Climbing Route Search

You can search the SuperTopo database of climbing routes by route name (e.g. search for "the nose"), rating (e.g. try a search for "5.9"), destination name ("red rocks"), or formation ("el capitan"). For example, to find all the 5.8 routes, just search for "5.8". To find all the 5.8 routes in Yosemite, search for "5.8 yosemite".
101 - 115 of total 131 routes found. 
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Route Name Formation Climbing Area Review
Matthes Crest - Traverse from South to North 5.7 - Tuolumne Meadows, California USA. Click for details.
Traverse from South to North
5.7, Matthes Crest

The Matthes Crest traverse starts at the south end (right) and follows the cockscomb north.
Photo:Greg Barnes
Matthes Crest Tuolumne Meadows, California USA
5 Star Rating
North Dome - South Face 5.7 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
South Face
5.7, North Dome

The South Face stays in the corner
Photo:Chris McNamara
North Dome Yosemite Valley, California USA
4 Star Rating
Mt. Sill - Swiss Arete 5.7 - High Sierra, California USA. Click for details.
Swiss Arete
5.7, Mt. Sill

Photo:Ryan Crochiere
Mt. Sill High Sierra, California USA
4 Star Rating
Le Petit Cheval - Spontaneity Arête III 5.7 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Spontaneity Arête
III 5.7, Le Petit Cheval

The North face of Le Petit Cheval as seen from the road.
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Le Petit Cheval Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III 5.7
4 Star Rating
Angels Landing - Prodigal Sun  V 5.7 C2 - Zion National Park, Utah, USA. Click for details.
Prodigal Sun
V 5.7 C2, Angels Landing

Photo:Eric Draper
Angels Landing Zion National Park, Utah, USA
V 5.7 C2
4 Star Rating
Leaning Tower - Jesus Built My Hotrod A4 5.7 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Jesus Built My Hotrod
A4 5.7, Leaning Tower

Photo:Chris McNamara
Leaning Tower Yosemite Valley, California USA
A4 5.7
4 Star Rating
Cutthroat Peak - West Ridge III+ 5.7 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
West Ridge
III+ 5.7, Cutthroat Peak

Cutthroat Peak West Ridge
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Cutthroat Peak Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III+ 5.7
2 Star Rating
Mountain of The Sun - Northwest Ridge, Golden Spur III 5.7 - Zion National Park, Utah, USA. Click for details.
Northwest Ridge, Golden Spur
III 5.7, Mountain of The Sun

Photo:Bryan Bird
Mountain of The Sun Zion National Park, Utah, USA
III 5.7
3 Star Rating
Leaning Tower - West Face C2F 5.7 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
West Face
C2F 5.7, Leaning Tower

The West Face of Leaning Tower.
Photo:Corey Rich
Leaning Tower Yosemite Valley, California USA
C2F 5.7
4 Star Rating
Mt. Whitney - East Buttress 5.7 - High Sierra, California USA. Click for details.
East Buttress
5.7, Mt. Whitney

The route as seen from Iceberg Lake.
Photo:Chris McNamara
Mt. Whitney High Sierra, California USA
5 Star Rating
Temple Crag - Venusian Blind 5.7 - High Sierra, California USA. Click for details.
Venusian Blind
5.7, Temple Crag

The route as seen from Second Lake.
Photo:SP Parker
Temple Crag High Sierra, California USA
4 Star Rating
Poster Peak - Blue’s Buttress III+ 5.7 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Blue’s Buttress
III+ 5.7, Poster Peak

Poster Peak and the Liberty Bell group from Kangaroo Pass.
Photo:Rob Schiesser
Poster Peak Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III+ 5.7
3 Star Rating
Ribbon Fall Wall - Reason Beyond Insanity A3+ 5.7 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Reason Beyond Insanity
A3+ 5.7, Ribbon Fall Wall

Photo:Chris McNamara
Ribbon Fall Wall Yosemite Valley, California USA
A3+ 5.7
4 Star Rating
Mt. Whitney - East Face 5.7 - High Sierra, California USA. Click for details.
East Face
5.7, Mt. Whitney

The route as seen from Iceberg Lake.
Photo:Chris McNamara
Mt. Whitney High Sierra, California USA
5 Star Rating
Washington Column - Mideast Crisis A2 5.7 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Mideast Crisis
A2 5.7, Washington Column

Photo:Chris McNamara
Washington Column Yosemite Valley, California USA
A2 5.7
3 Star Rating
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