Unfinished Business:
A Requiem for a Mountaineer

RD Caughron, Makalu 2002

Drawn to the heights
For now and evermore
The mountaineer seeks
To know that satisfaction
Of being and doing
The unknown

Achieving the summit
Is not the end
For there are others
Beckoning the soul
Of the climber
Teasing the mind
To ascend yet once more

To the top
Its lonely there
We think
But always wonder
If it will be different
This time

Comrades in spirit
Go along side-by-side
And within
Thoughts and feelings that travel
With no bounds

We know him
As no other
Passionate and fiercely
Dedicated to life's
Fullest expression
Upward, outward

We are part of him
As he is of us
A part left there
But not alone
For our spirits
Merged long ago
Never separable

So we silently
Sing that song
Of reserved glory
Felt by those of us
Climbers and life travelers
With unfinished business

That sense of exaltation
Never explained to another
Felt time and again
Drawing the spirit
To its finale

I remember vividly
So many splendid
And hard times
Striving upward
Peaking ever so briefly
Hustling down
To beat or bear the onslaught
Of the elements

And all the times in between
Those moments
Tackling unfinished business
As we walk those trails
His footsteps accompany us.


- Gerry Dienel April 30, 2002

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