Repairing cam triggers


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Big Wall climber
Sep 8, 2011 - 05:37pm PT
There are plenty of options and people that will fix your cams.

Check out Wired Bliss to get any brand of your cams refurbished. $5 for each sling or repair. Trigger wire repair includes headed pins, sleeves, and wire for all cam lobes on most cams.

Trad climber
Anchorage, AK
Sep 8, 2011 - 05:56pm PT
Thanks for the thread, I was going through my rack and found one of the wires on my #4 camalot was nearly cut in two. Kinda weird the piece on my rack that has been used the least, was abused the most.

I used 1/16" aircraft cable and swaged it in place, and also realize I cut the cable a bit too short. I also found the only good thing about the first gen U cable camelots is the trigger will rotate if one cable is shorter than the other, and the cams will still open evenly.

BD definately went with wimpy cable on their cam triggers.

Trad climber
Edinburgh, Scotland
Sep 11, 2011 - 12:35pm PT
If your are in the UK or Europe order from for fast delivery. Same kit as from america but will arrive in a few days.
Jay Wood

Trad climber
Land of God-less fools
Dec 13, 2011 - 03:03pm PT
I got a crimp/swage tool at the fishing supply place.

The Good Places
Nov 5, 2016 - 01:22pm PT
anybody aware of a similar multi-brand cam repair service as to what Wired Bliss was offering prior to their hiatus early this year?
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