Boulder climber
Napa CA
im going here this sunday i cant wait ^.^
Social climber
santa rosa
hey floyd!
long time no see. the "potato chip arete" is a V2 im pretty sure - with a V3 sit. wine country rocks had it right.
Floyd Hayes
Trad climber
Hidden Valley Lake, CA
Final Exam had a small hornet's nest in the crack during Memorial Day weekend but we climbed within 8 inches of it without getting stung. Is Potato Chip Arete V2 (Wine Country Rocks) or V3 (SuperTopo)? The map shows two number 10s; the upper one is a 5.6 slab.
Sonoma County
oh gawd, please not the blue and pink chalk and huge tick lines on V0's.
Angie Corwin on Pelican Arête (V0R)Photo: Chris Summit
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