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Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Original Post - Apr 24, 2007 - 01:56pm PT
I've downloaded my photos. Being the "special" photographer I am, many (most) are blurry. Here are some you may enjoy.
Btw: I'll get a copy of the sushifest yearbook to the no-shows. I wonder if the general taco public would like to read it too. What I can do is post each individual's page once I have permission from them in a separate thread. I can strip contact information and bank account numbers from those public posts. Let me know if there is interest.
MediumSooze takes a gander at the yearbook and learns things about folks she never knew before…
Several clinics were held at SushiFest. For instance, we got a Silent Partner clinic by The Real Blinny. Also, Mal Daly gave two clinics – the first was for the cinch (congrats to Sketchey for winning the cinch in the big product give-away).
The second clinic Mal gave dealt with his assortment of feet. Here he is showing Parker how they work:
He even let Parker put his foot on. We think a follow up clinic is needed. A funny moment was when Mal asked Parker to pull on his leg. Parker did and POP! off came Mal's leg. The look on Parker's face was priceless. Sorry to have missed getting that one on film (or computer chip).
It got a wee bit cold during some periods. A group of us piled into MisterE’s van and watched “My Name is Earl.” It was a blast! LtoR is MisterE, Reddirt, Shakeyy, Crimpie and MalDaly. (Inadvertently chopped out of photo is Healyje).
These were taken during the breakdance/yoga/stupid human tricks demonstration. First up is Pennsylenvy. He was great for being so hammered at 11am.
Next up is The Doctor. He shows great control on his way to a headstand (then crater).
Then the Master showed up. Brutus of Wyde came on over and did all sorts of sickly strong one armed contortions. I was sore the next day just from watching.
It wasn’t always freezing and raining at SushiFest. Here are some of the folks chilling Saturday morning. Jello and MalDaly:
Sooze and the Jingus one:
Here is Rodman. Too bad Patsy Cline is not in the shot too. She’s an absolutely adorable dog. You know how they say we start to look like our pets? Well that is certainly the case with those two cuties!
Junior made several appearances. And contrary to what Piton Ron thinks, Junior was NOT consumed inadvertently on Saturday night.
Some of us traveled a half mile and two minutes (by The Doctor’s estimation) to a nearby limestone area. I can tell you that one can get eight adults in the front of a pickup truck. Happiegrrrl, The Doctor and someone else was hanging off the back of the camper (no lie)! Pictured here are Crimpie, Pennsylenvy, MisterE, Reddirt. Up front are Rodman, Mal and the Fake Blinny. The Real Blinny took the photo.
The Real Blinny does more than make geetars – the man is quite the juggler:
No bones were broken:
Reddirt gazes lovingly at Jello.
Mother Nature was dressed well for the Saturday night party:
A photo of Texplorer. His group showed up with some cute pups (no photos, sorry).
Where ever there was a camera, there was Reddirt!! Ha ha, just kidding. Here she is with Healyje while he was getting all sensitive on us Saturday night.
(More in a bit)
Flagstaff, AZ
Apr 24, 2007 - 02:01pm PT
Crimpie: this might be a bit of work for you but as far as publishing the program maybe do it on a case-by-case basis. If folks don't mind having their bio posted let them say so then do it. You can do mine and MisterE's and Mother Nature.
PS - rotate your picts!
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 24, 2007 - 02:06pm PT
The hard work is done on the bios. So, it won't be too bad. Yeah, I suck with taking AND posting photos. I have them all flipped. I'm SO tired that it actually looked okay at first!
NoName City and It Don't Look Pretty
Apr 24, 2007 - 02:08pm PT
Ah Crimpie--I knew we could depend on you! Super photos! Loved the lizard and all the up-close-n-personal candids.
What a great group of Festers you are! Thanks for the post.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 24, 2007 - 02:43pm PT
A second installment of sushifest photos. I’ll try to ensure they all are right-side-up this time.
We really did do some climbing between the rain and artic winds. Here are a few shots:
Brutus and Nurse Ratchet brought a Sushi Pinata. Over the weekend, it morphed in a variety of ways. Here it is in an artistic phase (the brown box represents brown rice). Later, (and you knew this would happen), a stick came out and the beating began. Unlike most piñatas though, this one spilled out little bottles of adult beverages. After one hit, a bottle in the belly of the fish-beast burst causing it to immediately starting peeing all over. Totally hysterical!
It was so great to meet The Real Blinny and the Fake Blinny. No joke there at all. Each is an amazing individual and I look forward to hanging out with them more. When I downloaded the photos today, I noticed this one. Seems like it could possibly prove some ammo for someone out there…
Here is Nohea. He and his wife came from Hawaii and spent their tenth wedding anniversary at sushifest.
This guy, well, this guy is pretty much No_One
Here is Wade Icey and the backsides of some other tacos:
Pennsylenvy. Um, what can I say? He begged that I post this.
Tarbuster. He is another I’d really been looking forward to meeting. I was not disappointed!
Some folks doing sushi-battle. It was the feeding of the fittest.
The camp fires were awesome. Check out this crew:
Here is Parker pulling Mal’s leg.
No worries, no child was harmed in the pulling of the leg:
The only way to describe this photo is to think back to the old movie, then tv show and say “The Odd Couple”. That is PaganMonkeyBoy on the left and The Mighty Hiker on the right. Both were a total riot during SushiFest! But I think only one of them remembers it. haha
And here is Sketckyy and The Real Blinny.
I’ve no naked photos to share. The Nudity began after I went to bed at 7 pm each night.
Apr 24, 2007 - 06:31pm PT
Trad climber
Boulder, CO
Apr 24, 2007 - 06:35pm PT
Let the insanity begin! Thanks Ouch!
Trad climber
Durango, CO
Apr 24, 2007 - 06:38pm PT
YO, I see you
Social climber
RimDweller, AZ
Apr 24, 2007 - 06:52pm PT
Haha! SlackBear walking?
Here's some more, mine aren't as good as Mal's...
The Doctor wearin' it Loud an Proud:
Rodman taking a break during his .12b onsight:
Crimpie enjoying some stellar limestone on Saturday:
Reddirt (in case there aren't any other pictures of her ;-P ):
Brutus bustin' some sick moves:
Besides the slackline and poker, there was also bocceball and horseshoes set up at camp.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 25, 2007 - 07:41am PT
Though not as nice as Mal's there are some good photos in here. Thought I'd bump in case anyone missed some of OUCH's handiwork too...
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 25, 2007 - 12:13pm PT
It was a fun little display of human strength and tricks.
I didn't realize that I can do a stupid-human trick that freaked out everyone (except the Doctor who is equally freakish). Obviously most folks cannot cross their legs like I do. No photos of that I think.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 25, 2007 - 12:35pm PT
Dingus - you (like many of the tacos) were very much missed. Many in attendance, including myself explicitly stated that we wished you were there. Next time...
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