexico for two weeks? Excellent. We'll try and BASE jump as much as possible before you get back and punish more citizens for using PUBLIC land with minimal impact.

Climbers were once excluded from the park too. Open your eyes.

Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Dec 4, 2005 - 10:59pm PT
Link didn't make the law or create enforcement climate that's mad for base jumpers. Why blame him? Best to have a wise man on the inside if you hope for change in the future and not poison it by alienating the few who might understand your point.

Link deserve the credit due for working well within an imperfect system.


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