The Very Large Trout Lover's Thread (ot)


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Trad climber
Crowley Lake
May 21, 2018 - 02:35pm PT
Hey all,
gunna be in Yosemite Valley this weekend and was wondering if I should bring gear, is the fishin any good?
Is the Merced stocked in the Park?

Hey Tad,

We were gonna fish the Merced after the memorial but the flows were on the high side so we bailed and headed home, fishing the East Walker instead, which was killer.

And BTW, we were camped just below you in Yellow Pines. We had the white Toyota truck.


mike m

Trad climber
black hills
May 21, 2018 - 02:43pm PT
Caught this little guy at lunch. this one yesterday in rain all day.

Trad climber
May 21, 2018 - 03:18pm PT
I fished a little spring creek on the East Side this weekend. Quite different weather each day but caught about 40 fish each day. I must say that the recovery is coming along nicely. Nothing big but still plenty of fight. I can't tell you how many fish I caught on the near bank right after someone had just walked away from the area. These guys are not very spooky right now.

Also, those rainbows that were so silver sided earlier this year have now settled into typical rainbow coloring.

Trad climber
Crowley Lake
May 21, 2018 - 03:55pm PT
BTW, did you get any sleep Sat. night with all the racket coming from the tent between our rigs? They were raging till 4:00am.

I did not even hear their arrival so I just assumed your group got a second wind and were ragin' away over there. I took a dose of tylenol pm but woke up at about 2 am from the racket. So then I stuffed my ears with plugs and settled back in for the night. Somebody called in to dispatch complaining of the noise and apparently several rangers arrived and broke up their party. I missed all of the commotion. I was surprised to see the tent between our rigs in the morning, the occupant sprawled out inside. Who were they?

Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
May 21, 2018 - 06:30pm PT
Good news Jan!

Nice one Jim! Can't wait to fish the East Walker...your report confirms what I've heard. Goin up there soon.

I'm at the Florida Keys for a few days. Rainy and windy, but managed to get a couple of nice little bonefish today!


Trad climber
May 21, 2018 - 06:59pm PT
Nice!! Man you get around...I'm jelly.

I'm slated for a Cuba trip next year. Hope it all pans out. Looking forward to the culture as much as the fishing.

Those bonefish always remind me of whitefish. Prolly an unfair comparison.

Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
May 21, 2018 - 07:05pm PT
They do have a resemblance, but whitefish usually don't take you into the backing :)

Big Wall climber
santa cruz, ca
May 21, 2018 - 08:59pm PT
Nice fish!

Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
May 22, 2018 - 07:51am PT
Nice Boneys!

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
May 22, 2018 - 08:43am PT
I had a good time at Memorial.... happy to know LEOs were called for noise, fitting tribute to Jim.

I stayed in El Portel .... the River was raging. So I went on line for guidance and was happy to find out about Foresta, and big meadow. A nice mellow creek with pools and riffles... and Trout... smallish but fun .

Didn’t take any photos.... I now like to get them released without removing from the water and who needs photos of 8 inch trout anyway .

Trad climber
Crowley Lake
May 22, 2018 - 08:51am PT
Nice fish Bob! Give me a buzz when you are coming up to the EW, maybe we can scare up some nice fish.

Los Angeles
May 22, 2018 - 11:09am PT
I'm fighting the crowds and headed up to the Valley this weekend. I've done a lot of fishing on the eastside but never in Yosemite proper.

Any recommendations/places I should check out? I'm pretty new to fly fishing (and no good at it) but I'd like a place where I can fly and spin cast (when my fly efforts inevitably fail).

Looks like it's going to be a mix of clouds/sun, depending on the day. What gets them biting early in the season?

Anchorage Alaska
May 24, 2018 - 02:25pm PT
Barely hooked this one.

Susitna River drainage rainbow

Anchorage Alaska
May 25, 2018 - 12:44am PT
Some rainbows and grayling from the Susitna Dranage today


Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
May 25, 2018 - 06:48am PT
Nice rainbows. Those are some big grayling!

Switch Rod?

Social climber
Sierra Madre, Ca.
May 25, 2018 - 07:59am PT
Damn...East Walker flow has tripled in the last 3 days...upper Owens seasonal closure...need to find another option.
Delhi Dog

Good Question...
May 25, 2018 - 08:25am PT
I am so looking forward to getting back to the states this summer for some FF!
Thanks for the stoke!

Any recommendations/places I should check out? I'm pretty new to fly fishing (and no good at it) but I'd like a place where I can fly and spin cast (when my fly efforts inevitably fail).

Looks like it's going to be a mix of clouds/sun, depending on the day. What gets them biting early in the season?

First, shine on the spin rod.
It's not all about catching. If you want to get better at FF IMO you need to commit to it. Not that I have anything against spin casting...I don't have anything against sport climbing either:-)
But, there is so much more to learn and so much more satisfaction in FF. After FF for 40 years I'm still learning. And I dig that. Can't say the same about spinning.

Anyway.It's been awhile since I fished the valley.
However, I remember some pretty killer fishing up stream and down steam of El Cap bridge. Do some wandering and you'll find some quiet pools and a bit of moving water that twist and turns as it winds it's way downstream.
If you can keep your eyes on the water instead of wandering up to the cliff sides you should be able to hook up. I know for a fact there are some big boys in that water.

Do a little hiking and wandering away from the crowds and you should be good.

As usual check the aquatic life to see what is happening or talk to the local folks.
Not sure about current local bata.

Timid Top Rope and I use to work in the sport shop back in the early 80's and I knew that water pretty well.
Now, I spend most of my (Yosemite) time in the high country fishing so others here may be more up to speed for the valley.
However don't overlook the lower Merced. Lots of fine water down canyon.

And there is a lot of truth in;
Cloudy dark days = dark flies
Bright sunny days = lighter files.

Remember, if there is no sunlight it would be unnatural for there it be flash/sparkle/or the like-right, so go with dark on those cloudy rainy days.

Good luck and have fun.


Anchorage Alaska
May 25, 2018 - 12:21pm PT
BG- yeah a Sage One 6wt. with a full length (48’?) Scandinavian style head. It’s like a magic wand.

It’ll turn over a medium size flesh fly or bead on a 12’ leader with a pretty chuncky indicator and good sized split shot at 70’-80’ pretty effortlessly. When you’re fishing down and across (snap t’s, single spey’s...) the distance is limited by how much shooting line you can keep from getting tangled.

Alaska Fish and Game has had a no retention rule for grayling in a good bit of the Susitna dranage for several years now. Seems like it’s working. I’m starting to see more size.


Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
May 26, 2018 - 08:20am PT
Nice John! I have a Sage Accel 11 ft 4 inch 7 weight and love it.

Ever been to Paradise Lakes on the Kenai Peninsula? I'm thinking of doing a fly-in for Grayling.

Anchorage Alaska
May 27, 2018 - 12:58pm PT
Sorry I’ve never heard of it. Could be good? There’s so many lakes here. I pretty much only target rainbows. End up catching grayling, dollies varden, the occasion white fish, and the rare sucker in the process.

I know that there are big grayling in all of the Parks Highway streams. Crescent Lake and Cresent Creek that drain into Quartz Creek, a Kenai Lake tributary, are known for grayling. That’s about all I know.
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