Avg time to climb route: 1 hour
Approach time: 45 minutes
Descent time: 40 minutes
Number of pitches:
Height of route: 500'
P1: Climb the first ten feet of Moss O Menos, then hand traverse up and right on a large block. Continue up and right on a second block to its top. Climb up small knobs on the steep face past a bolt (5.9) to a small triangular ledge. Belay at a small pine tree. P2: Climb the face just to the right of a vegetated, right-facing corner, using the corner for protection. Just before the corner ends climb up and right on easy face to a gear belay at a large grassy ledge with a V-shaped crack, 5.8. P3: Climb up polished rock past four bolts to a gear belay just below a dark overlap. P4: Climb up past a shallow left-facing corner to a bolt. Step up and left to another bolt at the steep overlap. Mantle the overlap (5.11a) and continue up past bolts on easier ground to a two-bolt anchor at the headwall.
Climber Beta on Eastern Block
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Eastern Block
P1 85’, 1 bolt, P2 160’, P3 130’, 4 bolts, P4 120’, 4 bolts - FA: Bob Steed and Dan Dingle, 5/08
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Eastern Block
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