Climbing Route Search

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81 - 95 of total 792 routes found. 
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Route Name Formation Climbing Area Review
Whiskey Peak - Triassic Sands 5.10c - Red Rocks, Nevada USA. Click for details.
Triassic Sands
5.10c, Whiskey Peak

Located in Black Velvet Canyon, Whiskey Peak Wall is packed full of amazing climbs.
Photo:Greg Barnes
Whiskey Peak Red Rocks, Nevada USA
5 Star Rating
Royal Arches Area - Trial by Fire 5.8 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Trial by Fire
5.8, Royal Arches Area

Photo:Chris McNamara
Royal Arches Area Yosemite Valley, California USA
3 Star Rating
Johnson Mountain - Tree House of Horror IV 5.11 - Zion National Park, Utah, USA. Click for details.
Tree House of Horror
IV 5.11, Johnson Mountain

Photo:Bryan Bird
Johnson Mountain Zion National Park, Utah, USA
IV 5.11
Matthes Crest - Traverse from South to North 5.7 - Tuolumne Meadows, California USA. Click for details.
Traverse from South to North
5.7, Matthes Crest

The Matthes Crest traverse starts at the south end (right) and follows the cockscomb north.
Photo:Greg Barnes
Matthes Crest Tuolumne Meadows, California USA
5 Star Rating
Lover's Leap, Main Wall - Traveler Buttress 5.9 - Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Click for details.
Traveler Buttress
5.9, Lover's Leap, Main Wall

One of the 50 Classic Climbs of North America.
Photo:Chris McNamara
Lover's Leap, Main Wall Lake Tahoe, California, USA
5 Star Rating
Cerberus Gendarme - Touchstone Wall IV/V 5.10 C1 or 5.13b - Zion National Park, Utah, USA. Click for details.
Touchstone Wall
IV/V 5.10 C1 or 5.13b, Cerberus Gendarme

Photo:Bryan Bird
Cerberus Gendarme Zion National Park, Utah, USA
IV/V 5.10 C1 or 5.13b
Brass Wall - Topless Twins 5.9 - Red Rocks, Nevada USA. Click for details.
Topless Twins
5.9, Brass Wall

The Brass Wall as seen from the approach into Pine Creek Canyon.
Photo:Sarah Felchlin
Brass Wall Red Rocks, Nevada USA
4 Star Rating
Lexington Tower - Tooth and Claw IV 5.12a - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Tooth and Claw
IV 5.12a, Lexington Tower

Lexington Tower when viewed from the East
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Lexington Tower Washington Pass, Washington, USA
IV 5.12a
4 Star Rating
Parkline Slab - Too High 5.6 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Too High
5.6, Parkline Slab

Photo:Chris Van Leuven
Parkline Slab Yosemite Valley, California USA
Ragged Edges Wall - Tonto 5.5 - Red Rocks, Nevada USA. Click for details.
5.5, Ragged Edges Wall

The Ragged Edges area in Willow Spring is the most accessible crag in the main canyons at Red Rocks.
Photo:Sarah Felchlin
Ragged Edges Wall Red Rocks, Nevada USA
3 Star Rating
Lover's Leap, Main Wall - Tombstone Terror 5.10c - Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Click for details.
Tombstone Terror
5.10c, Lover's Leap, Main Wall

A view from the Hogsback.
Photo:Chris McNamara
Lover's Leap, Main Wall Lake Tahoe, California, USA
5 Star Rating
TM's Deviation Sugarloaf Sugarloaf, California, USA
4 Star Rating
Half Dome - Tis-sa-ack A3 5.9 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
A3 5.9, Half Dome

Photo:Chris McNamara
Half Dome Yosemite Valley, California USA
A3 5.9
4 Star Rating
This Ain't No Disco Mescalito, East Face Red Rocks, Nevada USA
5.8 R
2 Star Rating
Liberty Bell - Thin Red Line V 5.10a C2+ - North Cascades, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Thin Red Line
V 5.10a C2+, Liberty Bell

Liberty Bell Thin Red Line
Photo:Mark Allen
Liberty Bell North Cascades, Washington, USA
V 5.10a C2+
5 Star Rating
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